Disney films often adorn their supporting characters with lowkey foodie characteristics – Mushu’s offering of congee, Timon’s love of cream-filled beetles, Snow White’s partiality to poison apples – but none quite so sweet and prideful and Kronk’s love of spinach puffs. Celebrate the 17.75th-year anniversary of this David Spade classic with these crunchy, cheesy, buttery, spinach-y appetizers.

Recipe: https://www.bingingwithbabish.com/recipes/spinachpuffs

Music: “Apple Pies and Butterflies” by Blue Wednesday

Check out my playlist of preferred cooking tunes, Bangers with Babish: https://open.spotify.com/user/easybakeandy/playlist/04Gp926I7HFqBLVDI2eRJI

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  1. Hope you consider that not everyone lives in the US that has puff pastries. Most of us dont even know that

  2. 1:50 loud buzzer sound INCORRECT. Kronk is Jewish and bacon isn't kosher. These are no longer Kronk's spinach puffs they're babish's kronk's spinach puffs.

  3. Missed on my guess. For some reason, I thought you'd be singing ABBA's "Gimme Gimme Gimme".
    I'm totally pulling these out for the holidays.

  4. This is the video that brought me here to you four years ago, and I am a better human being for it. Thank you. ❤

  5. Even though I've not seen the actual movie itself since I was growing up back in 2000, I've never even ate, or tasted homemade spinach puffs for a long time.

  6. Any other Hispanic here disappointed that they weren't chicken empanadas in the original english dub?

  7. I’ve made these so many times I’ve actually started deviating from this recipe. Everyone I make it for lives it.

  8. I make these every summer. they've become a staple in welcoming in the warm weather and a tradition with my family.

  9. This reminds me of Greek spanakopita, this seems like an easier version for a similar crunchy cheesy and spinachy pastry!

  10. Its like making your own KitKats. You can but why would you do that?

    Joshua Wiseman screaming in the background: MINE ARE BETTER!

  11. I randomly thought about this scene yesterday. Didn’t say a word about it, didn’t look anything up… and now it’s here on the home page. Chip in my brain sending signals again, smh.

  12. If I'm not mistaken pigs weren't in that area during that timeline in the film, but it's no big deal in my opinion. Bacon adds more flavor to dairy and vegetables.

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