Join Molly Baz in the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen as she make Basically’s strawberry shortcake with cream. Strawberries are a classic choice for this summertime dessert, but if there are other fresh berries out there callin’ your name, by all means, use those instead. And if you’ve never made homemade whipped cream before, you’re in for a treat—it’s so good, you could skip the shortcakes altogether and still have an amazing dessert.

Check out the recipe here:

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Bon Appétit is a highly opinionated food brand that wants everyone to love cooking and eating as much as we do. We believe in seasonal produce, properly salted pasta water, and developing recipes that anyone can make at home.


  1. 8:26 but it depends on the amount of juice on each lemon… They should use like 10 lemons each to do a more fair competition 😂😂

  2. I just had a thought….who washes all the dishes after the all this yummy food gets made??? well, whoever it is, they must be making quite a bit of money per hour…right?

  3. Molly was phoning this one in … didn’t seem interested at all … should get Claire to do these

  4. "If you're happy and you know it…" 😂😂😂 I loved that part. This video was great. Love the chef's personality and I will be making this recipe hopefully with the grandkids

  5. The most self-congratulatory cooks on the internet. Oh.. and can we stop the contrived fake beginnings?

  6. Molly includes baking soda? Does she not mean baking powder? Here in the UK I've got creme fraiche and not sour cream. Gordon Ramsey said, If you don’t have baking soda on hand, you can substitute with baking powder—just use three times as much baking powder as baking soda in the recipe. For example, if a recipe calls for one teaspoon of baking soda, use three teaspoons of baking powder.

  7. That was hilarious to watch this one. You, Molly, are so competitive, and the good thing you are winning. That Short Cake looks awesome so I copied the this YouTube to view again and get the recipe down on the link below. I am so use to store bought cake, but this looks so good I have to try it. Thank you Molly.

  8. don't think people realize this video is years old and that the bon apetite here and the one now are not the same.

  9. Life hack: Grate cold butter on a cheese grater, it sounds weird but gives me perfect biscuits every time.

  10. The measuring ingredients she can't remember is 1½ tsp. baking powder
    ¼ tsp. baking soda. That completes the recipe🎂😁👍

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