Italian Farfalle Pasta and Asparagus Zest Salad Recipe!

Commonly known as “bow-tie” pasta in the US, the name farfalle is derived from the Italian word farfalla (butterfly). Chef Jeff murphy adds spring asparagus and a zesty kick to this pasta dish.

Italian Farfalle and Asparagus Zest Salad
By Jeff Murphy
Serves 4
Cook Time: 30 minutes

• ½ lb of cooked Farfalle pasta, chilled and reserved.
• ½ lb of fresh asparagus cut on the bias
• 1 garlic clove, minced
• ¼ cup olive oil
• 1 tbsp of butter
• ½ cup fresh almonds, chopped
• Zest of one orange or mandarin
• Juice of one orange and mandarin
• Chopped fresh rosemary and lemon thyme
• Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
• Crushed red chile is a great garnish to add a little spice
• ¼ cup extra virgin oil (Spanish preferred) to toss in final dish before serving

In a pan, sauté asparagus with a bit of olive oil and lightly season with salt. Add in minced garlic, fresh herbs, butter, more olive oil and chopped almonds. After a few moments, add in zest of orange and/or mandarin followed by juice of an orange and mandarin. Add in pre-cooked (al dente) pasta and sauté for 30 seconds more then plate. Feel free to finish with French Feta or your favorite cheese.

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