Cumin powder, egg yolks, lamb, lemon zest, meat, mint, olive oil, pepper, peppercorn, red onion, salt, turmeric, vegetable oil, yogurt

Put the black peppercorn, white peppercorn, turmeric, fresh mint leaves, cumin, and about 1 teaspoon of olive oil in a mortar. Grind them using the pestle.
Put the minced lamb, diced onion, and seasoning mixture in a medium bowl and mix with a fork.
Add the yolk and mix. Shape the mixture in 4 meatballs.
Heat the vegetable oil in a skillet and fry the meatballs on both sides, until well browned.
Mix the yogurt with rubbed mint leaves, salt, pepper, lemon zest, and a few drops of olive oil in a small bowl, to make a the sauce.
Serve the meatballs with the yogurt sauce and potato balls.

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