If you’ve been walking right past Belgian endive and radicchio at the store all these years, but never bought any because you thought you wouldn’t like it, well, I have some bad news, you do; especially in a salad like this. You really like it.

For the fully formatted, printable, written recipe, follow this link:

To become a Member of Food Wishes, and read Chef John’s in-depth article about this Blue Cheese Walnut Chicory Salad recipe, follow this link:

You can also find more of Chef John’s content on Allrecipes: http://allrecipes.com/recipes/16791/everyday-cooking/special-collections/web-show-recipes/food-wishes/


  1. "Although this salad is gonna work with whatever blue cheese you like."

    What if you don't like blue cheese?

  2. I appreciate the local cheese shout out. I hope to run in to you at Community Market some day!

  3. Dear Chef John, the Greatest, greetings from France.
    Toasted walnuts made all the difference !
    BTW I always save juiced lemon halves to rub on my beech chopping boards to sterilise, wadja think ?
    Please also merchandise cayenne shaker. Just for fun.

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