This dish doesn’t give a damn about your waistline. This is all about that sautéed in creamy richness with a side of roasted potatoes and a homemade caesar salad. Let’s hope you’ve been getting your 10,000 steps before you dive into this one.. mind you it’s comfort food to the tops!

Just had our first freezing rain warning and I’d figured I’d make something that toasted up the insides. Had put a poll on YouTube to see if I could get some help because I offered two chicken dishes to the fam and they said “either one, they’re both yummy” (which was no help at all)… mind you we ended up splitting 50/50 on the poll, so dammit I had to decide for myself.

Shawarma came first, Marry Me Chicken came next.

Apparently it’s called that because it’s so delicious it can garner a marriage proposal. This is why I only cook it for my wife. #safetyfirst

Maybe its because all the ingredients “marry” so well together… I dunno, but I’m taking no chances.

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1 Comment

  1. I'm sure this has been asked, maybe by me… but are you posting the recipes for all of these amazing creations? Longer form videos of you preparing these (top down) would be amazing.

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