Waldorf Salad -A Delicious Salad Recipe for Thanksgiving! Celebrate Thanksgiving with this quick and tasty Waldorf Salad! Featuring crisp apples, red grapes, crunchy walnuts, and a creamy blend of yogurt and mayonnaise, this dish is a delightful addition to your holiday feast.

Waldorf Salad
1 green apple
1 red apple
1 cup red grapes (cut in half)
3 celery stalks (diced)
½ cup walnuts
Lettuce (for serving)
125g mayonnaise
125g Greek yogurt
½ tbsp. wholegrain mustard (optional)
Juice of half a lemon
Salt and black pepper to taste

Cut the unpeeled apples into bite-sized pieces. Place them in a bowl and mix with lemon juice to prevent browning.
In a large bowl, add the yogurt, mayonnaise, wholegrain mustard, salt, and pepper. Mix well.
Add the diced celery, apples, grapes, and walnuts. Mix well to combine.
Layer the lettuce leaves on a plate and place the salad on top. Garnish with more walnuts and grapes.
Ensalada Waldorf
1 manzana verde
1 manzana roja
1 taza de uvas rojas (cortadas por la mitad)
3 tallos de apio (cortados en dados)
½ taza de nueces
Lechuga (para servir)
125 g de mayonesa
125 g de yogur griego
½ cucharada de mostaza integral (opcional)
Jugo de medio limón
Sal y pimienta negra al gusto

Corta las manzanas sin pelar en trozos del tamaño de un bocado. Colócalas en un tazón y mézclalas con jugo de limón para evitar que se pongan marrones.
En un tazón grande, agrega el yogur, la mayonesa, la mostaza integral, la sal y la pimienta. Mezcla bien.
Añade el apio cortado, las manzanas, las uvas y las nueces. Mezcla bien para combinar.
Coloca las hojas de lechuga en un plato y coloca la ensalada encima. Adorna con más nueces y uvas.

#applesalad #walnuts #creamysalad #thanksgivingsides #celery


  1. From the list of ingredients alone, it seems like this salad is a delightful combination of crunchiness, sweetness, and tanginess 😍🤤👌
    It's absolutely gorgeous 😋👍! The colours are so beautiful 😍…it's almost too pretty to eat 🤤😅
    Will be adding it to my list of recipes ❤💚💛 Hope you have a lovely evening Esra 😊🤗

  2. 10like hayırlı sabahlar olsun çok güzel yaptınız elinize emeğinize sağlık harika görünüyor yiyenlere afiyet bal olsun arkadaşım

  3. 14 like = This looks incredible and super delicious, absolutely well prepared💖 🎁💜✨👍🌹🌸 Great Recipe, thanks for sharing 💖 🎁💜✨👍🌹🌸💖

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