Tasty Pomegranate SALAD that is Easy to make and will impress you

Let’s prepare this winter salad with fresh pomegranates. For more recipes, kindly hit the like button and subscribe to my channel.

Red cabbage is necessary. Cut it thinly, as demonstrated in this video.
After cleaning, finely grate the carrot and add it to the cabbage. Finally, chop some pecans and your freshly cleaned pomegranate. combine them thoroughly.

For dressing, I use:
fresh lemon juice

Mix the salad after adding the sauce. Enjoy this crisp and flavorful salad on its own or as a side dish with your meal; feel free to add more pomegranate.

I hope you enjoy this simple recipe. Please remember to leave a like and a comment on the video.

Mona 🙂


  1. Hello to all of you. This is my simple recipe for a tasty and fresh salad. I sincerely hope you enjoy it, and please remember to like this video and subscribe to my channel.

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