Seafood Platter by jeanines kitchen to celebrate Christmas seafood traditions in a delicious dish

Seafood Platter. Not your Traditional Seafood Salad but Something Sexier and Simple. Not traditional, but delicious and a crowd pleaser. Something for everyone at the table. A platter of fish that’s a feast for every family at the holiday season. Special lobsters and shrimp and crab.
Here’s what I did! To get it to table.

3 lobster tails steamed.
18 large to jumbo shrimp. Whole foods fresh I used their frozen a bit cheaper and same taste, but I am a fan of Costco Kirkland cleaned and deveined 16/20 shrimp 2lb bag for $18 a steal, and so delish. Time saving.
Lobster tails use as many as you like I used whole foods 6oz and Publix 4 oz. i say go whole foods if u can sweeter and bigger and actually sexier and presentation!
That jumbo lump crab meat was a 8oz container from Publix that blew me away for $14.99
sweet fresh and a darn good crab, a keeper, will make crab cakes with that!
The salmon is actually whole foods frozen filet portions, very tasty in this.

The video shows all, but here are some tips to help you out!
don’t ever try frozen fish salad medley.

Be brave and experiment, that salmon cold was a game changer and delish.
Buy frozen cleaned deveined 16/20 shrimp at Costco, they are the bomb for many recipes
the sauces
premade cocktail spicy sauce amped up with extra horse radish prepared and lemon juice
premade mustard sauce for fish any brand you like, i bought Publix.
The garlic aioli is so good
1/2 cup mayo
1/2 clove garlic
1 tbls fresh minced dill
1tsp lemon zest
1/2 tbls lemon juice
S&P to taste.
Like I said there won’t be leftovers but if so you can do so many ideas
for one, boil some past and make a cold pasta salad.
Or a salad topper, chop all leftovers and eat in a salad wrap
or just nibble through it all! Happy cooking and eating. Comment and ask anything you want i will always answer and help you. I said it before, I’m not like any other channel, I really want to help you be a better cook! This will be a seafood salad for many holidays, not just Christmas. It’s sexy in its style and delicious in taste, and easy to put together for any holiday, not just Christmas! Sexy seafood Platter

You can see I’m still finishing up my coffee phase uh two of the cooking process has been done come a little closer and let me show you what I’ve done I’ve boiled the shrimp and cleaned them first of all I’m never doing it again fresh I’m sticking with my jumbo

Clean Dean Frozen this this took the longest and the most annoying I had to clean them peel them cut them the whole process it wasn’t worth it I’d stick with the frozen so I did that we steamed the lobster tail they’re on Ice chilling they’re good I’m thoring out the seafood

Medley because it’s fully cooked and it has to be chilled but I want all and any excess water out as you can see I got it’s got toweled up to go here it’s still cold and then when I’m sure and happy with the amount of water that’s

Out of it I will then proceed to season it and it get it has to be rechilled again because that’s when it tastes its best the last thing I have to do is put this in the the oven I seasoned it just as if I was going to

Eat it for dinner in a hot manner so to speak with parsley salt pepper garlic and lemon and olive oil so that’s going to get cooked in the oven and chilled because then we’re going to eat it with a little bit of mustard sauce along with

The other cold fishes now the one thing I want to share the tip is oh and that’s my book that I didn’t get to read yet but what a cover huh that inspired me to put the salmon in with the fish today because I love salmon Vinnie doesn’t but

I do the best part of this process is the prepared garlic that I shared with you guys last night on camera about my fridge showing you in the freezer I usually do the parsley too and I didn’t today I should because these are the ingredients that are going to go in all

Of the the seafood like the seafood salad’s going to get garlic parsley celery chopped olive oil lemon so all those things that’s a big help to have that garlic puree and olive oil already done I just put a few little things I didn’t have to cut but the parsley I did

As you see so so once this is thed and chilled and seasoned up I got to cut some more celery we’ll come back and show you the finale placea dish placed hi my YouTubers my Subs my dish is complete and I am thrilled it is not traditional seafood salad but it turned

Out to be something I love and I’m going to enjoy and I hope you will because I’m going to go through the things we have and I’m just going to say right up front the seafood salad that was frozen and we’re supposed to thow out and make

Salad no if I won’t eat it I won’t show it I won’t make you eat it it’s not good I I wouldn’t have been proud of it so if want to try on your own that’s okay enough said about that it was not good we have shrimp here the ones I showed

You everything they’re going to be clips of everything that it’s fresh and it’s all made these are the shrimps this is the lobster tails all in here here delicious and because we didn’t do the seafood salad I ran back out yes dressed like Santa here and bought jumo lump

Crab meat I think we should splurge on ourselves because that was a disaster the salad so I used an excuse to get some goodie delicious stuff now here is something new for even me I’ve never done salmon like this but I cooked it in

The oven just as if I would eat it hot the way I love it the seasoning chilled it in the fridge and I bet you it’s going to be delicious with any one of these sauces now let me go through the sauces this is my cocktail sauce what it

Is is I buy a readymade and I just amp it up with more um what is that horseradish and lemon this is a pre-bought from Publix mustard sauce that’s delicious for the jumbo lump pray for any of them all these sauces are interchangeable it’s preference whatever

You like you could dip anywhere and this is homemade I did this today for the first time this is a lemon garlic aoli and I’ll post all the recipes for everything on this platter and I just want to share something else fun with you I’m very into decorating and I love

To present my food my mom showed all of us this when we were kids you know because we’ watch her and she’d make things up and she’d always try to make it as fancy as she could and that’s what I’ve done today this is leftover cabbage

That was in the fridge in the fridge chilled and fresh there’s nothing wrong with it but it wouldn’t use anymore because I used it to make um cabbage rolls and that was left the SEO the other stuff underneath is some lettuce from the spring mix I used maybe 25

Cents work I’m going to eat all the rest of it and I could still eat this because my board is clean and for color this is premix CA which if I have 10 cents on this whole platter is a lot and the cabbage is a nice idea because if you’ve ever gone to

A fancy restaurant and you’ve had the lump crab meat sometimes they put it in a redico bowl it’s quite quite expensive you’ll pay $7 just for the redico so if you don’t love to eat it why do it for this and that’s about it lemons cut up

Now here’s the fun thing I found this under my bed being unused for a couple of years now this is a lazy Susie I bought to make taco night now who wouldn’t love this on their appetizer uh table for Holiday isn’t that beautiful yeah I’m impressing myself sorry to

Sound like uh I’m into it but I am I kind of am and there you go and this is lunch for me and Vinnie and you’re just going to say oh my God now with the leftovers we don’t know there may not be many I could guarantee that Lobster will

Be gone half of the shrimp and about a couple of pieces of salmon and a good amount of the crab and that’s just me Vinnie’s G to get in here too but no worries if you have anything left all of it would keep for a day or two in the

Fridge if you want to get creative you could chop up your leftovers dice up a little celery it’s some mayonnaise and make a cold seafood salad sandwich like they think think lobster roll think um lettuce cup filled with uh shrimp chopped shrimp salad this they make uh

Patties with you could do a lot of things if I can and I have the time under the recipe directions and ingredients I’ll throw in some of those ideas for you guys but that’s it happy holidays it’s not traditional but it’s my seafood salad for Christmas Eve for lunch for appetizer for anytime

Hi YouTubers what I forgot to share when I was making the seafood salad is while I was cooking this morning I received a very special Christmas gift this platter is from my grandbabies the girls I’m always talking about they made this by hand and these are their hands and I

Know by and they live in another state so I’m not near them and they’re growing rapidly but I know this is my Cecilia she’s the oldest that’s her is Santa and this wonderful hand into the reindeer is Anna and this is the baby Luchia isn’t that

Gorgeous and I had it in the whole time I was cooking and I wanted to make sure that I told everybody that’s Grandma’s Christmas gift from the babies I love it well guys this has been a fabulous salad and we’re about to eat it and enjoy it

But this is also what we like to enjoy it with a nice bottle chilled of prco nice and cold to go with this cold seafood and shrimps and such and as always boom there you go is going to pour us each a glass and then we’re

Going to toast and we’re going to get busy eating and yes I did go to Publix to get the crab meat dressed with my hat first time ever okay guys from our house to your house happy healthy holiday holidays and Cheers Cheers from the Fato enjoy and that’s Josh prco

Here’s is Right a little bit of everything mm I’m G I’m going to use these first for me hungry I I’m starving please I didn’t need breakfast to do this milk it’s kind of like well like 130 not cooking dinner so eat up I’m not cooking dinner so eat up

Buddy this is it this is all you get today and we could eat some later too wait let me get some crab yeah it’s really hard to get the crab used the spoon for the sauce for the cocktail it’s really good yeah they grab me I know people are going to be

Surprised when I tell them I know I know let me get some of that sauce here’s those lazy Su is pretty cool yeah we never did use it for taco night


  1. Ok it's an afterthought, but I'm naming my lazy Suzy, sexy Suzy LOL!!!!! It's gonna get so much more use in my recipes. Hope you enjoyed this video. It was a complete pleasure to show and share it all with you. Thank you to every single one of you, my subscribers. You Make Cooking Fun!!! From my heart, Jeanine Happy Holidays

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