“Luvin Every Bite” by Chef Fran Amazon Books:
“A Twist on Boring Salads: A Salad A Day” by Chef Fran Amazon Books:

Today, we are sharing our best niçoise salad recipe, so if you want to learn how to make niçoise salad, this video is for you! Salade Nicoise is a classic French salad that usually has tuna (or anchovy fillets), eggs, haricots verts (green beans), potatoes, olives, and tomatoes, all tossed together in a large bowl with olive oil or a light vinaigrette.

There are many different variations of a Niçoise salad, however. Niçoise salad is a dish from Nice, the South of France and apart from a few core ingredients the rest are very flexible and can be easily substituted based on seasonal availability. This recipe is an easy summer dinner to throw together and is nicely paired with a glass of orange or rosé wine. The name, “Niçoise” translates quite literally in English meaning, “in the style of Nice”

As with everything French, this salad is a lesson in sophisticated simplicity. It’s really just an assembly of wholesome ingredients—made into a beautiful, composed salad and then topped with a fabulous honey Dijon vinaigrette dressing. The ingredients are “composed” or separated out on a plate or platter rather than tossed together. It’s a “lazy” salad, as the ingredients can be cooked ahead of time and stored in the fridge until ready to eat. Regardless, the niçoise salad pulls together a refreshing combination of ingredients and textures with a mix of briny and oily, contrasting nicely with a bright and light vinaigrette dressing. You couldn’t ask for a more delicious or nutritious summer dinner!

Joseph Dreamhouse CDC’s mission is to give families access to nutritious foods while eliminating the humiliation that exists when the working poor are unable to feed their families. At Joseph Dreamhouse, we believe in providing a balanced nutritional diet to our clients. We do our best to accommodate the dietary needs of our clients. We strive to empower families with the knowledge and resources to reduce their need for food aid and eliminate the humiliation and stigma around food insecurity. For more information regarding Joseph Dreamhouse, please check out the links below on Link Tree.

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Thank you to
Host – Chef Fran
Sous Chef – Ian Sokoloff
Director – Kevin Glover
Editor – Kevin M Glover

Music by
Chef Fran – Fresh Scrod

This video is best for people looking for:
• best healthy niçoise salad recipe
• how to make niçoise salad and healthy salad recipes
• easy salad recipes, healthy cooking, and healthy lifestyle
• niçoise salad for classic cooking

If you enjoyed this best healthy niçoise salad recipe, and you want to learn how to make niçoise salad and other healthy and easy salads, please remember to like, share, subscribe and leave a comment if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback. We hope to see you here again soon!

***The Chef Fran Presents Videos and content is for informational purposes only and is not meant to replace the guidance of your licensed healthcare practitioner. Statements in the videos are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or provide medical advice. Any decision regarding your specific dietary needs should be addressed with your licensed healthcare practitioner.***

#niçoisesaladrecipe #niçoisesalad #bestniçoisesalad

Elegant salad covering our proteins and veggies look at all these vibrant colors of ingredients remember the color represents nutrition the great thing about the salad is that you can arrange it however you like for your Presentation my name is Chef ran and this is my Su Chef how we doing today and today we are bringing a special salad to you you’re like special this looks like vegetables I’m used to eating is it though you normally have potatoes like that with these green vegetables and green beans

This salad here is actually a French Salad called Nisha Nisha and and it actually comes from n France so this salad nishua means what does it mean mom it means of nice of nice of nice it translates Alisha it’s actually called ala Nisha which means of nice good to know um but

Really the way it’s spelled nice is really pronounced n France as opposed to Nice France so it’s off a small region off Mediterranean Coast in France H so here we have on this beautiful salad our Yukon go potatoes our green beans tuna that in that was packed in some

Olive oil we have some eggs hard boil eggs we have our butter lettuce and we have our cucumbers green olives black olives cherry tomatoes radishes and we have some fat free honey Dijon vinegret um so means the sugar count is extremely down cuz it’s sugar- free and

Fat free and we have some Himalayan salt and some black pepper because our tuna is going to need some seasoning our potato is going to need some seasoning although we cooked it in some chicken broth it’s going to need some seasoning still and of course the typ cucumbers

Have no seasoning so none of this has seasoning even our green beans was just steamed so we definitely have to add a little flavor to it m this salad has your protein tuna and eggs it’s not Bland but has the flavor of fresh squeezed lemon on our tuna with a

Seasoning of Himalayan salt and black pepper to add some flavor to these veggies this is a delicious healthy comp complete fresh meal well e here is our niss SW salad yes and we had everything all cut up so the beauty about cooking and arranging and doing things is that

You could set things up the way you want this is how I set up my platter you know as long as you have the core ingredients here which is your eggs your potato your cucumber your olives your tuna your tomatoes and your green beans and your

Radishes you could set it you want you can do it all in a straight line if you wanted to you could just do different like glops in different sections now it’s time to dig into this beautiful salad so Ian yes let’s start with some green beans for you thank you

Okay let’s get some of your cucumbers some cutees CES are really good for you what else is it good for E do you recall is that it’s for the blood pressure is that for inflammation inflammation yes inflamation inflammation I got to eat my cbes all the time some eggs for me yes you

Do get my some my B vitamins up in here right yes 100 okay we have our dressing well this is I think no I have the last one okay yeah that’s and normally this is just like I said usually you would use like some Dijon some honey Dijon

Vret um we we just happen to be using the one as you can see it’s very liquefied because it is fat free and sugar-free yes but if you don’t want fat free and sugar free do you that’s okay exactly get the one that’s full fat and full of flavor

And you know I’m missing my bacon but I’m not going to do it this time thank you and you would pour the dejon vinegret all over your salad but cheat yeah yes all right yes I mean we all kind of know what lettuce tastes like and potatoes and you

Know well we are going to eat it is you should if you eat any form of veggies then you know what this tastes like though I didn’t make the dressing yeah I can tell you even though it’s fat free it tastes good it does taste good

Okay and when you make a niss SWAT salad you don’t break up your tuna you kind of want to leave it cold this is a full me me yeah you have your potato which is your carbs your vegetable your protein you have your Dairy from the

Eggs which is also your protein and you have vegetables and you have your cherry tomatoes which is considered a fruit even though we use it majority of Sav dishes so you really have your full your full meal here subscribe for more delicious recipes and vitamin details also your

Support will continue to allow my channel to grow thank you for hanging out with us today means so much I really appreciate it come back and hang out with us again that’ be nice so we can have some more good times and some more good laughs and enjoy some

Good food we love you thank you so much

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