Baltimore Pit Beef Sandwich recipe

On this video, I show you how to make my version of a Baltimore Pit Beef Sandwich recipe. Enjoy.

Meat slicer –

1 tablespoon fine sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon paprika
2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 teaspoon chili powder

1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup prepared hot horseradish
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper

GrillaQue –
TappeQue –
Weber Grill –
Guy Fieri Knives –

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Hey guys and welcome back to Mother’s barbecue on this video we’re gonna be doing my version of Baltimore pit beef so stick around alright so let’s get our beef on what I have here is some bottom round now I know traditional pit beef or Baltimore pit beef use this top round

But I saw the bottom round it looked really good so I thought we’d use it and what I did the night before is went ahead and got this seasoned up with our spice mixture so we can rest in the in the fridge overnight and that spice mixture it’s just you know garlic powder

Onion powder salt and pepper some chili pepper Rica oregano very simple probably most everybody got got the spices already in your cabinet and again not traditional Baltimore pit beef but I’m gonna go ahead and do a reverse reverse sear on it I’m gonna smoke it first for

A little while and then when we get about a 120 125 we’re gonna go ahead and sear it off to get those grill marks alright for a grill we’re gonna be using the Weber Kettle I got my gorilla Q in there to help me divide the kettle up I

Got some mesquite charcoal in there I’m also gonna add some mesquite wood to that go ahead and get our beef on the opposite side and again we’re gonna smoke until we get about 125 internal and then get this up get this side up nice and hot and we’ll sear it off get

Some good grill marks on it so I will see it a little bit all right so while our beef is on the on the grill cooking away we’re gonna go ahead and make a horseradish cream sauce and start out about 1/2 a cup of sour cream got some

Hot horseradish about 1/2 a cup some minced garlic teaspoon hit it with a squeeze of lemon juice about a teaspoon of lemon juice fresh cracked black pepper some salt give that a mix give this a little bit of taste for seasoning that’s good all right we’re gonna go ahead and

Set this in the fridge let these flavors come together a little bit all right so our beef hit 125 internal got the other side nice and hot go ahead and we’re gonna sear this off about a minute minute and a half per side all right we got a good char on this go

Ahead and pull this off we’re gonna let this wrist for about 20 minutes or so so next time you’ll see this will be slicing some meat all right so here’s our our beef that’s been resting for a while as you can see I cut it at a

Diagonal the grain of the meats going this way so I cut it against the grain and we got a perfect I’m gonna call that medium medium-rare so let’s go ahead and get this slice I’m gonna be using my slicer for for this you can definitely

Do this by hand get our meat on there we’re gonna cut this nice and thin this is number two see what this does and I think that’s nice that’s perfect number two is perfect for this nice and thin so let’s go ahead and get this all sliced up

All right we got our beef all sliced up nice and thin let’s go ahead and pile this on some sourdough and traditionally pit beef uses rye bread but I’m not a big rye bread fan so I didn’t want to go out and buy a big old loaf of rye bread

And not you know not eat it so I’m using sourdough four for this all right we got that going I’m gonna spoon over some of our horseradish cream sauce this that’s a real nice heat to it then we’re gonna go ahead and put in some really thin cut onions I use my map

My mandolin to slice these nice and thin top them off and that’s it it’s my version of Baltimore pit beef just go ahead and give this a slice and that’s looking really good let’s go ahead and get a bite of this all right so there we go

Baltimore pit beef my way let’s take a bite of this that is pretty good the beef is has that mesquite flavor to it the char from when I you know seared it you get that char flavor the horseradish gives a creaminess with some heat behind it you get some freshness with that

Those thinly sliced onions and I love sourdough so it works for me if you don’t like if you like traditional rye bread go ahead and use traditional all right bread your sandwich man makes the way you want but the key is I think getting it thinly sliced if you have a

Good knife you can definitely slice it by hand but a good-quality meat slicer is the way to go on this so you guys give us a try let me know how it turns out hit that thumbs up subscribe if you haven’t I’ll see you guys on the next run thanks for watching


  1. Kaiser Roll! Just trust me. But otherwise that looks absolutely Amazing!!!!!!!!!! You even got the condiments on point! Great Job.

  2. double dipping on the spoon you tasted the sauce with. faux pas. also kaiser rolls are the traditional not rye, but respect for going with sour dough and encouraging to everyone to try something new.

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