There a lot of variations on cheese and phyllo appetizers in Greek cuisine. I’ve already made the classic spanakopita and brie baked in phyllo on the show. Basically, you can’t go wrong when you combine the flavors of tangy cheese, crispy phyllo, and a sweet topping! Today I’m making Goat Cheese Triangles with Honey and Sesame. I know you’ll love them.
These triangles are fairly easy to make because the filling is only goat cheese. I always soften it in a bowl a little bit before I use it, but you don’t need to do anything other than that. I work with phyllo a lot and this is a good time to remind you all that you must keep it a little moist when you’re working. Sometimes I cover the unused sheets with a damp paper towel to make sure they don’t dry out before I get to them. Take your time buttering each side as you add the goat cheese and fold it up like a flag. The butter will ensure the phyllo gets nice and flaky when baked.
Once all your triangles are made, slip them in the oven to bake until they are crispy and hot all the way through. What really makes this appetizer incredible is when you drizzle them with the honey and add the sesame seeds for a light nutty crunch.
These are best served hot right out of the oven. They can be kept chilled once you’ve prepared them, and baked later right before you’d like to serve them. Have a napkin or small plate ready when serving because the phyllo shatters in your mouth sending flakes everywhere. You won’t really care that much because they taste so good, but you’ll still be glad to have a napkin in your hand! There are many ways to serve them. The cardinal rule is to remember not to plan on any leftovers. Enjoy!

Today we’re going to make these delicious goat cheese triangles with Honey so I’ve made the rites on our show before and I have that recipe you could click this link to see that full recipe but this is a variation to that we’re making the filling with goat cheese and at the end we’re going to add honey so

It’s a nice sweet flavor to them so we have felo like we would do a normal tiita which is a cheese triangle we’re going to do mini so I’ve taken our filo and I’m actually going to cut it in thir so I’m going to fold it in/ thirds so

That I can cut them take a knife here and we’re going to cut the felo so now that we’ve cut it in/ thirds we’re going to take our one sheet with butter butter that down we’re going to fold that in half butter we’re going to do our just

Regular goat cheese nothing in this we’re just going to take soften goat cheese we’re going to put and fold down the top of it all a little bit more filling right like that and then we’re going to fold them like a triangle so corner to corner down

Over when you’re fold ing this and it looks like there’s not enough room you could do a couple things you can cut that piece or you can also just fold it up so that way when you come down here it has a nice clean fold to it so that

There’s no end pieces cuz sometimes when you’re baking it and if it’s a little bit in the end here it will get a nice it’ll get flaky and it won’t look as good So When you’re doing these triangles everybody likes to do them different sizes so the size that I made when I cut this when I folded the filo in half they make a little bit more of a bigger triangle so you could also fold the filo in thirds and make a tinier triangle

Which is great for an appetizer size so I’ll show you here so I have already cut our full sheet in thirds and then I’m going to butter this sheet here I’m going to fold this again in thirds so one two three like this make that nice

And flat take our butter and then this is just a little bit of a smaller size so that way you could do this for like if you were doing pastor derves at your house it’s just a you know another variation to show you everybody has a different preference on how big they

Want to make them but I always like mini that way I can make more and it looks a little bit more abundant Let’s Fold that in so look at that little tiny triangle so now that we’ve made all our triangles we’re going to take the butter and just to brush the

Tops of our triangles and we’re going to sprinkle little sesame seeds on There I’ve preheated the oven to 400° we’re going to bake these until golden brown a little Sesame perfect these are going in the oven So our te pizzas look amazing these are goat cheese triangles with honey so now our honey they’re nice and golden brown we’re going to take the honey when it’s hot and drizzle it right on top and I promise you your guests are going to be wowed by these cuz it’s such a unique

Flavor the sweetness and the cheese and then they’re ready to serve so we’re going to replate them over here can’t wait to dig in for the full recipe visit and don’t forget like subscribe and for more entertaining tips follow me on Instagram

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