One of the easiest beef recipes to make on the go, and all you need is;


• 450gbeef sirloin or flank steak, thinly sliced
• 450g broccoli florets
• 2 tablespoons soy sauce
• 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
• 1 tablespoon hoisin sauce
• 1 tablespoon cornstarch
• 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (for cooking)
• 3 cloves garlic, minced
• 2 green onions, sliced (for garnish)
• Sesame seeds (optional, for garnish)
• Cooked rice (to serve) or any starch of choice really 🤣
The rest follow the video.

We make for years in April and if you’ve been here since 2020 the first time we uploaded you know we don’t do quick meals here but today this is going to be one of those that can pass as a quick meal start with your shredded beef

Season with salt and pepper put in some corn starch paprika and any spices of choice and then go in with a little bit of oil to help coat this and let it stick onto the peef on the beef uh pieces this is such an easy recipe for a

A quick l lunch a quick breakfast a quick dinner just not for so many people but you can double the portions and just make a bigger portion in the meantime please subscribe where make the sauce we’re going to start with some light soy sauce in water and then we’re going to

Add in dark soy sauce Wasa sauce H by the how do you pronounce that sauce it also played me at first we’re going to go in with some corn starch and some honey and we’re going to mix this at this point I realized that I hadn’t put

In Pepper and salt so now we are going to go in and season I would still have found out because I test my food as I cook which is a fundamental yeah if you’re watching this video and you haven’t checked my socials please do we’re going to be running a 10

Class long session where we’re going to be teaching like more like master classes mastering some subtopics with over 60 recipes ready to be learned yeah so please make sure to sign up for those classes in case you want to elevate your cooking skills this year and if you’re

Watching this video anytime you can always reach out and see whatever programs are running so we’re going to go on ahead and chop our broccoli into simple florets to match the size of the beef and then I’m going to also chop some fresh coriander and set it aside

Small small bragging time that was actually me cutting in real time like that is how good my life skills are getting anyways bring some water to to a boil and then we’re going to Branch our Branch our broccoli put it in boiling water that is seasoned with salt

For about 30 seconds and then remove it the point here is to keep it firm cook it properly and it is going to it’s supposed to stay vibrant in color and super crunchy but not raw yeah so Blan it in hot water and set it aside and

Then we will get to the cooking Parts ASAP tell me do you love broccoli or do you just also take it because you know it’s one of the healthy vegetables also if you’re watching this video in 2024 tell me where you’re watching from how long have you been here I’d really love

To know and if you haven’t subscribed like the 80% that hasn’t why if you don’t mind I would love to know anyways hit some olive oil on a pan and add in white onions these are sweet and mild and they’re just going to compliment this

This dish since we are not going to be using any tomatoes and then I’m going to go in with some chopped garlic once the onions have softened and then I’ll put in my beef yeah at this stage it had been it has been in this mixture with oh

In this mixture also put in some baking uh powder small like a bit the first powder I put in just to make sure it helps on tenderizing this beef so I’m just going to toast this around and yeah please always make sure to check your seasoning at whatever stage you’re

Cooking one it’s going to help you to not serve under seasoned food two is going to help you to know how far the food is going and also not overseason the food so we’re going to cover it and let it cook until it’s brown and all the water has evaporated we’re remaining

With this fat as you can see it has kind of stuck at the bottom the onions this is a stainless steel pan so yeah that’s understandable and then we going to go in with our premixed sauce and then try and de glaze the bottom of the pan as gently as possible

Just give it time and that is how it’s coming together look how gorgeous this is you could actually just serve it like this I wanted to serve this with rice but a quick meal yeah I just realized I didn’t hadn’t boiled rice and I didn’t

Have the patience to boil the rice I was already hungry so I put in my blanched broccoli into the beef and the fresh coriander and then I TOS it around until it was well coated and well combined all the flavors are going to go into the

Broccoli as it sits down so don’t serve it like immediately immediately maybe 5 minutes into and then that’s it I’m going to go in with some sesame seeds and we are good I served this with um instant noodles I know don’t give me a side eye but rice will be such a

Banger but nonetheless this slapped and that’s it I’ll see you in my next video please remember to subscribe and bye by


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