Butternut Squash Risotto: The Ultimate Comfort Food

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Although this Butternut Squash Risotto isnā€™t one of my signature ā€œhigh proteinā€ recipes, it is delicious on its own or equally so with something like a bit of BBQed chicken on the side to boost the protein content.

Were going to roast the squash first until its wonderfully sweet and tender and while thatā€™s in the oven weā€™re going to do a simple ā€˜cheatā€™s risotto.

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Weā€™re going to make an absolutely delicious butternut squash Roto weā€™re going to roast the squash first so is sweet and tender and while thatā€™s in the oven weā€™re going to do a simple cheats risoto when the roasted squash is combined with the creamy and risoto it just creates a beautiful combination of

Both flavors and textures now although this isnā€™t one of my signature high protein recipes you can serve it on its own equally it goes just as well with some grilled or barbecued chicken breast on the side if you want to boost the overall protein content anyway sounds

Good this is how you make it buret squash is actually much easier to prepare than you think all you need to do is cut it in half peel off the skin using a sharp knife and then scoop out the insides before chopping them up just

Like you would a melon I suppose a whole butternut squash will be more than we need for this recipe we only need 500 G so save the rest for later then youā€™re going to chop up an onion set that aside and for roasting the squash weā€™re going

To tip it out onto a baking tray like I said 500 G and then weā€™re going to add a a tablespoon of olive oil along with a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar then weā€™re going to head it up with some seasoning all weā€™re using is black pepper and some salt and then you

Want to get your hands in or you could use a spatula I suppose and just make sure the butternut squash is nicely coated in the mixture and then pop in the oven about 180Ā° for 40 minutes while thatā€™s roasting away you want to soften one onion in about 10 Gams or say a

Tablespoon of butter cook it on a medium heat so it softens nicely then add your garlic cloves fry that for a further 30 seconds or so just again make sure you add the garlic at the end otherwise it could burn because it will cook a lot quicker than your onion for strong booze

Iā€™m using whiskey but you could use rum or brandy or something itā€™s really just to give it a deep Flavor now youā€™re going to burn off pretty much all the alcohol so put that in pretty much let all the liquid evaporate and then add your uncooked groto or Pella rice along

With a teaspoon of mixed herbs then mix all of that through so that the rice is coated in the seasonings and then weā€™re going to add stock you can use vegetable or chicken stock and the reason why this is called a cheese resol is because weā€™re adding it all into the pan and

Then weā€™re putting the lid on and actually cooking in the oven for the final 20 to 25 minutes alongside the squash and when everythingā€™s ready you just need to combine the two make sure everything is nicely combined and at this point the video itā€™ be fantastic if

You just hit that like button for me itā€™s nothing you do with ego it just means the video is more like to be seen by more people if YouTube thinks itā€™s good so if you could hit like I would very much appreciate it then all you need to do is

Plate up garnish with something green and get stuck in so there we have it roasted butternut squash ISO absolutely delicious dish on its own or equally as good as a side now Iā€™m going to have this for my dinner Iā€™m going to cook up some chicken on the barbecue Iā€™m going

To have this as a side dish but thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoy this recipe if you make it and as always drop me a comment below if you plan on making it and let me know what you think and if you want the full

Recipe you can just get it inside my recipes app and thereā€™ll be a link for that in the description below anyway thanks for being here speak to you later


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