Great canning video for beginners and anyone interested.
This video is for informational purposes only.

Hey guys welcome back to Heavenly homesteaders if you’re new to the channel I am Stephanie today we are going to be doing some water bath canning okay I thought it started snowing again today is cold what a way to warm up the house even though I’m

Pretty much warm all the time but you know how that goes so we’ll warm up the house and we’ll do some water bath candy and I’m going to do some blueberry syrup today you guys now I want to explain a little bit this to you before I get

Started and I forget cuz I get so involved into what I’m doing that I forget to tell you guys certain things about canning so with your water bath versus your pressure canning you want to pressure can your lower acidity Foods you don’t want botulism spores to start

To spread in a vegetable or a meat anything that’s slow acidity you guys and that’s why we pressure can our meats and our vegetables out there and those need to be at least 240° or more and inside a pressure cleer that’s going to happen now with your lower acidity Foods

You don’t have to do that you can water bath and that’s going to be like your your your fruits um your Tomatoes you know your raspberries strawberries things like that there are a lower aity acidity foods and those can be water bath so we’re going to do some blueberry

Syrup and I’ve never did this before and I’m I’m going by the ball book today the only thing is is I don’t have lemon zest so I am going to substitute and I think it’ll be okay because it’s still lemon I’m just going to do a small

Amount of lemon juice to make up for the lemon zest so I need two cups of water in my pan I’m going to heat it up get it going and then I need eight cups of blueberries now I have a big pan of blueberries here that I want to do today

So we have two four six might be a little bit more but I think it’ll be okay eight so we’re going to let that sit in there for a minute let it boil up and we’re going to kind of Smash this this Pan’s going to get hot and I want

To use a stainless steel pan also we’re going to smash these down a little bit and some of these are still frozen so I’m going to have to smash them as they warm up some now I do have my candy jars they’re in my sink and I have warm hot/ War

Water in there because we are going to Ladle this mixture in and when we do it it’s going to be a warm mixture so we want a warm jar you guys I do have I’m going to heat up my my Lids in the back there this also calls for cheesecloth I

Don’t have cheesecloth so I have your flower sifter and I think this will work just fine if not I’ll just do a little bit more blueberries to add in for a juice if it doesn’t let it drain through good enough but I think it will that’s how I did my seedless

Raspberry Berry and my seedless blackberry jam now blueberries do stain so I want to really kind of Squish the juice out of here get all those flavors out of the blueberries some people might say this is kind of a waste because I am going to

Be thrown away I might be able to feed it to the chickens I’ll have to see now this is something my husband should be able to have because I am making a juice out of the blueberries and I cannot tell you the last time he had anything to do with

Blueberries so I’m quite excited I hope he is too all right I think I smooshed them good enough I might just do it again in a minute I’ll leave it in there for a second but again you guys I am using the ball candy book and this is something that

You guys could win in the contest that we’re doing right now and we can’t remember the date that we said I think it’s March 2nd March 3rd we have to go back and look at the rules to see when the contest does end so but this is an

Option of whoever wins this contest you can pick this book and I absolutely you can see I’ve got some some marked of the things that I’ve want to do or that I’ve already did I absolutely love this book but I’m going to keep it to the side

Because I don’t want to get it messy with blueberries this is going to be really good I could just see this over waffles I have been craving waffles and bacon for some reason I don’t know why but man blueberry syrup over time tap of waffles and your own you guys you’re

Going to make this you guys can get this a water breath caner you can get it at your Meyers Walmart Menards Amazon you know these things aren’t they’re a little bit expensive but they’re not as bad as what a pressure caner is and if you want to

Start canning this is the best way to start right here but again make sure you learn what can be water bath can and want needs to be pressure canned because you do not want to get your family sick now you guys there’s going to be some people out there that disagree with me

And that’s okay because you know our grandmas and our moms you know they water bath canned everything there wasn’t a pressure caner back then you know and a lot of people were okay but you know what a lot of people got sick and didn’t know what they had either so

Again you do what you feel is right for your family you know and I’m going to do what I think is right for my family but as I’m doing this channel I just want to do what the ball book kind of says because it’s FDA approved you know and

I’m not throwing something out there as a trial and error for you to do with your family I do not want your family to get sick all right all right this is pretty good so I’m going to get this put it in my blueberry I have stuff all

Over this countertop and I’m sorry get a mess but sometimes it gets that way so let’s get a bowl few blueberries in let’s get a spoon some spoons here to stir our mixture and we need a lad I’m going to need a funnel these right here are really nice to have too

You guys have seen me use some of these in my C panning um videos that I have did and these right here this one will fit over top of quart well I think they all do but this one’s a nice one I just don’t like

Red so I try not to buy anything red for my kitchen it’s crazy I’m sorry red is not a bad color it’s a beautiful color but it’s just not me but anyway these fit nicely right over top of your jars and you can pour your stuff right inside in there and you’re not

Making a mess I I’m going to warm up this a little bit so that way I’m not putting my jars into cold water we’re going to have this Boil I’m going to use that pan because I’m going to use that pan anyway we needed to put the lemon zest in here so I’m going to go ahead and put I’m just going to add a/4 teaspoon of lemon juice cuz you needed one teaspoon of

Lemon zest and and I think this will be okay I’m not substituting anything I’m just adding it in a different form all right we’re going to reduce this heat a little bit this is bringing over a boil for over medium heat for 5 minutes okay we’re going to bring that

Up to a boil we got we got somewhat of a bubble it’s not really a boil if you can see inside my pan I don’t know if I can move you at all but it’s kind of kind of bubbling a little bit that’s not a boil you guys I brought down the

Camera a little bit I hope you guys can see in here I think I had it a little too high but it’s it’s kind of bubbling around the side I am going to give it a little bit of a stir cuz I don’t want the blueberries to stick

And what we’re doing is we’re kind of boiling the the juices out of the blueberries you know the how do I want to say it out of the smoosh I’m boiling the you know trying to get the water in there to boil to make more juice with the blueberries I

Know what I want to say but I just can’t say it guys and this way by making this nice and warm when we put it into our strainer there it’s going to help be able to release the juices from your your blueberry the the balls you know the

Blueberry itself that I didn’t get to Mush these little guys right here I want to let I want it to boil a little bit more than what it is right now we’re going to lean to let it boil for 5 minutes I’m going to turn my back one

Down some who likes blueberries out there I love them and this smells so good right now when I seen this in the ball book you know of making blueberry syrup I’m like I can do that and then there’s an apple cinnamon syrup I really

Want to try as well I I want to do like a strawberry one as well but I don’t have any strawberries in my freezer I missed out on the sale last year and our straberries are just producing small amounts not enough to really make anything well they don’t

Make it in the house because I eat them as soon as I pick them I am going to give this just a quick stir I just want to make sure it’s not sticking it’s still boiling it’s boiling nicely we got just a couple more minutes

Guys we going to take this off the stove and then I’m going to go ahead and oops turn the wrong one off turn this one off enough then we’re just going to go ahead and put the blueberries right in Here you’re not supposed to spread press down to smush the juice out you’re supposed to let it come out naturally but my sifter is a little bit smaller than what I want some of the juice is kind of going over the top I don’t want that to happen I’m just going

To you’re not supposed to disturb it for 2 hours but I’m just going to just a little bit just to get the just I just have a little bit of juice left in this pan I want to get in here all right guys so now we need to let this for 2 hours

Is what it says I don’t think it’s going to take that long but we will be back in a Flash for you guys a couple hours for me okay so we’ll see you soon guys we’re going to just let the juices drain out of this okay we’ll be right back okay

Guys we are back okay it’s been I don’t know an hour or So I don’t even know what how long it’s been but I did do up another batch and I am like blue and I’ve got blue everywhere not that I made a mistake I didn’t I was just noticing in the blueberries when it was draining through my sifter I still

Had seeds so I went and found some cheesecloth I did have some and I did run it through my cheesecloth but I want to show you guys something as I’m running it through the cheese cloth even the seeds the seeds that are still in this syrup that we’re making I

Even have a blueberry in there so as I said you can see them all over on the side of my dish and that’s even running it through the cheesecloth you guys so this is not going to be a seedless syrup this is something that I am learning with you guys the blueberries

Have more of a finer seed inside the blueberry then what a raspberry or a strawberry or a Blackberry has in it so if somebody in your family can’t have seeds do not let them have the syrup I would not do that so we’re going to go

Ahead and I’m going to get another batch going I’m going to let this one drain through and we’ll be back to can okay guys we’ll see you in just a minute okay you guys we are back we are going to go ahead and process some of this juice and

Make it into syrup okay so we’re going to put four cups of water the remaining four cups because the recipe called for six cups we put two cups in the blueberries when we cook that down and now we’re going to add the remaining four cups to this

Pan and four and this has been a long process you guys I have been working on this since 4: and it’s now 10 to 7: so this is something you want to start in the morning time then I want I’m going to go ahead and turn my flame

On and add three cups of sugar to this I’m going to stir this around just a little bit and we’re going to let this boil we’re going to go ahead and add this candy thermometer to this water mixture with the sugar because we want this to come up to the softball stage okay

So I was wondering how this would thicken because there’s no um sure gel or the the gel that you put in I can’t think of what I used to put in my my apple pie filling right now but I think with this boiling and making this the

Soft ball it’s gonna thicken the water with the sugar and make a thicker consistency when we add in the juice so let’s go ahead and get this on here we want to not hit the bottom of the pan I’m going to give it a couple stirs

Every once in a while just to make sure that sugar is dissolving and this is probably going to take at least 45 minutes so I’m going to go ahead and shut the camera off for right now you guys and I will time it so I can give you an exact time and what

This took and we’ll be right back to make some syrup see you in a minute okay guys we are at the softball stage on our thermometer Rick’s going to take the the camera off I want to get you a better view of this and you can see the 230

Mark the red mark maybe not it’s hot I’m not sticking my hand in there we can’t put the camera in there I don’t know a that’s hot too so we’re at the 230 Mark I’m going to take this out and then I’m going to go ahead and add in my blueberry

Juice I’m just going to do it a little bit at a time and this is going to sizzle cuz this this mixture is very very hot I do have my my water bath Kettle it’s all ready to go go I got it heated up to take the warm

Jars I have my Lids boiling in the back and that took about oh about 35 minutes so we’re going to turn the heat up we’re going to stir it just a little bit I take my glasses off my Pan’s not on there right we’re going to stir

This just a little bit and then we’re going to bring this up to a rolling boil guys and we’ll we’ll stir it probably once or twice while while it’s doing that Royal boiling the Royal boy I even going to say it y’all know what I mean right it’s late

I’m tired it’s 7:30 and I still have two more batches to go we’ll let that come up to that that boil and uh we’ll time it for 5 minutes and then after it boils we’re going to go ahead and add our 2 tablespoons of lemon juice Stir It

Really good and then we’ll get it in our I went ahead and I put more hot water in my sink to make sure my my jars are continuously being hot or what I do is I’ve been boiling this water on the stove and then throw it in the sink now

Remember I said you guys that I thought this would be seated I want to say it again there is seeds in this syrup so please if somebody can’t have seeds do not give it to them I really thought we could deced the the blueberries but there’s just there

Is so many tiny tiny seeds that I was just in awe I could not believe how many little itty B seeds were in there we want it really hard that Roy boil I so can’t say it see how okay this is what we want 5 minutes so 7:35 and

We’re going to stir this so if you have if you guys do this you’re going to want a tall pan because you see how this is is coming up to my pan how high we’re going to knock it down just a little bit I might even turn

That heat down just a little bit so it doesn’t roil boil over I don’t not want it to boil over but I want that Royal boil there this pan was almost not tall enough for it turn it back up a little bit again I’m not supposed to keep stirring

It so I’m hoping that it doesn’t over over boil this pan four more minutes I keep thinking this is supposed to be like a jelly you know I said earlier about having it be thick we don’t want syrup thick we want it Loose I mean you think of some of the syrups

That you put on your pancakes you know those aren’t thick got two more minutes guys and I want to stay near when the pan when it’s boiling this hard you don’t want to leave your stove you guys cuz this could boil over and you’ll have a mess

And blueberry is sticky and it stains I’m going to go ahead and have to bleach my counter because I have blueberries all over I was bleaching my counter kind of cleaning things up and I hit my hot pad now I got a stained hot pad yeah I you know I was telling you

Guys about me getting my new stove I got it for my birthday and Christmas I don’t know if I mentioned it or not but I got it from in our area at ABC where house and Paul penel is our salesperson if you guys are interested in any appliances or

Anything for your house go see Paul tell him that we recommended you he’s an awesome salesperson we really really like Him all right we’re done here guys so we’re going to move this take it off the heat I’m going to leave it right there to where you can kind of see it we’re going to add in our 2 tablespoons of lemon juice now the lemon juice helps balance the pH

It kind of lowers it down in the blueberries you guys so we want to get that stirred in there we’re going to go ahead and get some jars and the bpck ball book said to leave about a/4 inch head space I always leave an inch that’s just what I like to do so

I’m going to go ahead and stick with inch and it’s just this jar is going to be kind of hot it’s just going to be on this bottom lip here you guys that’s what I go by so this one is not full so I’m going to I’m going to end up doing another

Batch here so I will just let that sit there and I’ll add the next mix mixture to this batch we’ll go ahead and kind of just debubble this a little bit we’re going to wipe off the Rings again you guys check for any chips remember always check for chips because you can lose

Your product if there is a chip ah that glass is hot um and it doesn’t seal properly finger tight and then just a little extra I do I’m going to get my jar lifter we’re going to go ahead and set this in the pan I might have to add some more water

When you’re water bath canning guys you want the water to be above your jars and this is just barely above it so I will go ahead and add a little bit more of this hot water and then I’ll go ahead and reheat the lids I’m going to turn this on

High I’m going to put the lid on it all right we got that boil going oops sorry guys we got that boil going right there in this pan I’m going let that boil for 5 minutes sorry I’m going to let that boil for 10 minutes you

Guys all right guys we’re going to go ahead and shut the flame off on this we’re going to let this sit in here for 5 minutes and then we’ll pull them out of the caner so we got another 5 minutes to go while we’re waiting for that to

Get done I went ahead and I started another one but I’ll probably finish this off off the camera and show you the results after I’m all done with what I’m doing I think you’ve got a pretty good idea and if you don’t please ask me questions down below I’ll be more than

Happy to answer anything that you need me to answer or if I don’t know the answer I will try to find the answer for you remember I’m not a professional at this I learn sometime as I go I really I’m I’m going to stress a lot about the

Ball book I absolutely love love the ball book you guys and you know don’t forget about the game we’re playing you guys and we need subscribers so if you could help with continue to get us some subscribers I think we’re at like 777 woo thanks all because of you guys I

Am so excited we’re at about 1350 watch hours we need 4,000 watched hours to advance with YouTube you guys and we have to do all of this within a year if you don’t do this within a year our understanding is then you never get to advance you either start all over or you

Just continue your Channel with not advancing with YouTube and our goal is to advance I’m really hoping that we can do that um I want to continue baking and cooking and canning and like I said in one of the other videos this summer I want to get outside with show you more

Of the girls and um I want to plant some stuff you know I’m trying to talk Rick in some raspberry blackberry bushes I told you guys I already know I can get some grapes and maybe a couple more apple trees you know even if we don’t

Use them I give them away you know I mean if I can grow them and share them with somebody else that’s what I want to do you may see me this stove you guys but I’m right here in the kitchen I’m just over by the table sometimes I’ll

Even sit down kind of rest my feet in my back a little bit I love doing this but sometimes it’s it’s tiring but you know the results that you get from being able to go to your cupboard or your pantry to get a syrup or a canned tomato juice or stewed

Tomatoes you know or your chicken broth or chicken it’s just a amazing it’s such a good feeling to think I did this I did this you know it’s so cool all right guys we’re at the 5 minutes let’s take the lid off I am going to take this to the other

Counter I’m going to show you guys right here for now though it is a little juicy but I think it’ll be okay like I said I’ve never did this before so I hope you know we’ll try it out together right okay you guys so I’m going to finish this up and we’ll be

Back in just a few minutes we’ll see you guys in a minute all right guys we are back and we are done with the blueberry sauce and holy smokes that was a very long process oh my goodness but we got 9 10 11 we got 11 and a half pints of the blueberry

Syrup now this is a little bit thinner than what I was expecting but I guess I don’t know I I think of the I’m think of more of a jelly you know would be thicker or even your syrup your you know whatever kind you use your off Brands

Your name brands how they’re like a little bit more thicker when you put on a pancake or french toast or waffle but I think this is still going to be good and I do want to give this a try I haven’t tried it guys I kind of want to show you guys see

It is a little bit liquidy but maybe it’ll firm up I feel like it’s a little bit thicker at the bottom if I stir it around it kind of thickens up a little bit but again I think it’s going to be so good over waffles I got to do

Waffles I don’t want to do it over the jar oh oh yes you guys M this is going to be awesome awesome I’m just sad that Rick can’t have any again you guys this is not I could not get all the seeds out of this this is something it’s not something I

Failed at it’s just blueberries have such a fine fine seed it’s almost like like a hair you know and if that gets caught somewhere where it’s not supposed to get caught on somebody that can’t have seeds they are going to be hurting again the recipe is from the ball book

You guys I love this ball book I cannot say enough good things about it okay there are so many recipes in here so many questions you may have you can find most of your answers in here you will love it and again you guys in the

Giveaway that we have going on this is a prize you can win so just watch a video answer a question and comment down below there is no right or wrong answer just you can’t duplicate another person’s answer that’s that’s it you guys that’s all you got to do you know so I’m just

Going to say name an animal out there you know what do you like you know so with that being said I do want to thank you guys for joining me in the kitchen I am so excited that I did this with you guys and I went out of my comfort zone

To do it you know it did take a long time I think I had I can’t remember if it was four or five batches of blueberries that I did but it it took me a long process to do it but again thanks for joining me in the kitchen don’t don’t forget to

Subscribe if you want to hit that notification Bell to let you know when I do a video it will alert you so you can always have my videos at your demand you know you guys don’t forget to watch some videos so I can monetize with YouTube I

Want to do that we today or I think I’m not for sure if it was today I don’t know we have hit our three months time being on YouTube I can’t remember what day it was I’m lost so again thank you guys so much you know I appreciate your help and everything

You’re doing for me I hope you enjoy this channel if you have any recommendations for me give it give me a comment down below and let me know what you’re looking for what you’re interested in again we are we’re trying to be a homestead channel so this

Channel is going to be about different things just not only about being in the kitchen even though that’s what I love to do it’s going to be about cooking and baking and canning and gardening outside you guys and the chickens and like I said I want to plant some raspberries and blackberry um

Bushes this year some grape Vines this year a couple more apple trees so it’s going to be about showing you how we plant things and remember you guys when we are in the kitchen or wherever we may be this is not about whether we’re doing something right or wrong or how you’re

Doing it this is is just how we do it at our Homestead so you guys have a great day always God bless and always give thanks to the man upstairs we’ll see you next time bye now


  1. That looks really good! I love feeding squirrels, and have quite a few that I feed. Thank you for sharing God Bless you and your Family and channel!❤

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