This was a Thai zoom cooking class for 80 people. So I’m answering questions and taking questions from our guests. Thanks so much for joining the cooking class. If you are interested in the next few classes, goto into the store. Also the pan is Send us any questions you may have.

No we have it natively yep so good evening everyone jet Tila here and if you were here last week on the test class this is going to be very different than an evening of you kind of watching our Instagram feeds this is going to be more like just hanging out with Ali and

Myself we’re gonna try to keep it to about an hour and just so you know your funds are going to charity and they’re also going to be going to tad Weiland our sous chef as well who’s helped us throughout this time and him like a lot of food people have been greatly

Affected so there it is if you have any questions throw them up on the screen but I’m gonna kind of get into it and I really appreciate you guys all being here I will be posting a recording of this and assume a new camera should be much better video quality for the cloud

And to cook along with again or just to kind of make fun of me when I do make mistakes because it is all going to be recorded what’s up Iowa how’s it going Ali you always make fun of me people want to see you make fun of me and

Hopefully I’ll jump into the camera so we’re talking about Thai food tonight and so what makes Thai food unique right I’m gonna start with again the Cliff’s Notes and but I start to see emojis if you fall into sleep I get it I’m gonna move forward really fast I have taught

This stuff for almost 20 years for from professional chefs to home cooks and I’m gonna try to find the middle ground to kind of give you the really big CliffsNotes highlights and that put you to sleep and give you the minutiae so 5 flavors were talking about right I think

All food is a balance of five flavors right we are always trying to balance hot sour salty sweet and savory okay so when people are starting to adventure into you know international global cuisine you just kind of got to think about all these ingredients as how do

They fit in hot sour salty sweet I mean that’s really all this is about so there’s a Thai word that kind of sums up the perfect flavor balance between hot sour salty sweet and savory it’s spelled why um what is that YUM it’s not just the corny-ass joke

That I tell all the time dad jokes hashtag it’s actually a word think about that tie soup that you love so much so um think about Tybee salad YUM you’re also gonna learn some Thai language tonight YUM just means hot sour salty sweet and balanced so I created a TV show 20 years

Ago called chasing the and alley interprets it as something dirty it is not so you you thought you actually married the unfortunately and so your job as the Thai cook is just to chase the young that’s it find that perfect balance point that nirvana of flavor balance and the thing

Is there’s like 80 of us here and we all have an individual kind of palate preference so if I as a teacher teach you how to use the ingredients and what they mean and how they play to that balance you can customize addition find your own yeah that’s all I’m gonna try

To do when I write recipes I try to write a recipe letsa can’t find that nice kind of balance point where I think most people are gonna enjoy it but if you’re like I’m a spice head jet I love acid I love this then you’re

Gonna know by the end of this class how to balance that up how’s that sound that’s where we’re going today all these admitting people at least a she’s running the camera and running the board so that is our job now the number one rule in Asian cooking is

When you’re cooking a cuisine use the ingredients from that country it’s pretty black and white like the number one issue most people have this jet my Asian food all tastes the same what is the problem and I’m like what’s your sauce and they’re like Kikkoman you know

I’m like seriously bro and you used to come on to cook Thai food and Chinese food Japanese food agree but yo I don’t want to curse the stuffs all got this thing so let’s get into the Thai pantry like we in China when we do China in two

Weeks we’ll do the Chinese pantry in Japan we’ll do the Japanese pantry and in Nice skills is going to be more like come to class via via via via zoom and if you want to like stand there and kind of cut with me I recommend it and I’ll

Send out leek ingredients and vegetables I think should work so no new comment so far everyone’s paying attention I love it okay sounds good all right so let’s do it first dish we’re gonna make tonight is going to be dumb cockeyed and let’s learn some language all right what we’re

Gonna do some call-outs on ingredients this is in my opinion software this is hardware that makes sense so let’s talk about basic hardware we’re gonna be using this evening fish sauce the all-purpose go to everything in Thai food revolves around this and it’s salty okay it’s made of anchovy salt and water

Good fish sauces amber in color it’s not muddy or opaque there are different types of fish sauce so make sure you get a fish sauce that is Thai or Vietnamese I’ll allow Vietnamese I’m basically just gonna contradict the thing I just said three crab fish starts is pretty

Delicious all right fresh bottle all right so so Thai pantry list you got it if you guys have suggestions throw them in the comments or email me and I’ll put it together salt and savory I need to teach you another salt here there’s Thai soy bean

Sauce in one of the recipes we use soy sauce in all over Asia Thai soy sauce has a sweeter taste less briny or brackish and there’s two kinds that most Thai families use it’s either Maggi sauce right here it’s gonna be golden mountain sauce so salt you’re rarely

Gonna see us adding salt in the crystallized form okay these are all products that are fermented and have salt in them and we’re gonna be inserting salt via these two primarily tonight for this class sweet sugar or palm sugar all right spices gets a little deep I’m gonna talk

About two chilies later on but I do want to tell you a quick note really gonna see this stuff what is this what is this alright this is sriracha no it’s not this is a bottle of lies that’s I’m tell you right now straight up okay si Racha or

Sriracha is a province in coastal Thailand central Thailand that grows really phenomenal chilies so Thai people have created this chilli sauce of garlic and vinegar and chili and in real chr should be from serie ciao kind of like champagne kind of like you know uh what are those peppers from New Mexico hatch

Chilies right it’s gotta be from there so this is delicious perfe and for you know spicy tuna rolls and just kind of all-purpose sauce mind blown david says that’s disappointing it’s okay David Tran has made a billion dollars out this and God bless them we good for it I’m not mad at it

I just want to educate you guys of real sriracha Thai sriracha has a sweeter more balanced flavor kind of like chasing the young crazy this is more acid this is more more hot this is gonna be more balanced alright if you can find it fine no big deal other callouts

Tamarind is a very confusing I’m killing dead I’m sorry that’s so so tamarind is a very confusing ingredient it’s a potted fruit originated in Africa grew around the world around the equator the equatorial line but Thai tamarin we yet we’ve tried confusing even further it’s really not fair how we do this right

Thai tamarind is actually unfair because we call this concentrate and oh it’s not a concentrate it’s basically just tamarind cooking liquid so this is my favorite wave you can get the liquid product of Thailand and you don’t need to dilute at all as although it’s called to concentrate and then there’s a block

Form I sent you guys a link to for a video to mess with the actual block form that’s not last longer in your pantry works great except there’s a few more steps this comes right out of the bottle good to go keto sweetener is a good question you

Couldn’t find tamarind don’t even worry about it I want you to up the vinegar instead okay um Kido I don’t know I’m not sure you guys have to tell me I’ve used Splenda when I’ve cooked for my guests that couldn’t use straight sugar and I’ve explained as a closest flavor don’t start lecturing

Me about like like I’m not a doctor I’m just chasing flavors so Splenda works really well for me okay after app and the only thing you need to put in the frigerator after opening guys I would be Tamron in the frigerator and if we had oysters sauce which we don’t use which

We’ll use in the Chinese laughs then I would do that this is the only one I want you to put in the fridge that makes sense everything cold dark place monk fruit works really well as well I’ve used it it’s got a decent flavor and coconut milk here guys

We’re gonna talk about a little bit if you are using a coconut milk take it out of the can immediately and then store it out of the can you don’t want to store anything in cans once you open them what’s the name of the original sriracha

This is called it should be seal I choppin it but it’s not it’s actually a knockoff of a knockoff so this is just shark bread this is your shark brand but you can also tell because there’s a Thailand label on it and it’s going to

Be very very close so if you made me your own tamarind it would absolutely work you’ve made your own tamarind from just d shelling that would work great halsy good stuff okay this is working this chat thing is actually really working all right I’m gonna shut up so I

Can start cooking who’s falling asleep or just tired of me talking man I’m tired of me talking in a leaf Osho is tired of me talking alright so more software stuff where we can actually get cooking umm shout-out to tad Whelan who actually put all these tres together

Guys he did all the prep because we had a Food Network thing always good to learn more I agree Victoria okay let’s make soup so we’re gonna make some cog I okay that literally translates to go longer chicken soup we need to learn the Trinity okay the Trinity French chef mirepoix celery

Carrots onions they put it in all their soup stocks as a base to bring flavor to soup Thai people use a different Trinity here is our Trinity galanga it is not ginger call the ginger I’m gonna slap your hand okay it’s a wax ear so the

Kids are gonna be coming home since if you guys hear dogs barking you suck you guys were hanging out with us alright and we love them and that’s just way it’s gonna be okay I can send the list of the brands I’ll take photos how does that sound that’s good sooo waxy very

Dense smells like pine smells like pine but tastes like chili like it has a hot bite to it lemon grass grows out of the ground like so and I’m gonna cut the bottom bulb of the lemongrass if this was growing out of the ground this is the ground my

I would snip it right above the thickest part of the bulb it will keep producing does that make sense so let’s do that and I’m just gonna cut it like that and then I’m gonna cut the top 50% so you see what ins Levy’s are come down about

Halfway I know you go those of you that don’t like the throwaway tag cries all the time let movie telomeres lemongrass peel off any loose bits this is known as the usable portion this is what a cook users from lemongrass this is potpourri I don’t know compost all that good stuff

Okay so go longer all I’m gonna do oh yeah man I shot there alley I’m just gonna slice along it really thin don’t peel galanga all right don’t peel any of this stuff so I’m just trying to get as much surface area as possible okay I’m just trying to get as much surface

Area I have chicken stock going here and it’s okay you’re gonna be fine it’s just one extra step so in order to make soup stock I have a box stock I’m going to fortify a box doctor don’t don’t judge me all right I got kids and dogs and

Stuff so you have the I’ll send you the recipe for the actual the non box version of the recipe but I like this version lemongrass because we are making soup family please don’t over it sink slicing this just slice it into very thin pieces and fortify the stock all

Right in Thailand we would eat this right out of the soup even though it’s Reedy and tough we’re okay here in the States sometimes restaurants take it out because people are like oh my god that’s really bothering my teeth or my calm down okay so if you want to be og leave

It in there if you want if you’re serving like young people and you’re like they might not like it just to straighten it out Thai Chili’s baby it used to be like the third hottest chili in the world it’s obviously not anymore probably like this six because there’s

So many okay no I don’t need to look down because you you don’t need to after your thousand so how many of the one chili will bring up nice warmth four cups of soup that’s how hot Thai Chili’s are so I’ll just take a knife

And just pound it just so I could break open a little bit meat of it so so the soup can kind of infuse the last of the Trinity friends is this this is called Thai nut group leaf or tied kaffir lime leaf they look like two leaves stuck

Together and what we can do is yeah we got some green ones and red ones right now so you’re growing some Myers that’s great so what I’m gonna do because it’s soup stock not overthinking it I’m just going to tear okay so they can you know give me their essential oils that’s it

Now I’m gonna give you the restaurant hack that’s not in the recipe now to make a muy delicioso soup break up some garlic okay I’m leaving it on the skin and everything throw that in there and but here’s the secret that restaurants won’t tell you they use because you guys

Are giving money to a good cause there it is right there chicken powder yo super delicious man you can smell it our yeah you know what in the restaurant I used to run restaurants and we would secretly call it chicken power so it’s it’s a granulated powder that’s all it

Is but it’s got concentrated chicken and it’s also basically just has a lot of flavor in it if you’re like crazy scared of a mystery don’t use that all right I ain’t scared all right how did I cut the peppers I just smashed them al or AJ I just smashed them so

They break slightly see so the soup can get in and get the heat and push out that’s all they did so so that’s chemistry I totally understand I’m just saying I am down with MSG and I ain’t mad at it fight me if you want but anyway I’m just giving you the secret

The restaurants do I’ve just made Thai chicken stock right if you wanted to make one from home the Trinity no the garlic was not part of the treaty the chilli wasn’t either I’m so sorry this is the Trinity if I confused you Mary oh I like this chat screen lemongrass

Galangal kaffir lime leaf is the Trinity everything else is a partridge on a pear tree makes more deliciousness but that’s it this is the base of curry paste this is the base of soup this is the base of a lot of Thai dishes Ali had a question um

You know what for about a quart of I’m only gonna do about a teaspoon – 2 teaspoons of chicken powder you don’t need a lot it really stretches quite a bit so soup stock is done I’m gonna let that boil so it really infuses all the aromatic qualities and Deb says I have

Coming from Amazon oh you got some cool stuff excellent you’re gonna make your I don’t know what that word is also can can can find most of this stuff especially stores for sure stock you’re gonna mix that excellent ok so should we be following along or cooking or just

Watching totally up to you as long as you’re all prepped out I think you should cook with me if you have to sit there and like you know cut and prep you’re gonna miss a lot of the nuances just watch the video again but I’m gonna

Leave it up to you I’m happy to do whatever you guys want another tip about the Trinity if you cut all the Trinity items right fresh stick them in a zippy bag or a zip or a vacuum bag and freeze them the Trinity freezes phenomenally because it doesn’t have a lot of

Moisture it’s not like basil or cilantro that dies does that make sense so so there it is I will upload a link to the video right after the class probably tomorrow morning so so that’s it now if you want to see guys that’s all the soup looks

Like okay now I’m gonna let that simmer for about you know 15-20 minutes and let that go if I had a chicken carcass that would be excellent all right well we’re gonna come back and finish the soup in a little bit I’m gonna move on to pineapple fried rice okay are you guys

Cool with that man this is moving fast I can only find dried customer leaves that’s great drag kaffir leaves will work just fine right and if you don’t have kaffir leaves I don’t want you not to make this dish does that make sense I would still make that okay all right

What is this who lives in the pineapple under the sea Ali do you even very good my super deuce down quite a bit eight cups down to a little yeah you might want to you might want to bring water back into it it might be a little too

Concentrated so don’t let your soup reduce more than about a cup anything more than that might be a little too intense how long would you store boil the stock on a box stock because you’re just kind of extracting aromatics so 30 minutes now you don’t need to do more

Than that that’s a good question guys thank you I don’t have the Trinity items on the list so again if you can find the drys I would do it but if not this tube still will be delicious by the way okay love the dog cattail oh by the way arm

Alligator it’s not true that has actually a bad way because it’s now in law’s the most chill melon law in the world all right let me show you how to cut a pineapple into a pineapple bowl how does that sound okay firstly that works look at that we can see everything

First cut my friends I’m gonna leave the fronds on and then just cut this pineapple right in half lengthwise I’m heating up my Titan pan by the way because we’re gonna get right into the wall so half this way I’m gonna find the other half this way okay and watch all

Right apart okay I’m not going to use the whole thing right now I’m gonna I’ll cut that later for the kids now choking up on the knife knife skills class will be epic if you want to be a good cut okay Titan town I will talk about the

Pan when I get in there thank you very much some for lemon grasses if you had dried lemon grass if you had kefir or lemongrass you you can sub one for the other okay if you want you could try some dried lemon lime rind but you know what invest in time

And find some dried lemon grass out there it will change the way you cook all I’m doing friends is staying about a quarter inch inside the pineapple without piercing through so I’m hollowing it out to carve a bowl okay so once I’m in from the side we’ve got done

The sides right the frame now I’m going to go from the middle and growing lemongrass is really fun and easy too alright I’m growing somebody’s not ready don’t worry about it you know what it’s all good so then I come from the middle and watch I get my first wedge then I

Come from the middle again I’m just basically coming from the middle out to find that first cut and I’ve got a wedge now that I’ve got a wedge all I’ve got to do again is I’m kind of make sure I cut I’m cutting through the ribs I’m

Gonna take my knife slide it this way and then all I’m doing is finding angles I’m just finding wedges constantly and they pop right out we got that so boom so in about three or four motions I’ve cut out a pineapple Bowl super simple all right

Lemongrass is that is the tube isn’t as good yeah you know what have you had the tube use it very sparingly like just a drop because it is very very concentrated so I’m gonna use that for the plate good stuff this this question and answers is working now don’t you

Think I think it’s totally working so I’m gonna leave that here at for the bowl for later let’s get into speaking of you reminding me I need it I need the pineapple for the rice so I’m cutting out the ribs this is the chef’s choice

I I won’t put the ribs in the dish I’ll actually either infuse stuff with it or eat it myself or feed it to my dogs okay so so I just like that let’s talk about the rest of the meson Plus French word we’ve got the way that one hit I’ll say

That one a lot and I’m trying to be fancy okay love the pineapple cooks okay cool it is super simple miso plus the only thing you need to know here is I’ve got ginger shallots garlic you already know what that is this is Chinese sausage if you don’t have it any smoked meat

Product if you’re vegetarian that’s fine too but you can stay there early that’s what the package looks like Chinese sausage this camera’s working out in a clean it’s so much cleaner I’m sorry people from last week last night it was free alright so yeah Chinese sausage I

Keep them in the fridge they’re cured you can eat them they’re delicious my favorite thing in the whole world and then first time using dried shrimp you will be using these for Pad Thai as well they are base trim and they are also fermented and dried so there you go

Store these in the freezer these don’t belong outside they’ll oxidize they’ll get really gross freeze them or throw them in anyone you want to pranks car and their hoes forever alright the only other thing you need to know is the curry powder common curry powder nothing too fancy okay

Dried shrimp umami yes they are dried shrimps are super umami so there we go I’m ready to cook Titan pan really quick I think I’ve cracked a brand new one out of the box same pan 11 inches wide it’s nonstick and stainless steel I designed this pan if you really

Went deep the the metal grid is higher than the nonstick surface so food touches the metal grid and brown but the nonstick under it kind of keeps everything moving also very safe for metal Ally without a question like that I think the kids are home they should

Come in and hang out so shrubs or shelfs shellfish allergies on the drug trip 86 just 86 it and you’re gonna be fine okay okay how would I get one oh my god I’m sorry I don’t want to be a commercial I’m so sorry but I’m gonna say it once

And I’m only gonna say it once okay it’s WWE tightened pan comm so I’m gonna say it tightened pan comms almost done okay let’s go back it’s about you and it’s about cooking okay so Titan tan is getting crazy high you don’t need a wok I am so like not a

Wok guy unless you’re trying to build a relationship with the walk name it make it part of your family it’s not that necessary American stoves are flat right so we need pans that are flat bottoms to get more heat so that’s just how say it more than once

I’m saying again you’re not gonna make me say it Mary I’m sorry okay so full-blast oh I turn up the heat full blast my music class is ready I have a rice that’s fresh cook and I’m gonna start cooking what do I want to use I’m

Going to use this guy my spoon so Ali’s probably gonna come in now just to capture what’s happening in the wok that’s my queen reference flat bottom girls you make the rod you make the cooking girl go there you go excellent alright so once you come in I’m gonna

Hit the hood if you guys and this gets loud you just tell me and I will stop alright now if your arms get tired let me know no no it’s my fault just a little bit oil because there’s nonstick I’m using grapeseed I love grapes you know because he gets wool any

High order of operations okay I think about what can I put in first that will help give flavor and that would be Chinese sausage I want to render that yeah six burners plus a griddle we don’t mess around here okay six burners plus your griddle so everything you put in

The pan cools the pan does that make sense so that’s why I’m always going at full blast okay that’s moving very very nicely now aromatics shallots ginger garlic dried shrimp in my opinion dried shrimp can go in now because it’s only gonna get crispier and more delicious alright

That’s good they’re going and again keep it moving and any skillet would be fine here family it doesn’t need to be a fancy fancy pen okay now fried rice can I teach you a secret have fresh cooked rice in the in the recipe it would say day old rice

Omit it do me to give you like an OS moment like you know when you’re like oh s you know I’m talking about I need make the rice in time oh snap you know what word I’m really talking about right kids out there so I’m gonna behave if

You’re like oh no fresh rice pan don’t play well together then use the aid of egg I’m going to show you how to do that so push the egg around okay and the recipe does not have egg guys I’m adding this to give you yet one more great tip

To not have rice sticks to walk so spread that egg around like a landing pad like a bed and watch this if you have hot rice like I do hot rice will be absorbed by egg watch list and then coated with egg and then kept from sticking to pan alright and I’m using

Egg anyway because look I’ve got yo I’ve got meat in here anyway so this isn’t a vegan rice or a bed which is nothing wrong with that so check it out look I’m gonna talk and look no stick no sticky alright no sticky because the egg fell

Pretty big alright if your arms are in entire dolly I totally get it you need a little break alright I know you are alright yeah that’s a moment I learned that wok trick from a Hong Kong chef dude with the man like for real okay now I put the soup in late because

I don’t want them to overcook I’m gonna season now you give you what your restaurant for two seconds Ali everyone sees what’s happening in the pan hot sour salty sweet right salty Maggie okay Maggie anything yet just a little Maggi sauce not a lot a different salty fish sauce this is more

Of a punchy like a very sharp salt Maggie is a sweet mellow salt that makes any sense okay oh yeah yeah so I added shrimp just now so in the pan is the aromatics and the sausage the shrimp was the last thing before Ali pulled away guys I’m so

Sorry alright I usually do the Shrimpers to get the aroma that’s cool but my panelists like really cranking and I didn’t want rubbery shrimp so that that’s why I didn’t do that so this dish is not spicy if I wanted to do spicy I could do this your dried chili but I’m

Gonna add curry powder to give it some color and then just a little bit of color there and a lot of interest as well and then accident is gonna come from the form of pineapples right so there it is now yeah you want to come in and I’ll

Plate this movie so now he’s gonna give you a nice close-up of what’s happening right now so we’re gonna go back into the pan so the curry powder is going to start to kind of color things add some interest the Curry’s going to toast and again watch me chop this thing and it’s

Not gonna get no stick so I’m just gonna gently toss and you’re gonna scrape the pan down there’s gonna be a super light and fluffy and I’m gonna do scallions now okay and I’m gonna I’m gonna bring a little cilantro to the game and a little

Bit sorry yeah yeah it’s all in the recipe too by the way how much I put in here that’s why I didn’t tell you you know curry powder yeah just a little bit of curry powder so yeah that’s pervy I’m gonna plate for you though so no yeah oh I forgot one

Thing I forgot little sugar I have one remember PI food is all about balance and I was like wait a minute I’ve got all my savory I’ve got all these aromatic qualities I just want to punch a sweet and that’s how it works in the Thai kitchen so I’m gonna bring

The bowl to you then allier where you are I’m gonna live there okay and then what should I do turn this off this by itself could just be served in a big ol bowl and your kids would go crazy in your partner’s will go crazy in your friends will go crazy but

Check it out you’re you’re using pineapple anyway and I’m using a bowl on purpose because I want it to overflow I want that whole abbondanza situation right I don’t want it to be like oh my god okay I don’t want it everywhere but I mean I want to get credit for my

Protein so I’m gonna put the shrimp there and the shrimp there and then I’m gonna do a little final garnish I’ll be a little scallion a little cilantro sprigs on top yo you just made pineapple fried rice go yeah there it is right there it’s that simple okay so so any

Questions would you eat that the super simple guys Thai cooking is not difficult oh that shrimp went bye-bye man down sorry about that um so can I deliver to NYC yeah dude I would love that this is my favorite fried rice by the way because it’s got

So much complexity and flavor and there it is yes al you have a question there yeah if you had turmeric right yeah you can absolutely go easy on the turmeric and back that up with a little pepper and a little salt just to give it something because turmeric is very sharp

And strong on its own guys but yes you absolutely could use tumeric and you get the credit for super food sure though you’re eating sausage and fried rice though there it is okay I’m gonna put this away one dish done we’re gonna move right on to the next okay I’m gonna

Finish my soup now and then we’ll finish the Pad Thai and we’re done then we reduced it with you a well let Ali get a break she’s been working so hard all day we did Food Network kitchen earlier looks delicious thank you very much appreciate it Cheryl thank you thanks

Family I miss that how many varieties a curry powder there there there are a few but if you just the generic old curry powder that is turmeric forward well you don’t have to overthink it all right there okay let’s do this let’s go to soup so soup stock is back I’m

Gonna taste it and what I’m looking for is on the nose I want to know that there’s lemon grass and galanga in here and I get that on the nose mmm there is already a good amount of salt in here because I’m using a box stock so don’t

Forget to get give yourself credit for that versus using the making your own cuz if you made your own for my recipe you probably have to back up back down on fish sauce which I’m gonna do here so let’s bring this to the boil and let’s finish off our soup meson plot us

Special meson plus you already know chicken power you don’t need a very critical ingredient now family chili paste in soybean oil also known as numb prick powell in thai which means roasted chili paste in this oh my god this is delicious shrimp shallots garlic onions chilies stood down ever so slowly until

The sweetness basically takes over so numb prick Powell alright chili paste on their own everything else you know straw mushrooms you could use can’t you could use white buttons you can use creamy knees don’t use high flavor mushrooms like shiitake knees or any of the fancy French

Mushrooms well blow it out you want a base mushroom that doesn’t have a lot of flavor so the flavor the soup takes over okay Deb is Amazon Queen she found that from Amazon that’s pretty amazing cabbage for a little roughage and that’s it so watch this will take very very

Quick I’m just gonna put chicken in so Ali do you want to join me for a minute props to Ali guys give you Ali of big old props oh please are you kidding me so worth it you know because hey you’re awesome and be the picture

Quality’s killer yes when in a few times I’ll actually use chicken breasts I hate chicken breasts everyone says things that would go Ali family Larimer go Ali alright so I’m gonna get the chicken and notice the garlic and all that stuff so in there I like that rustic look I

Really do straw mushrooms you can’t really overcook them so why not throw them in right now now I’m gonna put the cabbage in last so what the things you need to understand is coconut milk shake well before use this is one of the few times I’m actually gonna allow you to do

That when we make curry together don’t you dare okay so I’m gonna use a church key because it’s a very efficient tool for this job let me put it down so I don’t splash myself so I’m gonna a church key this I need a porn and then so let’s go in there alright

Did I say mushrooms or canned yes these straw mushrooms are canned okay so the balance of creaminess is really kind of up to you Ali likes a very coconut forward soup I like him it all rides and now that thinking awesome it’s cooking it it’s cooking it forward chili

Patience ah you know I’m being very generous with it because it’s got phenomenal flavor and I might find a whisk ally outfits our kitchen so well I’m gonna find a whisk and look look at that beautiful color that red those red kind of chili oil droplets start to

Express themselves okay and then and then for seasoning very simple okay why would you ever replace chicken breast or thigh this is one of the few places fish sauce guys I’m actually going to be okay with chicken breast because died I love that it’s very meaty

And very kind of like dark meat tasting this needs a light touch so this needs a very light touch last thing I’m going to need guys is lime juice just a little lime juice and if you are cooking for yourself and you’re not like sweating the kids like not liking spice

Then I would add a few more chilies in here and if you’re like a super super spicy head I would actually slice chilies and put them in there and and again thank you very much Victoria just a pinch of sugar you’re gonna notice in Thai cuisine we really like that balance

So and I just made thumb cocci yeah that’s a Rogan there’s halo halo is stop surfing stop shopping stop shopping get it out so can you substitute lime lime with lemon totally I’m okay with that it’s gonna taste a little different but totally okay with that I needed a little

More salt that’s it y’all some I let me boil it up in in a in a glass bowl just so you can see what it looks like this is when I would add cabbage and all I’m gonna do is I’ll take a small wedge of cabbage and I want it

Large like 1-inch ish to half-inch see how there’s a variation because they’re going to wilt a little bit but they’re gonna wilt fast and if you ever steamed cabbage or had the flavor of cooked cabbage it’s so sweet to me and that’s why I like it it also adds just a little

Bit of roughage in there and I’m going to throw that in and I’m gonna go back to my scallions and cilantro for garnish throw that right in there guys you’ve just made coconut chicken soup that’s it I mean Thai food is really that simple

You know I’m sorry to tell you I want to like pretend I’m a magician and I’m amazing but it’s really just training you know so I’ll let Ali get it tight on this in a second when I come to you and then I’m gonna show you how and garnish

This so so I’ll put that there that a good place you tell me what I want you to do as you serve this just take a little bit of the oil let’s float it on top and if you’ll indulge me one more garnish note stay there if your arms aren’t you tired Ali

You’re doing great all right I know you’re big and strong and tough kaffir lime leaf fold it in half roll it up really really tight like a you went to college you know what I’m talking about I don’t remove the spines because there’s such a delicate leaf you don’t

Have and watch pick up pick your knife and then this entire week all soy right you’re basically doing the most delicate shifting on ever okay and then you make you make these little tiny little tiny dusts with that and then you’re sending that while it’s aromatic and you’re

Gonna drink that and that’s it Ali we eatin good tonight that’s all I’m saying right there oh my god okay you know two dishes down I’m gonna reset I did get the Chinese sausage recipe for love trim yep that’s it I wasn’t sure how much I needed to cook

In the fried rice not too much every bite every spoon of fried rice should have like one or two pieces of sausage but it’s kind of like bacon if you’re a bacon head put as much as you want I mean who cares you know in a noon so

That’s a good question that guy’s Wow last dish can you believe it we’re cracking through this guy’s okay yes question cilantro is absolutely used in Thai food coriander as it’s called sometimes we use we use the wait what cilantro I just I blew it coriander I was gonna say what’s the

Seed called it’s called coriander and then the Leafs called cilantro and then Thai people actually use the root will actually pull the root out of the ground and we’ll and we’ll use it in in curries and stuff so okay last dish I’m going for it whatever use rice noodles in

There heck yes you can make any soup into a meal by noodles you can even add cold cooked rice and cook it in there and make porridge so that your so for sure you all you can do whatever you want all right last dish let’s do this pad time meson

Plus what do you need to know about pad thai specialty ingredients what type of boards am i using this is a booze board which commercially available you like that and this is a one-of-a-kind live-edge slab board family-owned business can you see the one-of-a-kind logo and they make these

They make our super giant live edge table live inch cutting boards this is a 6-foot cutting where it’s crazy to see there’s a six-foot long cutting board you’re only seeing the edge of it right there so so there it is so there you go yeah I know exactly

We only cleaned what you see that’s it everything else is a mess no I’m joking yeah go ahead Jared if you’re doing the tamarind from block I want you to take about let’s say 4 to 1 by volume 4 times tamarind block 2 water so if you have about a

Tablespoon of tamarind block take 4 tablespoons of water smash it together and strain it out like the YouTube video shows you okay dried shrimp you know new ingredient sweetened radish okay this is daikon radish the big long white radish and you couldn’t find the sweet don’t worry

About it just I would omit it don’t use the salt because the salt is too salty this just is gonna add a lot of an extra layer of crunch to authentic pad thai and then a savory baked tofu this is the stuff in the vacuum packed bag and I’m

Just likes to thin you could use fried you could use anything that’s in the vacuum packed bag don’t use tofu in water don’t use fresh daikon as well I’m Marie you don’t want to use fresh stuff I know the kids good you want to check on them

Okay sounds good Alys all over couldn’t find big tofu just fine teriyaki tofu soy sauce tofu at Gelson’s any of those any of the fancy-schmancy markets I’m gonna make pad thai sauce with you okay I’m gonna show you simple it is okay I’m gonna do it restaurant style – let’s make pad thai

Sauce okay first thing I’m gonna do is there’s so many ingredients in this as you cook Thai food more you’ll be able to decipher flavors so as you begin this is how I want you to begin kind of cooking by feel you know sweet okay you

Already know what sweet is I’m making a lot of pad thai sauce it’s just so visually you can see what’s going on you know sweet as you know fish sauce is important I’m gonna go fish sauce – sugar my family’s grocery store actually we close this year cuz my mom retired

Considered our restaurant unfortunately so you know salt you know sweet you also know acid I believe that you have your lime juice tongues dialed in because you know that okay the new ingredients for you are going to be tamarind so I want you to when you cook

With this guys at home I want you to do this I want you to take take a spoon this is my house so I’m double dipping and I’m cross-contaminate because just going into my house okay I want you to taste Tamron it is a sweet

N sour it’s not a sour pucker lower it’s a very kind of lovely of fruity sour all right and then rice vinegar might be kind of new to you in terms of using it and give me a favor friends by unseasoned rice vinegar okay white unseasoned rice vinegar season rendering

Has sugar and salt in it I don’t want that and I’m only eyeballing this guys because I’ve made this dish gosh probably 20,000 times in my life so that’s why now here’s the twist I like to add a little sriracha in my pad thai if you don’t like spice don’t

Worry about it that’s going to go in there a little more sriracha going to go in there and that’s it that’s pad thai sauce and don’t you dare try to make pad thai sauce every time you want to eat pad thai if you know you’re gonna be making

This dish a lot just multiply the the sauce recipe by four six eight put it in a jar or just use a deli cuffed chefs we live and die by these okay so there it is I only have the bottle of lies David David most people do so don’t even worry about it

Oh Simran Indian tamarin is more dense and concentrated than Thai so if you’re using Indian Cameron you need to dilute it probably three times two to three times and add a pinch of sugar to balance out the lack of sweetness that side tamarind has how does that sound

Can you freeze it yes you can backpack this you can freeze it 100% all right out of the fridge because there’s salt and stuff in here you’re probably good for a month or two all right probably longer but that’s probably the safest I probably should tell you if

That makes any sense and the last ingredient guys is this is the noodles alright umm rice stick noodles dry rice stick soak them in warm water for about 20 to 30 minutes and become this I had paprika as well by the way and I’m gonna

Use it so don’t worry I’m gonna use the paprika okay you soak it in water warm not hot you don’t want to cook you you cannot soak these too long if your water temperature does not exceed a warm bath cuz then they cool and you can stick

Them in the fridge you soak them too long if you get beyond 180 degrees because that’s when you’re actually cooking the starches in the noodle oh Alton bad moment nerd time there you go you like that how long are they sell all of these chef’s table

Ingredients for the last six months at least two a year okay alright how do you keep them from sticking I’m gonna show you in the pan you get alright the first were the first way that they don’t stick Meijer is you don’t soak them in too hot

Of water that’s the first tip right there you want them just like this let’s get into the pan I’m ready man kids are happy everyone’s happy Ali good they’re taking baths and relaxing they’re not home game they’re still out partying lord have mercy okay I store my sauces outside in a cool

Dark place I don’t even bother fridging him it would take up like a quarter the fridge so cool dark place my Asian pantry makes Ali crazy that’s all I could say all right let’s do this yes I am playing all right oil and this ally when you’re ready I might bug you

To do this handheld because there’s a lot of nuance here there’s a lot of nuance and in the pan so oh yes so come on in when we’re ready Ali order of operations is pretty critical guys can we see the inside of your fridge yeah it’s pretty clean right now totally all

Right so I’m gonna go chicken first this time now because in the rest of you might think garlic and aromatics are endemic but the pan gets really hot so I’m gonna use the chicken to cool the pan down a little bit notice here that we’re seeing this fan gets alright

Radish dried shrimp now garlic because I wanted the garlic not to burn okay so now I’m gonna get that in there start to tear it around and I just want all these flavors to marry together I want the chicken about medium so the little sear on the outside but still raw in the

Middle peanut oil sign any of those oils just don’t use extra virgin olive oil don’t use sexy more high temperature little flavor friends Oh y’all so much memory and I like to block to soak it up yeah that’s fine just play with it just don’t make sure it’s not too acid all

Right now here’s very important I’m looking at the bottom of the pan and his bone dry cuz I only use oil that they need I’m gonna put a little oil and I’m gonna show you a hot side cold side trick push all your ingredients on one side and

Pull up your oil on the on an empty pan side and then I’m gonna crack your eggs right into that open side all right because I want the eggs not to be basically scrambled and pick up all the other things yes you can do metal

Utensils in the same pan boy I want eggs to be eggs I want to know what they are what the whites and the yolks to be Lisa that makes any sense and then I bring them together there you go and here’s the secret okay when I sprinkle in the pan nothing really just

The egg I just cracked the egg in there noodles have to be wet out of the water okay so I’m gonna put the noodles in now and I’m gonna reserve this later okay now I’m going to use the noodles if you let the noodles cast-iron don’t use cast

Iron here because it’s a little too sticky all right I can’t really hear okay I’m gonna go down yeah yeah this parent won’t scratch that’s I’m dead serious all right now the noodles are starting to soften okay no this won’t touch the pan because the metal grid on top is catching the metal

Utensil and it’s not touching the actual nonstick part that’s what I’m looking for yes the stainless steel mesh matrix that I designed anyway these noodles are soft now they went from very dense and very kind of plasticky to saw is there anything you shouldn’t cook in

The Titan pan oh god the shrimp you totally reminded me so you’re like oh shoot watch I’m not worried I’m gonna use the metal I’m gonna have the shrimp touch the actual metal mask everything features yeah yeah you basically passed thanks there my name is good the shrimp

But I’m not freaking out okay now you’re like where’s the paprika go I like I really like paprika for a little punch of color because American Pat died the pan is oven safe American pad thai has always been made with paprika since the 60s and 70s and when my family and

Other families started by to eat here so that’s how you want them right there all right there guys I’m just working the paprika okay last tip for you yeah I get it but the more you put into it the more you understand it the more you’re gonna be

Good at it okay two choices I have a fork in the road here I want to taste these noodles and I want to look for I want them moist not wet so there’s still a little wet so I’m going to let them cook a little bit I’m gonna taste hmm excellent

I’ll have the flavor I want but you know smoked I’m just gonna do a little intense by the way just so you know and then I’m gonna use a little bit cooking liquid any Italian Americans out there that whole pasta water thing you stole it from West Chinese I’m gonna trying to

Say that right now I need a little more sugar and that’s it guys Ali you want to pull back I’m gonna plate up there it is times are like no we do okay I’m always thinking about the moisture in my the in my pad time I’m gonna put

Scallions now guys and reserve some for garnish I’m always thinking as the pad types cooking I’m never gonna let it dry out in the pan I always want to plate it right at that moment it’s still moist okay so you can’t you can’t let this oh yeah Ali we’re gonna eat super good

Oh okay so check it out I’m gonna play it up now you wanna meet me or use all you’re good I’m good we have the best we have the best team team teyla is the best so this is a lot of jokes tonight let me finish with the garnish I need bean sprouts

Why should I do teamkayla forever y’all there you go on one side I need peanuts here and then yeah this forum is great this is a good team I mean I have we’re all on one email thread together Silla and then finally I’m gonna do a little

Lime wedge garnish I look I like I like to go off center so I don’t grab the seed pod just so it looks sexy like that so it’s pure juice I’ll stick that in there and there you go pad thai everybody what’s a good peanut sub just

Don’t use it now we just totally 86 it and your son will be totally fine so there you go let’s pull back to the first position Ally Tila friends we’ve made three dishes in 32 minutes it’s not over cuz that’s the fun part we’re gonna get out a little break but I’m gonna

Pull the camera now and we’re actually gonna chat but um that was that was it how crazy I’m through it’s super simple you know what I mean al you have a question what is what is she talking about Oh if someone sprays oil in my tiny pants is that who you’re talking about

You’re talking to Lisa right now Deb you can do this it takes time yeah is she saying that something like pre sprayed the oil hmm it wouldn’t be bad at all cuz yeah Lisa knows Lisa knows I love cooking along because uh she’s doing a cooking so I

Used to teach for her that’s Lisa okay you like my state posters thank you very much I can’t even believe you did this so thankful um so what group questions as I grab the laptop might we have we made some cockeyed galanga soup we’ve made a pineapple fried rice and we

Made pad all in a matter of no time at all so I’m gonna leave that there and I’m looking whole holy pineapple Bryce presentation it’s super simple you can do it we did it together guys it’s super easy Madra scrape out her 100% that’s a good question um all right Ally I’m gonna

Pass me that laptop don’t you do it guys I’m gonna how about a giant hand oh yeah I’m gonna come take a bow no she doesn’t okay I got it and then I’m gonna grab see how I do this here without hurting anything oh can you knock that camera back there you

Go all right so friends how are we doing it’s cool my Zachary helped me with the pad thai it would say hard before bed yeah I gotta find you guys so all right I’m gonna do my my – my shout outs now I’m going here and I’m saying

Kathy twos disappeared hi Melinda’s iPad Thank You Josh and crystal if you have um hi Lisa Philpott how’s it going al Joseph is eating and his family so who so if you have a child that needs to go to bed who was that by the way raise your hand if you have a

A question and I’ve got to scroll through a ton of screen there’s a lot of us here we just did a cooking class for 85 people so good on you guys that’s awesome yes Michelle Boston very good good – Sara excellent I’m gonna scroll through so keep your hand up if

You have a child and wants to do a shout out Cindy I will your second how’s that so Cindy its Ali eat please eat okay David David asked to unmute you may unmute David jump on on your man what’s up dude what’s your name Zachary seven

Years old we have a daughter of years old I like to cook oh that’s awesome well you like to put more than our kids do that’s for sure well it’s nice to meet you I hope you had fun today and I hope you know think about joining us again how’s that sound

All right I’m going back to Cindy you had a question you may unmute anyway whoever needs to go before you guys go I wanted to thank you very much I hope this was fun I will take any feedback that you have the via or the email that I sent you

I’m gonna be doing chineses in two weeks nice skills is the week after that I mean Japanese is a week after that the knife skills and if there’s something that you guys are dying to do let’s find a way to do it I don’t know I’ll be home

For a while and Ali knows that the more I have to do the less so all right Cindy talk to me well my question is doing the Tom Kha and pad thai yes and I know what the chicken breast to dry out in the soup how do i time it so perfect you’re

Gonna hold the chicken breast to the absolute last second and then you’re gonna drop it in right right right at service it’s gonna turn from raw to opaque and you’re gonna serve it right away and the nice thing about chicken breast in the soup is it usually won’t dry out

Because it’s surrounded by liquid all the time so you’re gonna be good in the pad thai pretty much same thing I’m gonna give you one more tip tonight maybe you add a little cornstarch and oil in that chicken breast because it’s raw before you put in the pan it’s actually gonna stay a

Little more moist it’s a nice Chinese cooking trick which is you’re going to teach you in the Chinese class so it keeps all proteins that go into the wok nice and moist so there you go who’s your friend behind you sorry you’re on mute so anyway put keep

Your hands up and when to go around Cindy wait who’s your friend behind you that’s my daughter she’s 16 I’ll be good yeah kicking and screaming thanks Cindy all right who’s next raise your hand if you have a question I want to do a Sabrina wolf you may unmute go

For it talk to a bank says chef jet Tila has been really fun watching on for the pad thai you know we have the fresh noodles or rice noodles that are rich but you use those really would not not work out great question if you’re using

The fresh noodles for pad thai you use them the fresh noodles go right in it’s as if you’ve soaked them does that make sense when we soak the dry it catches the fresh are so you don’t pay into the pan I also have a question from Sarah

What’s the best way to reheat the pad sigh if you’ve done your job the pad thai is gonna get nice it’s gonna hold this way don’t judge me microwave airtight zip zip zip lock bag or a or what do they call those containers there’s to-go containers alley Tupperware Tupperware in a

Microwave is gonna be the way to go all right put your hands up guys thanks Sabrina I appreciate it someone’s drinking wine good for you Mary ease drinking wine ally we need to be drinking wine okay Shawn Carter unmute talk to me homey alright thank

You again um my son and dude kids love the fried rice it was kids names Rowan and Harper he’s wrong what’s up brother how’s it going – hope you guys had fun you enjoyed the fried rice yeah awesome now you don’t want to get in this my best half come on

Any questions brother man um if I can’t find some ingredients around here is there stuff I can order like his or her maybe you don’t mind just gobbling these orders together and waiting a few days there’s the only thing I couldn’t find was Maggi sauce Oh actually no a Walmart

Had Maggi sauce chili paste and soybean oil was available or fish sauce was available so just do a deep google search the shopping she’s trying to steal rawr yeah you’ll be able to find everything as all these invitations to get there ok thanks man anyone else dude the Suttons are eating

They are going to town they are blasting good for you I’m proud of you guys Michelle bot what’s going on here one of my colleagues from Schwan’s that’s awesome Stewart and Stewart unmute talk to me bro hey how are you I’m well thank you very

Much and who’s next to you this is my daughter Sarah Ann hi Sarah Ann how are you it’s good to see you you have a question my friend she she wanted to know if your kids enjoy cooking with you after my doing kids enjoy cooking this

So our kids are our typical don’t like to cook the only chicken nuggets so so know it what are they adventurous but she says you’re Mike amaya is great at baking with Ally yes she has the technical piping and baking skills but eating wise though they’re not adventurous at all so Sarah

Anna issue you an adventurous eater I won’t say so mostly that’s good she likes to feel likes to cook with me so we were wondering if you might do a cooking class that would be geared towards kids or something yeah do you know what this is our first cooking

Class ever outside of the test we didn’t even know we could do this a few weeks ago so if you guys give me a thumbs up if you think this is working did you learn something yeah so yeah guys love it double thumbs from Josh and crystals so yes yes so if

This works we’re gonna keep doing it how’s that sound you guys are on the mailing list forever you guys can opt out any time you want thanks a lot guys have a good one let’s see thank you a few thank you please alright I’m going to keep pushing around

If you have your hands up I’m gonna find you Jared you may UNMISS man Alan what’s that next to me oh man yeah yeah talk to me Jared what’s up nice to meet you so okay just I’ve watched all the tamarind paste videos I’m just oh yeah

So should I be taking three tablespoons of the actual tamarind paste and then putting in the water take three tablespoons of water and take about 1 tablespoon of tamarind block got it dilute smash together and strain that’s how to play please watch my tamarind video Oh his tamarind I’ll give them to

Look at your tamarind paste though you said that sounds dirty can I see your tamarind paste all right I’m gonna scroll Jared thanks a lot brother man if your hands are up I’m gonna find you know all right Corinne Jacobsen you may unmute ask a question

Well do this for a few more minutes and then I gotta clean all these dishes I love I just want you to know I love this show thank you and the question is is that when we can’t find something or other is there yes I think that we could use

Differently you know what it’s a broad question so if you do that when you get yourself into the cooking mode and you can before your meal planning why don’t you drop me an email and say hey jet this is what I’m gonna make and what can

I sub in if there’s something on the top of your mind I’m happy to answer that well I went to two oriental markets yeah you try to cobble it all together believe it or not most of these things you can actually omit if you have some

Things you’ll be okay with the other so next time send me a dish an email and go what are my criticals how’s that and I’ll say well your criticals are how does that work okay great thanks curry initiated thank you very much we love having you okay screen 305 okay Marian

Mendez you may unmute talk to us so Wendy Kopp that’s tie for hello so Eddie Cobb um I just know sounds good Marian I want you to go to youtube and look up ready jet cook Ali and I made a video on how to make our Penang and

Penang one of the dishes that how I we courted each other we’re so old you say court that’s why she married me for my Panang curry so Marian and everybody go to ready jet cook on YouTube and you guys will see a ton of our content and

Then you’ll be like why do the hell do I take this class that’s at thanks Marion we’re gonna go to Marci please unmute and talk to us a few more minutes oh we’re looking pretty good yes Marcy hi I have a question about the knife skills class actually I’ve got we’re signed up

For that and my daughter 14 I saw you do a facebook video about knives for kids he’s a little old for the the she’s too old for the knife like enormous and so she’s like kind of afraid so I had a suggestion for something that would be

Good for her I am NOT a lot big dude right I still wield a 12-inch knife it’s all about the technique and in the knife skills class I want everyone on this feed to be using at least an eight inch chef’s knife and that’s it that’s a

Center COO it’s about a six to eight inch santoku and for anything hundred percent and it’s about the technique and I’m gonna show everyone in the knife skills class how to use a knife correctly the bigger the knife the less you fatigue and the more the more

It works for you by the way just so you know okay and get your kids or anyone who’s nervous a Kevlar glove and put it on your weekend and that way you know you’re like you never worry it it’s it’s it’s not it’s to a point it’s really

Made more for cut proof but it helps with heat a little bit but don’t don’t make for sure don’t make make sure it’s not just for heat and Alice did you have a question I think so thank you very much by the way Marcy and I’ll see you

Guys at knife skills thank you all right Anna where are you there you are Anna please unmute there you go talk to us Ellis is a true team tila member by the way for many many many years so I know what’s happening I’m trying to get on we got

You you’re on ok I just wanted to tell you thank you so much for your on awesome cookbook it saved me quite a few times with a get for dinner on the short notice because they’re so easy to follow and so it’s simple to make

I also why thank you for my opinion you see it you’re the one I’m sorry okay no I hear videos not up that’s why so share your video yeah yeah yeah that’s why I couldn’t find you there’s a little button on the lower left that says a share video start video share video

So you got your pan right yep I good that is awesome very cool and is about to Trude long time team teal offenders you know Allie and I we have a great community here and you guys are part of it now so and it’s a pleasure thanks for

Joining us today next time share your videos leave it so we all can see you alright one more one more and then okay she’ll see you may unmute talk to us hi just a quick question Connor okay next Connor you’re next go ahead and Chelsea yes ooh you got golden

Mountain sauce the one on your left hand you nailed it yep that’s golden mountain sauce they both hurt I soy bean sauce you basically have the Thai version of Kraft versus Hellmann’s does that make sense they both are very popular brands with different families and my family uses

Maggi a lot of other families used golden mountain so you can’t lose there you have the right stuff Connor is hands race Thank You Chelsea where are you I’m gonna find you Connor you might not have your video up so if you don’t have your video up you’re

Gonna have to message me I’m gonna look in bro I’m looking I’m looking for you the Connor Connor Connor all I can focus on is my high bald spot that’s getting bigger and bigger I can’t find you man excite me your type me your question yeah maybe I couldn’t find you Holly

Sutton last question of the evening for real this time Holly Sutton’s camera are we sharing camera yep I see you and I hear you okay so um I was looking for soybean oil so you fell into the trap the minefield of the Asian market yeah you asked for

Soybean sauce they gave you a semi fermented soybean sauce which means if you’re trying to make if you’re trying to make soy sauce you take black beans and you ferment them until they’re black like amazingly fermented that is like a halfway fermented and then they make a

Sauce with it it’s a specialty item it’s gonna be hard to use for any of the stuff we are but you can cook it with vegetables and chili and it’s super delicious so so you’re looking for that Maggi or golden mountain sauce so I want

You to find this this even had this at Walmart so so that’s what I want you to use so all right so I can throw this in throw it in with garlic and cook it with some vegetables and it’s phenomenal Brian George would oh man hey that’s it guys I want to say

Thank you so much Jodie’s homie husband how are you if you guys have any questions send it via email because this chat window collapses once we end this meeting outside of that on behalf of myself Ali and the family Thank You Ali for indulging your husband’s crazy ideas

This was Ali a few weeks ago you’re gonna teach cooking class 200 people in our kitchen are you crazy and so I’m like I’m gonna make it happen and you guys are part of how we made this happen so to each and every one of you have a great evening thanks for

Joining us if you do join us again from the X classes we appreciate you hallo sis thank you as well and do me a favor guys one random act of kindness it’s all I’m asking and from the teyla’s we are out of here goodnight thank you everybody let’s see

You later you guys are amazing bye see you later stop recording here we go


  1. I really enjoy your videos and I learn so much from you. You are a great instructor and I appreciate the secrets you impart to make the recipe extra. However I have little interest in watching the participants, for me it was distracting. Comments are fine they can be helpful. I'm not familiar with Zoom so I'll try and determine how to only see you which is what I really want. Looking forward to another. Thank you.

  2. You made this a fun zoom event interfacing with your audience. Lots of great tips Chef.

  3. I just saw the class and loved it but I have a few questions about the ingredients, I live in Mexico and I can get a few of them but not all like the nam price pan sauce. Is there a way that I could do it at home? And the other question is about Maggi sauce, we have it here and in fact it's a very popular condiment the question is, dose it have the same flavor? Ours is very salty and has a ton of umami but the one I´ve tried in the states has a milder flavor basically I don't know if it's the same sauce.

  4. Chef Jet, since I live away from big cities, and can’t find fresh ingredients. Will dried powders and freeze dried products do.? (Lemon grass, galanga, kiefer leaves.)

  5. I just want to know the difference between red,green and yellow curry paste and if i can use coconut milk with all 3……. and can you use Myer lemon leaves

  6. Chef Tila-I love the Tital pan! Just bought a second for our lake home. Can you tell me the source/style of your kitchen backsplash?

  7. Hey there Jet and Ali, nice work. The food looks awesome and delicious I can eat that everyday. I'm not a chili head but, I can Thai food daily. The health benefits are great. Wow. I really like your channel on YouTube. Are you going to make more? We need it..
    Thank you

  8. I'm trying to get my 8 year old to have a more adventurous pallet. What would you suggest for a first taste of Thai food?

  9. Hello guys, it's 11:30 p.m. and I just finished preparing your three dishes. It was funny because when I thought I was finished, you said, now we are going to prepare the third dish, and then the girl watching your recipe wrote:Thai recipe is complicated, and I said to myself, I feel the same way but I don't give up. I cook till the end. It's funny how your wife does the non stick pan comercial. My spouse Alex dose not like spicy food, but I always make him eat it for his opinion.I want to make a video on my Youtube channel with this recipe, and I will say it's yours.Thank You so much. I can't believe I cooked the food I always loved with both of your help.

  10. Hey Tila fans …. where do you get Thai ingredients?? Here in So. Utah, they don't exist. If I order them on Amazon, which brands am I looking for? The Thai Soy Sauce, the Thai Fish Sauce, etc. Thanks in advance for your help 🙂

  11. Splenda is the worst…kills your liver and your Neurological system! NO BUEÑO Jet

  12. I enjoy your show very much, you are very talented! I live in China and enjoy it very much Asian cooking. Please, when you will refer to three things, don't say Trinity. That word for us Catholics represents The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Say trio, please instead. Comparing The Trinity with kaffir leaves or any other condiment is offensive. I know you are a nice guy and the last thing you want to do is to offend people by insulting their God. As I said, I like your show, and I like you very much, this is not to trigger anger, just to show you that there are certain things that should be respected, and chose our words more carefully. Thank you though for all your useful kitchen tips, and the delicious dishes you share with all of us.

  13. I need that pan! genius. And I will be trying these recipes. I'm not a chief in training by the way, however his teaching style is so easy to follow. Who would have known that I haven't been eating real sriracha sauce this entire time 😂😂😂

  14. Is it coconut milk used in Thai (you mentioned) what is coconut cream used for ? I’m in New Zealand so just want to make sure it’s the same ingredient

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