Quarantine Cooking - Peanut Butter Pie

In today’s Quarantine Cooking video, I’m making a peanut butter pie that’s gonna knock your socks off! If you’re a peanut butter lover, you’re gonna want to try this recipe!

Enjoy Y’all!

Peanut Butter Pie – https://www.pauladeen.com/recipe/peanut-butter-pie/

For more great recipes visit pauladeen.com

Hey y’all look who’s in the kitchen with me the captain is here you know what I think he heard me say hi yeah so you know I have asked y’all for requests on things you’d like to see me prepare and Michael my friend Gail Gail Daniel yes uh she requested me to make

Peanut butter pie so I have just beat up one and a half cups of heavy cream with a third of a cup of sugar and you can stick your finger in there Michael if you want to if it’s clean is your fingers clean if they have to stay on my whipping cream

I think that’s good that has my approval all right so I’ve got to get another Bowl because Michael you have a good peanut butter pie okay Therese gonna have a good peanut butter pie we’ve got to blend all the ingredients up real good so if you want to Michael you can uh

Time to help me first yeah you want to wash your hands just in case I don’t know where he’d been that’s why I didn’t want to they’re clean but I wasn’t sure he’s been hanging out in his garage so he says it clean but now they’re going to be cleaner

Oh he just took a shower he is clean um okay so we’re gonna put our pie together and we’re gonna start by using one cup of smooth peanut butter now if you like the crunchy do the crunchy I just happen to like it smooth crunchy you do well

I can’t believe that we disagree on something all right so Michael I’m gonna ask you yeah let me do something okay I’m gonna ask you to put that gum at these mixers are old I mean these beaters all right that’s just got whipping cream on it and that won’t hurt it a bit

Because it’s all gonna go together okay all right so we’re gonna add one eight ounce package of softened whipped cream okay I can do that yes cream cheese I mean cream cheese whipped cream whipped cream the whipped cream’s coming but right now Michael you are just beating up the

Peanut butter and cream cheese yes but now if I recall that says peanut butter pie right well no that’s nothing Sharp so I’m gonna add just a little bit of butter that’s like three tablespoons right there get in there so there we go everything’s better with butter on it y’all what a chocolate

What Corn Flakes I don’t I don’t all right now we’re gonna add how much sugar did we say Therese that’s a cup gosh it looks like more than a cup of confection sugar 10x or 4X whatever you have so there you go Mikey I’m gonna ask you to trade spots with you because

And if you’ll move that bowl right up the bear um do you remember why you like my peanut butter pie so much I kind of like all your pies well put a little candy into my custard and I’ve got some miniature peanut butter cups that I’m just gonna

Chop up and in the past Michael if I didn’t have these I would cut up like Snickers or any kind of candy chocolate candy that has like peanuts in it all right all right so turn that thing up and really give it a beep beep beep

All right is that good and smooth yeah all right now turn it back on low and slowly lift your beaters up and flip the stuff off of them okay and you got to move your thumb so I can get to oh oh okay that’s it all right no that’s not it yet

Gotta fold it in all right so we’ve got um we started with a cup and a half of whipping cream that we sweetened with a third of a cup of sugar now we’re gonna fold oh gosh let me see well I would use the bigger one I’m

Gonna Save a little bit Michael for the top yes just so when we have our piece of pie thank you all right in goes the peanut butter candy and that’s gonna be the best surprise in there y’all I’m Gonna Save a few to chop and put on the top so Gail

I really do think you’re gonna like this peanut butter pie recipe you can make it for your brother okay fold fold fold she makes a lot of cookies yeah yes I know she brings us wonderful cookies she likes using anise and her cookies okay that’s about got it Mikey okay put

It in okay almost okay almost we want that white go all right now put it in and y’all I’m using a store-bought graham cracker crust um because remember these are supposed to be quick and easy uh usually I will make my own graham cracker crust with

Graham cracker crumbs or you can use a um a flower crust and bake it off in the oven but this makes it really really easy it is beautiful isn’t it look at that all right so Mikey we are going to put this in the refrigerator and let that cream cheese and butter

Harden up a little bit and it ain’t gonna be long for I’m gonna put some of these on top of that girl no after we do our cream on it but you can if you want to I just hadn’t chopped them yet like a bonus as you think

But then I’m not gonna have any put on top of the whipped cream all right so put that in the fridge here wait wait wait wait waste not won’t not oh gosh a good Heap and tablespoon I would have to wash it that’s right all right all right refrigerator in the refrigerator

So Gail are you ready for your peanut butter pie cause it’s ready for you girl this has been sitting in the refrigerator now we let it we let it firm back up and I want to share a tip with y’all that I think is just a lifesaver when it comes to slicing

Pies because you know sometimes they can be messy so I’m gonna come into the center of this peanut butter pie oh and using an already ready-made crust just makes it so much easier now this is really really rich so you might want to cut small pieces all right

So this peanut butter pie is really easy to get out but if you’re doing a cream pie or something like that that’s you just know you’re going to break that first piece out well when you cut when you’re using an already prepared uh pie crust that’s in the little tins

This is what you do you take your scissors and you come in where you made that First Slice and then you go back and you make another slice and then you just pull that down just like that and look how beautifully your piece of pie comes out isn’t that beautiful

Yes ma’am it is it’s beautiful so y’all remember I I put aside some some of my sweetened whipped cream because I like to serve it with a dollop and then I like to put a little peanut butter cup on top and it’s ready for the captain but guess what the captain ain’t here

He’s only ship working so look at that spinning around oh you’re mine honey you ain’t going nowhere crap that is so good it is so good Gail I think you’re gonna love it girl


  1. I came here to learn how to make peanut butter pie for my class an must I say it was amazing, I must also say that I smiled the whole video😭🙂 I loved the happiness and energy

  2. Whipped cream Lol . I love all your videos. you brighten everyone's day . All your stories and laugh, so heart warming.

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