You might not be aware of a key approach to making matzoh ball soup.

So now I’m going to tell you how to make matzah bows the right way in a bowl put 1/3 cup of water 3 tbsp of schmalz or chicken fat after you’ve mixed that up add four eggs little bit of salt little bit of white pepper cuz you really don’t

Want black specks in there one and a/4 cups of matah milk all at once and just gently mix it together put it in the refrigerator for rest for about 30 minutes so when the time comes to make the matzah balls you’re going to wet your hand so that the mixture doesn’t

Stick to it and then you’re going to form these matzah balls very gently the most important thing now that you’ve made these perfect matah balls is that you cook them long enough allow at least 40 to 45 minutes for them to cook all the way through when it’s cooked all the

Way through the color is uniform if the center is still a little dark I’m going to give them another 15 or 20 you are going to have perfect fluffy floating Mo balls and your family will love you


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