Lazy dinner

by ampersoon


  1. MaluOrpheus

    Lazy? That looks like some fine dining to me

  2. Kueltalas

    Would be a low effort meal if you removed everything but the rice and cucumber.

    If you dirty more then 2 dishes while cooking it’s not low effort imho

  3. DramaOnDisplay

    Looks amazing for being “lazy” lol

    Is that a fried egg? It looks alike both a fried egg and a piece of cooked chicken lol

  4. jibboo24

    if this is lazy, what is heating up a frozen breakfast burrito while eating some tortilla chips (no salsa) for dinner?
    (asking for a friend)

  5. Cakeniss

    Holy smokes that looks tasty! What sauce is on the vegetables? Just butter?

  6. Ok_Resolve847

    I can smell it 😅🩷
    Looks tasty 🙏

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