Taught my dad how to make a steak. This was his first ever attempt. Don’t be too harsh on him! I made the potatoes (and my own steak of course)

by IvunC


  1. Rodaxoleaux

    Oh, I thought you meant the first steak he’d ever *eaten*. I was like… how?

  2. ColoradoWeasel

    That looks great. Nice job teacher.

  3. frenchfriedtatters

    The only way this could’ve been better is if it was on my plate. 9/10

  4. BergkampsFirstTouch

    That’s a damn good-looking steak. And you’re a good aon/daughter.

  5. silent-trill

    What the hell does your dad usually make?

  6. BigCommieMachine

    Steak Lessons:

    1) Buy a probe meat thermometer
    2) Cook to desired wellness

    That is enough to get a decent steak. Nobody can tell you how to end up with the perfect sear. It is 100% experience using your particular cooking method, stove, pan, grill…etc. You hear things like “smoking hit cast iron 30s-1m each side” but it varies significantly. My stove gets quite hot and I have to pull at about 95-100°F for medium-rare

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