Another winner in the books! Used bottled spring water and bulk proofed for less time (6 hours instead of 8) this time. Looks like this and less water helped fix my flat loaf problem! I’m slowly figuring out what works and this was definitely a success 😁. This is the longest I have ever stuck with a hobby so I’m very happy with how I’ve progressed these past few months (and very proud with how I’ve actually been able to keep the starter alive 😂)

Still trying to figure out how to get more of an ear, this one went out more to the side than up. Any tips for how to get this is much appreciated!

500g KA bread flour
150g starter (fed the night before)
300g bottled spring water
10g salt

by Plainly_Pan

1 Comment

  1. Plainly_Pan

    Whole process was pretty simple:

    Mix starter and water first, then add flour and mix into shaggy dough, let sit for 30 minutes.

    Stretch and fold (or just smush it around really good if it doesn’t want to stretch a lot) every 30 minutes for 2 hours (add the salt in the first stretch!) then let sit (covered) in the oven with the light on for 3 more hours.

    Shape and put in banneton overnight or until it’s a good time to bake.

    Take out of fridge, score, then bake at 450° 30 minutes covered, 25 uncovered.

    Let cool completely before cutting ❤️

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