I bought a tomato start labeled “sungold”… but the fruit ripened pretty red! 🤔 this a different variety, or can sungolds turn red like this?

by cerviceps


  1. alibobalifeefifofali

    I grew sungold’s last year and if I left them on an extra day or so they’d get a deep orange like this. They’re extra sweet this way, so this is when I’d prefer to pick them.

  2. tomatocrazzie

    Not a sungold. It is very common for the starts to be mislabeled.

  3. TomatoesandKoRn

    I grow sungolds every year and have never seen a red one. Likely mislabeled.

  4. Ashamed-Status-9668

    No they never are red. That might be a super sweet 100.

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