To grow an avocado tree from a seed, stab the seed with tooth picks, put it in a glass of water and plant the roots system that grows in six weeks. Learn about growing avocado trees with help from an expert gardener in this free video on vegetable gardening.

Expert: Jene Van Butsel
Bio: Jene Van Butsel is an expert gardener specializing in growing plants and tropical fruit trees since 1987.
Filmmaker: Leonora Fishbein

Series Description: A vegetable garden can bring an array of fresh vegetables to your home, from avocados and squash to butter and soy beans. Learn to grow vegetables with help from an expert gardener in this free video series on vegetable gardening.


  1. Is everything big in Florida? Every time I see a video on fruit it is enormous!
    By the way I noticed that the avocado seed had a root starting to grow. Does this happen inside the fruit or have you planted it previously?
    Thanks for posting

  2. @starryian007 I have a Fuerte avocado in my backyard. If you let the fruit get really ripe, the roots will start to grow inside the avocado. I live in Southern California and my fruit gets as big as the one in the video.
    You will want to graft your seedling later to ensure you have good fruit quality.


  3. Your seed already has roots, 99% of store bought avocados don't have roots

  4. A family friend in south central had a 40-50year old tree! It was huge! Those avocados were the size of softballs! And so delicious,yum. Can't wait.LOL!

  5. I just take the whole seed after it has sat on the counter for 2 days and plant it with pointy side up and cover lightly and water when soil is close to dry, and within two weeks I have a tree sprouting! I have two at the moment. I have never had any luck your way, and besides in nature it is not hanging over water with toothpicks,,, just plant and voila a tree sprouts within 10-20 days or less!! Mother nature and the ole plant, sun and water method is a fool proof method!

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