Hey party people! Thanks so much for hanging out with me while I share with you this new around the house happenings style of video! I made some really awesome Parent trap cookies, and did some more homemaking! I shared a few recipes of pudding recipe, a homemade granola bar recipe,and I fed my sourdough! yessss! I also gave meredith’s room a little facelift and did some cleaning and all the things! I hope you enjoy spending the day with me! motherhood motivation and all that good stuff!


Homemade Granola Recipe:

Parent Trap Cookies Recipe:

Homemade Pudding Recipe:

[Applause] N I just got home from the gym and here I am popping straight in right away uh to share the clip that I grabbed from the gym it’s a short clip not going to talk about it that much but I know sometimes I get messages that it’s like oh my gosh

Thank you so much for sharing it really motivated me so here you go if you’re needing some gym motivation I do share more on Instagram but uh you know what it’s all about just moving your body even even if it’s calisthenics okay that means like body weight exercises or just

Walking it improves so much and I’m starting to make breakfast so I saw this in the fridge and I’ve been neglecting it for way too long like way too is this still good I don’t know I know Hooch is normal but is that a little too dark

That one actually smells like a fer fation this one however is without the hooch which is the liquid on top and this one smells like a science experiment so I don’t know I went in here this is the most exciting part okay I know my fridge is open I went in here

To get the flour I store it in here to like feed my sourdough it’s been weeks guess what I found do I need to make breakfast do I need to make eggs do I need to make something healthy when I really have these hiding in my pantry

What’s the date on these well they’re expired but feel like they feel fine and they look fine always hoarding away the treats am I supposed to pour this out or mix it in do I dump out the hoot then I saw someone else do it and they your choice

Okay I’m going to stir it in and those that’s my inner dialogue so if you were wondering too I saw someone else do it the other day where they dumped the hooch out and I don’t know I I was wondering if that was the right thing to apparently you could

Do either or I decided to mix it in so this specific day what am I making with the sour dough oh I’m just I’m literally like feeding the starter okay I was cleaning out the jar and stuff but today you know what I did uh any guesses any

Guesses I made two loaves well it’s rising right now and I’m making some pretzels so really excited about that always trying to find new recipes with sourdough I didn’t film any of it I guess if it turns out well I can always make it again but uh English muffins are

Another favorite to make with sourdough it’s super simple easy to throw together and if you’re wondering about sourdough if you wanting to tip your toe dip your toe into the sourdough Waters if you will it’s so like if I can do it literally if I can do it you can do it

Kind of thing it’s so simple don’t think about it too much because then you’ll think yourself right out of it just do it it’s really easy get a sourdough starter off of Facebook Marketplace or something you can buy the like you know what I think King Arthur actually sells

A live sourdough starter on their website I almost got it and it’s pretty reasonably priced I want to say like $15 around that price point so if you’re Wonder like if you don’t want to put all the work involved into like feeding it every day and doing that get the live

Starter from King Arthur online and no skill involved at all I’m telling you guys it’s so simple and does the bread really taste Superior I don’t know maybe but it’s a fun process to just to know that you made your own bread it’s like wow you know living back in the olden

Days and stuff but this is the sour dough I let it sit this is the next day you know 20 hours or so it’s already starting to fall and maybe less than 20 hours but it doesn’t matter uh nice and bubbly active this is what I used this

Morning morning to start my Breads and pretzels okay I made breakfast I kept the superior sourdough and for whatever reason I have a hard time letting go of things and I kept also the discard sourdough I don’t know what the heck I’m going to do with this but I just I don’t

Know why I couldn’t throw it in the garbage for breakfast I just made like the egg sandwiches with Canadian bacon fren Killer Bread muffins and like eggs and that’s it also cheese also I hate runny egg and mine was like slopping all over the place I had to give some of it

To Alex oh my gosh I just heard my dryer go off I went to the thrift store and I got this really amazing oh well it’s a little damp it’s a comfort I’m just going to move it around I’ve been trying to dry this thing I wash it this morning

It smells fantastic I sanitized it do you see this amazing comforter I got from the thrift store listen one time we were having a guest come stay with oh right when uh Wolf Gang was born and so I think it was like one of the we were

Having a few guests come and so we wanted to buy like a comforter set for them so Alex was in charge of that and he spent literally an arm and a leg on a comforter and then last time he came to the thrift store with me he was like you

Mean to tell me all this time I could have been spending $10 on a comfort I’m like yes this is why we Tri hey remember oh you can’t even see it pretend like nothing is there anyway I’m going to um kind of give Meredith’s room a little facelift today

Nothing crazy mostly because I don’t have any like big plans o it’s a little echoey in here actually the weather is great so I’m just going to pop the door open oh my gosh this weather we went to the beach I think you saw that was the

Last video and it was like the perfect Beach day and then the day after freezing well for Floridians okay freezing cold means 60° it is spring after all but for her room I’m going to like make her bed because we have a lot of things happening this week

Specifically and then of course Easter’s coming so we’re going to have a lot of people like in and out of here they’re going to want well some of them are going to want to see the addition and so on their way of course they’re going to

Pop in you know what I mean like people just do that and right now she has nothing on her bed she has no sheets I no sheets for her I have like we got a mattress for her I guess that’s step one I mean we have like blankets on it but

So I’m trying to set it up for her one thing at a time because today I do want to get some things solidified for Wolf gang’s bedroom too I feel like I have almost everything I need to do his room completely so I keep saying that but I

Think I’m putting it off because I’m like this is a big task Parent Trap cookies have you heard of them I’m Mega excited to make them go and I’m going to share with that my most famous most beloved cookie recipe like chocolate chip cookie recipe I feel like it’s been

Years since I’ve shared it and we are in need of I mean I can’t remember last time I made them they’re so dang good oh the spring planter I want to do that but I’m still needing a couple of things we might run to TJ Maxx I don’t really know

Homemade granola bars sure why not homemade pudding mix I bought milk for it it’s a go I might Rend a L’s when we’re off also avalina has something later this evening with her school and then Elanor is staying after I have to pick her up and then there’s a time

Frame and then Wentworth is staying like slightly after that so um I have just a few hours to get this stuff done and then I feel like my day is pretty much over as far as being productive because I will then have to lend myself over to my

Children’s do you want to see Meredith’s room as it looks in the current state oh so we’re going to tidy this up for her and yeah I I don’t listen it wouldn’t be so bad if this mattress wasn’t in the way we have no use for this we’ve just

Been keeping it cuz the kids are having fun jumping okay just leave them alone let them be little also I was looking at my Amazon orders I have a lot of orders coming in today I have a couple of car seats because I don’t want to talk about

It I ordered some stuff for Easter I ordered just I I got a lot coming in but most importantly I have like worm silicone worms cuz I want to make electrolyte worms with element I have I only have a couple left of my favorite flavor and I don’t know if I want to

Waste my favorite flavor on Gummy Worms the first go around I don’t know how much I’m going to love them so I’m going to figure that out what’s the first thing I’m going to make I don’t know but speaking of let’s hydrate a l the dishwasher is open I have dishes all

Over the sink up here I’m kind of in a state of paralysis I’m like there are so many things I need to just uh decide what the most important thing is and obviously it’s Oreo cookies clearly Parent Trap movie night is in the works because how could you eat these cookies

And not watch the movie or watch the movie while you’re making them I feel like I’ve never heard of these cookies and I don’t know why it’s not a thing hopefully they’re as amazing as I think they’re going to be so I just am pulling out everything I need to make the cookie

Dough I have to get the recipe it’s been a while since I made them but the add-ins for this just so it’s like flour sugar brown sugar white sugar I’ll get the rest of it but the added oh I grabbed some Chi chips in there too

Because I just saw them and they look really good these are just to munch on but the add-ins are Oreos and peanut butter but then the secret ingredient to my cookie dough is pudding just like vanilla pudding packet in the small box I looked high and low for the best

Recipe you’re ever going to need add it to your catalog screenshot this put it in your photo album under must make immediately uh and that’s how good it is even if you don’t do the add-ins and make this Parent Trap Edition just make the cookies oh you know what my favorite

Thing to do is am I going to double this batch because my favorite thing is freezing the cookie dough like scooping it into balls on a sheet tray freezing it and then when they’re flash frozen after an hour or two you take the balls and throw

Them in a Ziploc bag Sal Monella I dare you cuz the whole family just takes the cookie dough out of the bag of in the freezer and they just eat it it is such a delight that’s it but for now I don’t want to get off track here is everything

That you need to make the cookies so baking soda brown sugar flour white flour Jello-O but it’s not Jello-O it’s vanilla pudding mix two eggs which by the way they redid their packaging wow some chocolate chips a couple of those two sticks of butter vanilla and if you

Want any more addins like uh walnuts or anything but obviously today we’re doing Parent Trap edition Oreos and peanut butter I’m going to throw in 15 Oreo cookies normally that would be one entire sleeve but did you know that for the party of seven we got going on over

Here every day they sell a party size pack of Oreos I just thought that was funny Not only was it on sale at Publix uh it made me laugh so anyway have you been seeing Lindsay Lohan like everywhere these days she’s promoting something I don’t even care what because

It just makes me happy seeing her like doing press and stuff and obviously her movies are so iconic I’m sorry Parent Trap Freaky Friday is there another one coming out mean girls and that was all within like the same year those came out I’m just kidding can’t forget about life siize that’s

Probably the greatest movie ever made it’s with Tyra Banks and then Herby fully loaded she did a lot of remakes has she done anything good since then I don’t know let her rip I’m not going to completely smash it oh I may have even gone overboard on

That I don’t know why I took that out I need to add peanut butter but I do want some chunkier bits in here you guys when’s last time we made Oreo balls too gosh I feel like we should just do it all and then I have the dark black cocoa

Powder and then I’m thinking well let me just make homemade oreos you know why why stop anywhere you know I’ve been looking for my trusty Pampered Chef spatula for way too long and so I just took literally 30 seconds to hunt for it found it 8 oz of peanut butter I’m going

To add I think that’s about a cup good enough and I’m going to add in the Oreos I don’t know if I could just do this all in the food processor but that’s not how I’m doing it you know who else got obsessed with eating Oreos and peanut

Butter after after they watched Parent Trap for the first time okay well that’s good just mix it together and I’m going to reserve this over here and I’m going to use my KitchenAid to put together the cookie dough for the cookies I’m I’m going to throw in one cup two sticks of

Butter I don’t know where my petal attachment oh you’ll never guess where it was okay I’m just going to give this a nice whip all right that’s good enough kind of unnecessary you’re supposed to just cream the butter and sugar I always like to give the butter just a little

Awakening while I get a measuring cup for the sugar so 3/4 of a cup pack brown sugar good and then 1/4 cup of white sugar now cream all of that together here’s the secret ingredient packed pudding mix and I’m going to do a like DIY homemade pudding mix but it’s for

Chocolate pudding I haven’t seen one for vanilla so maybe if you just want to make some double chocolate chip cookies that’ll be a good one for you cuz I know not everyone has access to this especially in other countries which makes me second guess like should I even

Be eating this because America all right that’s good enough and then two eggs plop those in and let that go also a little bit of vanilla just a splash in there or two splashes or three or four if you’re extra almost out of her that’s nice and creamy now you could add this

In a separate Bowl cuz that’s what I don’t know people who like to do dishes do but I just add it straight in here it’s 2 and 1/4 cup of flour with one teaspoon of baking soda and then I just mix it in all the way just until it’s Incorporated I turn

It off like right there’s still a little bit of white specks in there but this is where I add one cup of chocolate chips and then you have to just incorporate the you can fold this in but have we met good enough tell manella we meet again

So dang good sometimes I just think the dough is better than the actual cookie and then here’s the kicker this is where you fold in The Parent Trap part which honestly am I ruining this I don’t know we’re about to find out hard to ruin Perfection I guess so

Let’s just incorporate that in real quick good good good good good good good good good good good okay that’s good enough a taste test again I suppose actual Perfection holy cow it’s like my dreams have I could not have ever imagined this cookie dough tasting better but somehow this was it this is

What I’ve been waiting for my entire life my entire life has Built For This [Applause] Moment stop you never know how heavy a kitchen is until you try to Wal with one okay stop I’m out of breath well it is is definitely Amazon day because there is a literal like the biggest mountain of packages I think I’ve ever had at my front door right now

And then I had to like Wolf Gang was needing me and all this stuff so took a little break I did preheat the oven it’s almost there and I threw in the cookie dough in the fridge some people swear by this mostly culinary experts where you’re supposed to let the cookie dough

Chill um most of the time it’s like who has time for that but I guess me today I had time for that but not really cuz it’s only been in there for I don’t know 4 seconds I guess I could have done a better job of in of incorporating the

Oreo mix but it’s like good enough you know when I tell you these are my new favorite cookies you guys okay so the kids came home they had some Alex had some and it he had some people over and then the kids got home avalina had a

Friend over and man I should have made more I should have double the batch or something good thing I still have some dough in the fridge cuz I didn’t make all of the cookies yesterday but these were so fantastic a great swap up from like brownie Friday you know to you know

It’s a good Parent Trap movie night and then alongside you can just have some oreos and peanut butter but jazzed up in a cookie I have placed the cookies in the oven and I’m going to throw together the homemade pudding mix in case you know you need pudding mix

But also homemade is always better am I right is it or are we just telling ourselves that okay so it starts off I should get a funnel I forgot where I put it oh crap oh crap oh I don’t know if this will fit will this one work I have

A wide mouth funnel where did I it’s got to be around here somewhere where did I put it oh crap if I were a wide mouth funnel I would be I found it guess where I was that’s right the last place I looked okay one

Cup of the sugar but also a/4 cup so a cup and a/4 one and 1/4 cups of sugar ooh similarly 1 and 1/4 cup of corn starch which this is interesting if you have a corn allergy or you’re not into corn starch or gross as you have I don’t know

The texture of it oh it’s making my whole body cringe right now you can use Arrow root powder that’s a good substitute there 1 cup of powdered milk I bought this for the homemade pancake mix that I made did I use that the other day I we made

Pancakes they tasted great one cup of this oh is it full oh my heck oh don’t worry we oh my gosh what are we gonna do oh boy I didn’t think this one through I need some bigger uh jars apparently apparently apparently apparently apparently apparently but for now I’m

Just going to pour it in here which I could have saved myself 10 minutes A Time searching for oh go gosh I’m going to use some of this so then I’ll be able to store it in here but the rest of the recipe is just half AUP cup of Le ccoo

Powder I use Hershey’s because Hershey’s is superior also I think the cookies are done woo nice and golden brown on the outside just barely golden but it’s soft oh gosh hot chocolate is burning my finger soft to the touch you can let them cool on here which I’ll probably do for a couple

Of minutes just to let the insides cook a little bit more uh when they’re stable enough I will transfer them to the cooling rack but for now oh my heck they look so good back to the pudding she uses a Dutch dough whisk and uh well

That’s what I’m going to do it seems like the most timec consuming option here I wonder how many ingredients are on the back of an actual like pudding mix I’m looking for the box that I just had I’m sure it’s more than just these four ingredients that I just used you

Know what I mean but like how many ingredients are in this oh not that many and then in this so it’s like you know pick your poison so I’m going to actually make cocoa pudding and to do that ah I didn’t think this I need a

Sauce pan all right here we go I didn’t buy milk for no good reason Imagine Dragons anyone I’m starting off very simple right when you’re ready to make it two cups why is this so awkward to hold feel like almond milk isn’t this awkward they what they

Couldn’t make the handle 1 inch larger to fit more fingers to facilitate the weight of this jug two cups I have cow’s whole milk I feel like I’ve tried to make pudding with almond milk in the past and it just has always been a catastrophe I’m going to bring this to a

Boil first first things first I’m going say ooh okay you see these cookies now we can transfer them it’s been a couple of minutes they’re still pretty soft but they’ll Harden as they cool down they’re still extremely piping hot but I’ve got those Chef hands I can handle the heat

Oh be careful because it bubbles really fast all right how are we doing this this seems a little ridiculous okay simmer down simmer down my friends so to this you add a half a cup of the pudding mix ooh okay that calms things down a little bit and then

I will use my Dutch dough whisk so 2 cups of milk half a cup of pudding mix bring to a boil oh you’re supposed to mix it together and then bring it to a boil okay well there we go simmer for 5 to 8 minutes oh this is a labor of love

Definitely not instant pudding mix packet kind of thing nothing on the homestead ever is right I’m not sure if it’s been 5 minutes I should have set an alarm but this is looking pretty it’s like thick enough I’m over it so I have a couple of ramkin I’m going to pour it

In growing up my mom always had like pudding cups like they were glass cups and for whatever reason this isn’t going to work what am I going to use we only really use the pudding cups for pudding and I feel like if this becomes a thing I’m probably going to Thrift some

Pudding cups oh my gosh is it even going to fill up three okay well note to self double the recipe for the plethora of children that you have birthed I was thinking I was going to fill this whole thing up so wait 10 minutes uh before you put it in the

Fridge to cool obviously mine looks a little chunky monkey because I whisked the pudding mix in after the milk came to a boil I was going to say bubble and then I said boil and then it just came out Michael Bo just an initial taste

Test let’s do it I don’t know I don’t like pudding so it’s kind of tastes like pudding also a little thick okay not going to lie I didn’t get to eating the pudding yesterday like cold so when the kids come home I mean they’ll really be

The judge of that follow me on Instagram if you want to know the outcome of that cuz I’ll probably forget by the time the next video is posted to let you know the results but I’m sure it’s fine like I mean how can you really mess up chocolate pudding and then oh these

Cookies oh my gosh the cookies they’re just so good or how can you go wrong Oreos peanut butter and chocolate chip cookie unless you don’t like Oreos or peanut butter and then just go for the chocolate chip cookie and that oh my gosh just the chocolate chip cookie

Alone you’re going to love them give them a try I really think if you like uh cookies in general you’re going to like this one at least I do it’s my favorite recipe I’ve tried a 100 different recipes I always come back to this one look at the inside people do this online

And I’m like I don’t really understand but here I am doing it for you nice and I think this blanket is going to get as dry as it’s going to get man it smells great I need to get the sheets too I got the sheets some pillows

And I bought her some new throw pillows too can I Dro one on the way in here got a pink one I thought that was cute and then I found this adorable thing and I just know Meredith is going to love that she’s so cute and I think someone

Crocheted her dress oh my gosh and she has Bloomers on so adorable I also found this can you even I couldn’t leave her behind just take a peek at her her she’s so unique so beautiful definitely homemade I found this sticker at the bottom and I just

Thought oh my gosh my heart would break if she ended up in the landfill this is why I love going thrifting you find unique pieces like that I can’t go to the store and buy this I love her oh I’m just going to tidy up in here so she

Come when Meredith comes home she’s going to be like what just a little facelift if you will I think she’s going to like it spoiler alert she did in fact like it/ love it SL wanted more of it and even um Elanor came in her room and

She was like oh my gosh that so excited so I know the kids are like chomping at the bit to have all of their stuff ready and their rooms completed and is anything actually ever complete like yeah I want my room to be complete I guess but we’ll get there all in good

Timing I was like you guys just moved rooms even though it’s been like I don’t know a month or maybe more all in good time it takes me a while to like I just got the office done and the searching for things you know just unique items

Online is what I like to do online or at antique stores of course I could go the easy route and just get like all new furniture and all new stuff and Amazon next day shipping you know what I mean like that that would probably take a lot

Of load off but I like those special things unique things thrifted things I I don’t know I think it just makes it feel homey year it makes it it gives it a little bit more character by the way I found that basket at the thrift store the same Thrift trip that I

Just went I literally went for bedding and I ended up finding that basket and a couple things for the kid the older kids Easter basket so I’m so excited about that but I mean what else did I find that’s pretty much stuff for the kids mostly bedding it took up so oh hangers

I found so many hangers oh it’s like a secret stash of hangers like the Velvet hangers and they were purple and I said oh Elanor is going to love these so she was one needing more hangers and two she has the plastic one so I thought we’d

Upgrade them uh cuz you know her clothes and stuff are constantly slipping off of them which I mean obviously there are worse things in life but if I found them secondhand and they’re really good price I was like yeah that was another great find so always finding great G you never

Know what you’re going to find at the thrift store right so I was happy to find this bedding too which by the way is a Twi twin size I don’t know if I shared that with you before if I it was my big worry I picked it up and I was

Like I’m pretty sure this is a twin size I was hoping I was wrong but um you know in the store it’s just so hard to tell and I do carry a measuring tape but do you know how difficult it is to measure a sheet like by yourself like how do I

Do do I hold it you know what I mean so it’s just a whole process so it fit kind it’s like if it zips it fits kind of situation it’s like sausage casing for the bed but you know what for now it’s good enough and I mean I could always

Get her new sheets or whatever but these were actually really special I don’t know what kind of material it was but it felt really great quality I also forgot the brand but the brand of the comforter is oh gosh now I forgot Ashley something Ashley and I looked it up online and

It’s actually vintage oh my gosh the cat which by the way Meredith loved the cat I was you know it’s 50/50 I wasn’t sure if she was going to love it or be scared or Terri she loved the doll so much she like carried it around with her all day

She is very much in love with the doll and equally in love with the cat and when Eleanor came in yesterday she I showed her the cat and of course I mean who wouldn’t love that cat come on that’s a special find and I was just so

Happy that I was able to bring it home and everyone’s happy about it too so as soon as Meredith saw it she was happy and she was like what should we name them what’s her name you know so all of that good stuff and I it just fills my

Heart with so much joy but anyway the comforter is a vintage gem I had no idea I just thought it was like a floral find you know I might pull that tag off of it because uh it’s like who am I I used to never pull tags off things and now but I

Also don’t want to pull the tag off because oh by the way speaking of tags pulling off the rug as soon as we put the bed in that situation I knew I wanted to move it but I um Alex put these like rug grippers on so the rug doesn’t move around all over

Tarnation and I was kind of worried it was going to ruin the floors I didn’t really know how to remove them so I ended up just taking a scraper and pulling it off this way and it came up like magic her floors definitely needed a good cleaning I couldn’t find my broom

So I came in with the vacuum and then I ended up coming in with the Bissell cross wve which kind of like sweeps mops and vacuums all in one Fell Swoop and the vacuum was really just like throwing all the dust around so I knew I needed

More than that and some of the spots you’ll see is just leftover Gunk from when Eleanor my artist was living in here so it wasn’t too long ago that she was in here and I need to just take a scrub brush to the floors and get the

Rest of that paint up but there are like little specks of paint everywhere and it’s fine we’ll get to it eventually listen Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will my house be decorated in one or maybe year or two it’s all in

Good time I have the rest of my life to decorate my house but I feel like I’m making good strides and I’m so happy that I was able to get something done in here if not just like give it a good cleaning before we have like a ton of

People in and out of our house over the next couple of weeks so of course like you know before we have people over we’re going to have to tidy up before then too but I just wanted to show you how disgusting the floors were ooh this Bissell cross wave is actually my

Favorite I feel like I don’t talk about it enough anymore but if you’re looking for a good cleaner cuz I know everyone’s talking about the um H tinco I think that that’s one brand there’s also another brand that people are raving about online I feel like this one is a

Better price point and I just love it I it’s easily accessible I don’t know it’s the one that I have it’s the one that I like you’re the one that I want you are the one I want and I just ended up getting it and I really enjoy it so I’ve

Moved onto her closet which is actually where most of my attention was needed so the bottom basket are is full of clean clothes and the top basket is their her dirty laundry so I dumped her dirty laundry in the wash we’ll get to that and then the basket in the back the

Green basket which is actually Alina’s old laundry basket so many baskets that is full of her dress up I’m trying to come up with a solution for her dress up oh and I I found hangers for Meredith’s clothes at the thrift store too Some Velvet hangers some plastic hangers but

She was definitely in need of some more um hangers for her bedroom and uh I think they were like a dollar for however many I got so great find there too and it just made it so much nicer So eventually I want to put more storage in

Here for her but that will come with good time and then also like a little dress up station I don’t know how what we’re going to do but we’ll figure it out as time goes on but for now I’m happy that it’s all clean step one okay the big reveal so

Cute right I I am in love with this bedding I know she’s going to be excited when she sees obviously a clean room and like bedding but would she rather have Anna Elsa I don’t know maybe but I know this type of bedding will like grow with her

So I don’t know that’s why I picked it out and I loved it and cottage core maybe is in her future that’s what I’m trying I’m starting to pin for her room and I’ve got Cottage core on the brain so this is the after I feel like it’s

Clean and like the rug just moving the rug just changed so much and that little doll I just can’t get over her Rosy rosy cheeks and then of course the closet I got to putting her clean clothes away which was always nice I don’t always get

To doing that and I’m trying to figure out like a storage system in here drawers are key with my kids and uh these just are so shallow but I love this piece it’s Pottery Barn we’ve had it for I don’t know since avalina was a

Baby so it’s hard for me to get rid of any guesses on how long it’ll take her to completely destroy the place again okay also I have to highlight my favorite part will she have nightmares TBD okay so far so good no nightmares and I just

Got a little clip of her on my phone when she came home from school I said come check this out and she oh she was so happy and so excited who wouldn’t be I would love to come home to like a tidy room and some someone giving me new bedding and

Stuff stuff so it’s the little things in life okay and then wouldn’t you know it we were looking at the tag to try to find a good name for her but she did not like the name Margie which is who made it um okay so I don’t know if I shared

This with you but let me insert a clip Alex found this doohickey this humongous piece of furniture on the side of the road basically in like going for the trash I don’t even know just on the side of the road okay he’s the king of finding for like just random stuff on

The side of the road that’s actually really cool but let me show you a clip of what it looked like before we cleaned it and spoiler alert this is actually Us in the process of cleaning it so we just had some uh bleach water and oh my gosh

I don’t know where this thing was stored I don’t know how long it was outside maybe it was just in someone’s garage for 12 years but we brought this beauty back to life and I think it’s so great it’s real wood it’s great quality it’s super heavy

And it’s just a great spot for a storage system and eventually again I will get to wentworth’s bedroom once once we get going here but I’m still trying to figure out like a good I I just need like a week where I could just focus on certain things you know so without being

Distracted by all you know life with five kids so his closet we will eventually get him his secret door and maybe some builtins in here but I also don’t want to spend five grand and if you think I’m exaggerating I’m not like those are the quotes that we’re getting

And I’m just like oh okay and so yeah we’re trying to figure out um a budget friendly option I’m almost there I feel like I I may have figured it out with Ikea but then I don’t I don’t know there’s a lot of uh just Logistics cuz with

Wentworth’s door he has one door so then do we frame out his closet to have double door so he has more access to it I don’t know but here’s the end here’s what I ended up coming out with just a great storage option for him and so his

Stuff isn’t all over his room anymore okay well I got distracted with wentworth’s room I’m sure I told you but we found this thing not we Alex he’s the he’s the king of finding stuff on the side of the road and I was skeptical that it would fit or not but look at

That so until we get uh built-ins for his CL it this will suffice as a DIY built-ins okay oh my gosh we’re trying our best to figure out the Secret Door situation without spending an arm and a leg So eventually we’ll figure it out but until that happens this is actually

A great solution this is huge great find if you ask me I am going to eventually clean the kitchen because yeah it definitely needs my attention I’m going to make some homemade granola bar s welcome to my Homestead just a few ingredients I used to make these all the

Time here’s where I went wrong I made them for me I would make like the kid version and then I started making adult versions where I added all kinds of dried fruit all kinds of nuts and seeds and that kind of thing and so the kids slowly tapered off of eating them

Because they didn’t they just wanted the chocolate chip so that’s what I’m going to make today like a peanut butter butter chocolate chip version but it also has a little bit of flax seed so I guess it’s healthy first thing I’m going to do I’m actually lining a dish I was

Going to spray this but I already have this from making the cookies and uh it’ll be easier to take the bars out anyway I was just going to do it and then I did this in front of someone the other day I don’t remember what we were

Doing but they were like wow so it’s one of the many things I’ve learned from cordon blue how it won’t fit like it doesn’t doesn’t stay it’s too straight like it just keeps popping up you can try to mold it and all that good stuff but it’s just going to pop up instead

Wrinkle it up crumple it and then it’ll kind of take to the mold a bit better so it’s a little party trick share that at your next party okay it’s still popping up but it’s better my favorite is when I see people share hacks online and I’m

Like oh that’s a hack weird either one I’ve been doing that forever or two yeah no way I’m going to do that because it seems really ridiculous I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of them too okay I’m starting off with half a cup of honey in a saucepan I’m going to melt these two

Together you know what I thought about doing this in the microwave and I don’t know why I didn’t I guess I just wasn’t really thinking 3/4 of a cup of peanut butter just going to pop that in these will be ready by the time the kids get home from school

Perfect so just combine these until they’re just melted together okay cool it happens pretty fast and I’m just going to set this aside oh it looks real creamy and dreamy though so since I have not done my dishes yet I’m just mixing it in this uh Bowl I have two cups of

Rolled oats or I will have two cups of rolled oats I’ve been meaning to make the energy bowls like with the M&M’s in them my kids love them so much and I just haven’t had a chance to make them two cups of Oats I also feel like quick

Oats are better for that recipe but I don’t have any Quicks about 2 tbspoon of flax seed meal this is rich in Omega-3s and bunch of other healthy stuff one cup of rice cereal going straight in oh my gosh that’s it I’m just going to give this a

Little toss and then to the peanut butter mixture okay I’m going to add a little bit of vanilla to this mixture make sure that’s fully Incorporated and then I’m going to mix it all in here I’m pretty sure that’s it oh no it’s not it obviously chocolate chips it calls for

One cup of the mini chocolate chips I’m going to go shy like barely half a cup and then I’m going to put some on the top even though I don’t think that’s really necessary yeah I’ll do that okay and I feel like if you want a thicker

Granola bar just put it in a smaller dish you know so this is a 9 by3 and I’m just going to smush it down I greased my hands a little bit and uh after this I’m just going to let it sit and then I’ll

Throw it in the fridge but I have to run to Costco Alex is having an event at the house tonight and I totally forgot to get like fruit trays for it he is getting other food but I dro the ball on my responsib whoops now I think this tray is way too

Big get like an 8 by8 pan if you want like thicker than a piece of paper bar let me wash my hands I’m just going to take some mini chocolate chips and just drizzle them on top and then like press them down a little bit so they stick okay homemade granola

Bars should we clean the kitchen before I run the Costco the answer is yes always just tidy up before I leave I never regret coming home to a cleaner space and then also I feel like people are in and out all the time and good thing I did

Because I feel like right when I came home from Costco I cleaned some fruits and then we I needed to head out the door to uh you know get to aalen’s um steam Fair uh steam Symposium and then I needed to get Elanor and Wentworth and it it was it’s a whole day

Okay divide and conquer is what Alex Knight did he had the little ones while I got the bigger ones and vice versa and all that good stuff so we’re pretty good we’re pretty good team when it comes to that good thing we’re the parents so normally the kids take care

Of emptying the dishwasher at night but on this specific day I don’t know what the heck happened that morning I just had more dishes than usual and I needed to run it I just needed to run so I emptied it and oh I don’t think it would

Have been that bad cuz sometimes I just leave the dishes in the sink but I knew people were going to be in and out I didn’t want to have dishes everywhere so I just wanted to load the dishwasher it doesn’t matter I just it needed done and

I did it and it’s no big deal also Alex’s event was for like local small business owners so um they like take turns hosting so about a year ago he picked this date to host and I don’t think he realized that Easter would be early this year like there I don’t think he

Realized his uh grandfather will be hosting his birthday party in a couple of days so there’s just a lot going on and uh we also have one of our NE birthday parties coming up so it’s just a busy week but that’s just life it’s good to be busy and we are #

Blessed I’m seeing a lot of crazy things next month’s uh Costco shop with me is going to really be something but I’m in the uh produce section which why do they do this right in the bakery I’m needing to get some fruit trays and such but I

Saw these morning buns nine of them how much are these suckers n bu a dollar a bun screaming deal o actually what is this over here lemon blueberry Loaf N bucks for that too oh my gosh my thighs no one is here but the samples are popping got lentils and the quinoa rice

Blend and popcorn and a mozzarella ball with balsamic vinegar on it yes yes yes yes yes and these pretzels they’re so dang good I just thought they were salted pretzels no they’re seasoned they come in like a red bag I already walked too far away but wow we’ll buy next time

Wow when I tell you I’m dreaming about those pretzels I don’t know if it was the carbs or the seasoning on it or just the perfect blend of both but they were fantastic I never gave those bag of pretzels a second look but you better believe I’m going to get some next time

Okay H I came home and I’m just very simply I bought already made veggie trays cuz I knew I didn’t have time to like cut up my own veggies and do that for him and same with the fruit I brought I bought uh several fruit trays and veggie trays but the strawberry

Berries were such a great price it was like less than $4 for I don’t know however much is in that huge container so I bought a few containers of those I know our family goes through strawberries like crazy and it’s always such a hit putting out fresh fruit like

This and I knew it would be minimal effort on my part cuz I knew just like this I’ll serve them just like this I don’t have to cut them up or anything and they get eaten and so I just cleaned them up pretty good threw them in a bowl

And called it a day and then I also got the cookies from Costco which was a huge hit with my kids I thought well what are we going to have for dessert right we always have to have a dessert I got these cookies but if you ask me they are

Hor I don’t like them at all I don’t know what it is but I just they’re not for me okay I’d rather honestly have my cookies Parent Trap cookies if you will but you know when you’re feeding the masses sometimes convenience wins and Costco bakery also wins so I got a

Couple of bins of those maybe went a little overboard but I’d rather have too much than not enough and I’ve seen people with these cookies um put like ice cream on the inside and make their own like cookie sandwiches or ice cream cookie sandwiches or whatever the heck

They’re called but I will say this dip clear winter of the night I should have bought four containers of the dang dip because that went that was like the first people love oh my gosh and I knew I I wasn’t going to be here for the

Event but I knew I needed to get a little dip into my body do you know what I mean it’s the spinach artichoke dip and oh it is so good I don’t always buy it for us at the house because it’s so much so I only get it when like we’re I

Know we’re having a bunch of people over and I won’t be left over with like half a container of you know spinach artichoke dip to eat on my own so I’m so happy to get just some of that in my but I’m like salivating right now for it

It’s so good if you’ve never had it if even if you don’t like spinach aroke dip because I feel like I wouldn’t really it’s so good so I’m just tightening up the bathroom real quick before I leave too whoa wasn’t that wipe satisfying also what did I spray on the wall I

Don’t think it was this time I think last time I was cleaning or one time I was cleaning I used some kind of solution that was just way too powerful for the wall and it kind of like you could see where the drips from the the

Uh cleaning solution was it kind of took the paint off like you could just tell the difference but um so yeah those were like the drips on the wall but I don’t think it was from the cleaning product that I was using I was like what what

The heck is in this bottle it’s all natural what is happening but it cleaned everything off it was just marker on the wall I just needed to tidy up in there before people were going to be in and out using the restrooms and stuff but this is the Gran these are the granola

Bars oh my heck they so good did I say that before I’m obsessed with them I love them next time maybe I’ll throw some protein powder in there why the heck not I don’t even know oh I think I’ve eaten more than all the kids at

This point the kids like them I love them and at this point I’m kind of like hiding them away so I can eat more than they will oh my gosh I forgot about this so I bought a new rug for our entry a huge mistake you’ll see when I’m pulling it

Out so avina and her friend are talking to me so you’ll see my face at certain points it’s very dramatic they’re spilling all the tea and I’m just like what I can’t even believe so stay out of the drama kids all I’m saying okay and uh this rug miserable I don’t even know

What the heck it’s so miserable probably the worst thing I’ve ever bought off Amazon I don’t know oh my gosh the second rug the first rug I had down there I got secondhand way better than this first of all it doesn’t fit the space it’s too

Small and it’s like what the heck so I got to let it flatten out in the sun or something also so I went to get the kids they were staying with me to watch the steam symposium avalina was a part of but they you know needed something to

Eat so we ran to Chipotle because delicious that’s what I grabbed and then the kids had the kids meals this by the way this is so good why is Chipotle so good listen I don’t eat out a lot but I love Chipotle it is the bowls are so

Good oh and then I just grabbed a little snippet of avalina listen this was not for a grade this was like Hey I’m really interested in something and oh my gosh just some of the things that the students came up with amazing Round of Applause for them I’m just always so

Impressed by all of the kids at her school just incredible and also so proud of avalina because she’s amazing so they did it on which tastes better Chick-fil-A or McDonald’s nuggets and then they kind of went through the nutrition labels it was her and a friend

They did it together and then at the end they they did something real funny and they also they were like hey if you want to take a screenshot of the recipe to make at home if you want to take a picture please stand for our chicken Dance she’s always so great so carismatic always making people laugh with whatever performance she’s putting on so that was really fun to watch and uh I learned so much with you know the things that other people were sharing too but that is it thank you guys so

Much for watching and hanging out with me didn’t get to doing everything that I needed to do that day but it’s like you can only do what you can do and you know there’s always tomorrow hopefully so that’s it if you want to subscribe I’m

Trying to get to a million by the end of the day I’ll see you next time bye


  1. Ok, the gym clip. I need to say that I do appreciate that for a different reason. I am watching you and you look great!! You are doing really well getting back into it, good for you!!!! BUT the woman behind you. Seeing her motivates me as well . She clearly has to modify how she does things to fit her ability and seeing that video as a whole (you vs her) I hope helps others know they don't have to be all totally fit and looking amazing and super strong to go join a class or go to the gym. Its for all different levels, ages, fits, sizes and walks of life. Thank you Kim, I understand that was not what you intended for us to notice, but I did and it hit home!! ❤

  2. Adelina is turning into a beautiful young lady, so mature for being a young teen. You and Alec must be so proud of her. Loved
    Meredith’s bedroom remake, especially the doll, and when I see Wolfgang climb on the step stool or whatever he’s on it reminds me of Meredith in your prior home climbing on the counter tops. Too cute!!! He’s growing so fast as well. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  3. Is it me..? I've always used liquid measuring cups for milk, water, etc and dry measurements in dry measuring cup. Has that changed?

  4. Don't mix while on the kitchen scales you will damage the scale. We don't have jello in the UK Had to laugh seeing your daughter wearing odd converse shoes my daughter would do the same, her friends would copy her so she would come up with some other wako idea lol

  5. I hate throwing away the Sour Dough discard🥲. I feel like I’m discarding a family , member. You starter is so pretty🥰🥰

  6. Your cookie recipe hangs on my cupboard door so it is always close at hand. We love it! Great with chocolate pudding too.

  7. I love the comforter and the stuffed animals you got Merideth . I think I spelled her name wrong lol . Love you all and I love the shelf Alex found on the side of the road . It was very nice I know it took alot of cleaning but you did a great job 🙂 hugs

  8. Every time I hear the opening music to your videos I think of that song waiting for a star to fall from the 80s.😆

  9. I do love Kim's humor and outlook, and I agree, "let them be little", but also teach them responsibility and instill some sense of order..it will serve them well in life. It will be a huge shock to them when they realize others will not be so patient.

  10. The parent trap and granola bars look delicious. I need to make them for Easter. I am surprised I never thought of the cookie mix ins. I love Meredith's comforter, and I need to look for one the next time I go thrifting. I hope you and your family have a great week!

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