Wife had breast cancer surgery 2 years ago today. I offered to take her anywhere she wanted to celebrate and she insisted on me just cooking at home…. and she loves a good filet.

by PD216ohio


  1. Artisttype1984

    Congrats to her health and enjoy your steaks!

  2. diamond830w

    Beautiful steak, and an even better reason to celebrate.

  3. DonnaHuee

    Congrats to you and your wife on the continued good health for the last two years!!

  4. CMoonL7_73

    Congratulations! My wife is 11 years free this year. May you both live long, happy, and healthy lives.

  5. ForeignKiwi6883

    Jesus Christ loves you so much and died for your sins💙❤️

  6. johnnyevo8

    Nice to hear that! BTW beautiful looking filet!

  7. Winter-ad4959new

    congrats! coming up on 7 years of my own

  8. PRNbourbon

    That steak is perfection, an excellent way to celebrate!
    My wife is currently ~6 months “all clear” from bladder cancer, oncologist doesn’t think she needs to worry about it coming back. Unfortunately, my wife doesn’t like steak at all. So we celebrated with crab.

  9. trillianbd

    My two years breast cancer free (after surgery and chemo) is April 7. I have an A5 Japanese Waygu in the freezer and I plan to have it to celebrate. So glad you can celebrate this milestone together ❤️

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