What would you guys says this steak is, me and my friend are arguing about it, needs some opinion.

by ToughRutabaga2764


  1. Artisttype1984


    No bright red in the middle, pink is good

  2. mantawolf

    What did the thermometer say when you took it off heat?

  3. Resident_Rise5915

    Medium rare/medium. The meat is denatured, so not rare or blue

  4. Most of the pieces are medium rare from what I can see.

  5. Paradoxikles

    It’s pretty rare, to see some spinach dragging down a cow like that.

  6. Melon_Greg

    Looks pretty common to me, but if it’s okay with you I’m gonna have a buddy come look at it to check it out

  7. hot-doughnuts-now

    So, I guess our replies have totally not settled your argument

  8. Idk. What’s the thermometer say

    It does look like medium rare to medium, depending how long it’s been sitting before the pic.

  9. IPTV_Stud

    It looks Medium, but more importantly, what are the sides? I see Rice, Hash Browns and ….?

  10. usuallyvexed

    Medium rare that sat there for a while before the pic?

  11. JohnHenryHoliday

    That looks delicious. Medium/Medium rare? How’d you make the rice? Salt, tumeric, citrus?

  12. Appropriate-Coast794

    I’d say it’s pretty common……oh, doneness! Looks like a delicious med-rare to me

  13. I don’t see how someone could question this being medium rare or not

  14. tiskrisktisk

    That’s pretty close to medium. I’m surprised by all the medium rare responses.

    Rare – cool red center
    Medium rare – warm red center
    Medium – pink throughout
    Medium well – slight pink
    Well – no pink

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