Enjoy my best and latest pizza dough recipe! Here I combine both biga and poolish to create a dough with no added water or flour. The hydration becomes a perfect 70 percent! This has never been done before. Let me know what you think.

Today I will be teaching you a new school pizza dough recipe using 100% preferments essentially this is an easier version of my polish and beaga recipe from before start by making both the pish and the Bea Separately and please if you don’t have a micro scale at home definitely think about purchasing it it’s going to help with my recipes and your recipes as well to be Consistent now ferment the poolish IGA at room temperature for 7 hours and then place them into the fridge until the next day you cannot skip this step of refrigeration we will be using a dough mixer and we don’t want it to Overheat simply add the cold poolish and piga to the mixer with salt and then mix the dough until Smooth the dough starts around 50° F but you want to make mix it until it reaches 70° F straight from the mixer the dough will feel watery and elastic Now’s the Time to tightly shape it into a Ball Here I chose to bulk ferment in the fridge overnight you can too or just wait until it doubles in size before balling it Up these dough balls weigh 276 G each Now I’m placing these dough balls into the fridge for that total of 72 hours of Fermentation now let’s make a neopol and Margarita Pizza the dough it feels so soft gentle and Elastic and of course there are so many bubbles being the dough is 100% prefer I got my hands on some decent Buffalo mozzarella it even has the dop stamp from Italy Buffalo mozzarella is naturally milky and almost watery especially when you use it on a pizza so here I like to

Dry it out between a couple PES of paper Towel now let’s bake this bed boy in the Rock Box by gney you’ll see from the start how the crust puffs up you can almost see through the crust because it’s so Airy this Doe’s leoparding ability is incredible I always love to share my pizza knowledge tips and tricks with you

Now if you could do me a favor please like comment share and subscribe for more content just like This this pizza dough comes out light Airy chewy and super flavorful now now what are you waiting for go try this pizza dough recipe for yourself and let me know what you think thanks for watching


  1. Hi Julian, im doing your poolish method, and im very happy. Did you feel a flavor difference? How long before baking you took it out of the fridge? Tnx

  2. Bro you might be the single best pizzaiola I’ve seen. Your work is beautiful. Question. Is it possible to achieve that type of elasticity in the dough with a planetary kitchen aid or can that only be done with a commercial spiral mixer?

  3. My pizza oven reaches 350° celsius (660F), is this temperature enough for this recipe ? Or should be higher? Thanks

  4. I tried this recipe to the exact quantities and my dough came out very very wet, anyone else have this issue? Had to add 200g flour so it was work able

  5. Last question: after the 72hour fermentation, stretch the dough right out of the fridge? Or let the dough ball rise/room temperature?

    Thank you again

  6. Love it. Been doing this for about a year now. Fools those who think it’s a sourdough, but I don’t have to babysit a starter for 6 years

  7. I’ll be giving this a go over the Easter holidays. Is there a write up of the recipe by any chance?

  8. I noticed you are using a non-perforated turning peel. I see other pizzaiolos use perforated peels and wonder if it makes a difference. Theoretically, the perforations in the peel allow the steam to escape which would keep the bottom crisper but I wonder if it makes a noticeable difference in practice. I'd love to hear what you think about perforated vs non-perforated turning peels!

  9. It is possible to use same recipe in a home electric oven+pizza steel? Of course pre-heating the oven and pizza steel to the max setting. Probably won't get the leopard skin but at list fluffy and crispy?

  10. Can i use the dough after a total of 72h fermantation straight out of the fridge? Or should i leave it a few Hours at room temp before i make my finał pizza?

  11. Amazing video Julian, honestly I've seen several (and I mean it) videos about neopolitan and one you did like a year ago really changed the game for me, now this one seems like something I should definitely try! I mean, how can you make a better pizza than that? There is no way!

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