Office fridge is in the lounge across the building. I love this sauce, thank to you guys.

by Lemonking_


  1. zoebehave

    It depends on the pH, which has to be at or below 3.5. Some resources say 3.8, but with a thick sauce like aardvark I’d err on the side of caution. If the pH is too high, you risk bacterial spoilage. It will absolutely oxidize more quickly on your desk, but if you’re blowing through bottles quickly it probably won’t matter.

  2. I heard someone say you should refrigerate if it’s a plastic bottle but we all full of micro plastics already anyways so who cares I guess

  3. SayNoToFresca

    When they tell you who they are, believe them.

  4. tree_basher

    I refrigerate all my hot sauces. If I want it room temperature I put some in a small bowl to warm up before I use it. I’ve had too many weekends ruined due to questionable food preservation.

  5. Flamingo777

    There seems to be a decent amount of vinegar content, which matters a lot for the ability for a sauce to endure at room temperature. That being said, even though the “Refrigerate After Opening” is likely a CYA implementation by the company, you should heed the warning. If you don’t need the warning, at minimum please do a smell test.

  6. Strokesite

    Keep it in the same cooler under your desk where you keep that 6-pack of beer for your lunch break.

  7. AmericanLandYeti

    First time I ever had Aardvark in Portland, it was out on every table. I wouldn’t sweat it.

  8. I love the red habenero but the green I thought was trash. First hot sauce I’ve ever threw away. I wonder if it was a dud.

  9. No, it will not go bad. I have one open on my desk now.

    and FYI he Green one is far inferior IMO compared to the OG.

  10. Plastic_Primary_4279

    I would fridge it.

    I, at one point, had 100+ open sauces split between the fridge and the cupboard. For me, anything with fruit or veggies as the top listed ingredient, it went into the cooler. 99% recommended refrigeration after opening. Anything vinegar forward would live in the cupboard.

    Sauces definitely go bad. I’ve tossed tabasco and Frank’s plenty of times for losing their potency. I’ve never gotten sick from one though. That’s some serious low IQ shit…

  11. dbnels288

    If the bottle says refrigerate, refrigerate it. they have tested it and are following FDA safety regulations.


    I tend to follow the instructions on the food I’m going to eat. But hey. You do you.

  13. RabidPoodle69

    Vinegar is the 7th ingredient. This absolutely belongs in a refrigerator.

  14. DatBoyCody

    Needs to be in fridge. Gonna have to put it in the break room fridge or something

  15. My rule is peppers are not the first ingredient put in the fridge

  16. KrakenMcCracken

    Underwear staining diarrhea is the birthright of the hot sauce enthusiast. Go hard, cuz.

  17. Calligrapher-Extreme

    You could always check the ph. Under 4.6 it will be fine.

  18. Remz_Gaming

    I refrigerate all of my Aardvarks. Most of my sauces for that matter. I think they keep better.

    The real vinegar type sauces I keep on the table or cupboard (Tabasco, Cholula, Frank’s, Crystal, etc).

    Aardvark has a lot of stuff that could go bad at room temp over enough time.

  19. notrussellwilson

    Ironically, I had some old aardvark today that I left on the counter. Didn’t taste great, but I don’t feel sick.

  20. Aardvark is one of the few I’d recommend for the fridge because of the low vinegar content. Though in Portland, the food carts pretty much leave it out all day.

  21. usernametimee44

    If you are gona leave it out, make sure to eat it twice as fast

  22. 1Negative_Person

    Just put it in the fridge. Seriously? It’s “across the building”? Get your steps in. How laz… never mind. Get dysentery. It’s fine.

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