Pineapple on pizza haters, just hear us out. Pizza maker Josiah Bartlett used to be very anti-pineapple on pizza, until he decided to make a version of the classic using some of his favorite flavors. Inspired by al pastor tacos, which are traditionally served with pineapple, he embraced the polarizing topping by creating a speck and pineapple pie as a special at Wizard Hat Pizza in Brooklyn. It’s the perfect marriage of smoky and sweet that could turn any pineapple pizza hater into a believer.

So I was forever anti- pineapple on Pizza up until finally one day I was like you know what I got to put an end to this one of my favorite things to eat is alpastor tacos or anything really and I was just thinking about pork and pineapple and I’m like What’s the

Difference ended up doing that pizza as a special it’s our Speck and Pia I think it works really nice on the pizza that one has some chili on it as well that brings like a nice contrast with like the meat and the sweetness of the pineapple


  1. I say, eat whatever you want. I don’t agree with people saying sweet toppings don’t belong on pizza, when at the same time people put a gallon of honey on their pizza.

  2. For everyone who says pineapple on a pizza shouldn’t be allowed go away and try pineapple, pepperoni and jalapeños hopefully you’ll change your mind.

  3. Peanut butter and jelly, salted caramel ice cream, pineapple and ham on a pizza. People who turn their back on pineapple on pizza are ignoring a basic enjoyable flavor profile.

  4. Tried manggo-cheeze pizza in the Philippines one time. Didnt understand the taste too well at first, but then it grows on you and starts to taste good

  5. my greatest day was the vindicated feeling I had when I tried pineapple on pizza and HATED it.

  6. Your pie Bon appétit put whatever u like !!
    Pineapple is excellent — love pineapple before or after but Not on Pizza.
    No pineapple No curry & definitely no Durian on my pizza – thx. ✌️

  7. Pineapple is what a great addition to the original pizza, yes it is not the traditional Italy pizza but not a problem to me

  8. For those that aren't aware, pineapple on pizza has been approved by the one of the absolute best pizzeria in Italy, Pepe in Grani.
    Not even that, it's part of his special friends-only gourmet pizza experience.

  9. Pineapple pizza with ham is my favorite but no one in my family likes it so I forgot what it's even called. Oh yea yea Hawaiian, I love it but had to eat whatever flavor my kids and husband like for the last 10 years.

  10. Honestly, I always said I hated it too and considered it to be a disgrace. However, this was also a me who never actually bothered to even taste it! Now that I’ve tried it, I actually think it’s quite tasty, although it won’t be taking the crown from the more traditional toppings my Italian heart craves anytime soon. And that’s really what it’s all about, preconceived notions. Of all the people in this comment section and in the world who say they hate pineapple on pizza, how many of them do you think have actually tried it even once in their lives? I’m gonna guess over 99% have not, the other one percent having died or almost died from a previously unknown and quite severe allergy to the pineapple😉

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