With three simple ingredients (parsley, lemon, and garlic) learn how to make Gremolata: a not-so-common condiment that boosts the flavor/texture/aroma of everything from veggie stir fries to baked fish.

Having it on hand is essential to making sure that when you’re strapped for time or feeling uninspired, you’ve got yourself covered and not cowering in the corner kvetching about how there’s “nothing to eat!” Read the website for a list of ways to use this colorful condiment.

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Nourishment for body, mind, and soul.

Ariyele Ressler is not a trained dietician, nutritionist, or medical professional. All filming and production of the show was done when Ariyele’s health allowed cause she lives with an invisible disability. While her rockstar status is undeniable, this output required the relevant amount of rest and recovery afterwards. Thanks for supporting this channel, you rockstar you!


  1. I like it ! ! ! this (minus the anchovies 🙂 ) would be good and literally anything…almost.
    I am ALWAYS with El Yucateco Habanero Sauce. thanks for sharing !!!

  2. i didn't put the anchovy in so as not to freak anyone but it actually is quite delicious. adds good salt and umami. cheers!

  3. I just started more parsley in the garden and had never used any for this sauce.I just toss it into green smoothies or mix into salads*facepalm* Thank you so much for doing this video and getting me out of my parsley rut!

  4. YES! i have such abundant parsley in my garden that i usually keep all kinds of fresh herbs in the freezer so i can make any dish more bumpy and colorful. cheers xo

  5. Wow, I think even I can do this!!!

    I had a bad gluten experience this week, some creamy horseradish at a restaurant. I ate some… IMMEDIATE SICK… I asked… she said :Oh, we thickened it with flour". Me: 🙁

  6. ugh! i'm so sorry to hear that. i have my strategy for how to ask without seeming like an irritating little prick 🙂

  7. Well, the down side is, it's confirmed, I need to grow more parsley. The up side is, this recipe is easy, fast, and delicious. Thanks.

  8. this recipe is a fabulous way of using a TON of parsley when it's proliferating everywhere. i'm sure fresh basil (now that it's summer) would work wonderfully as well!

  9. Thx for sharing. I once eat this sauce with lamb chop, so I want to make myself. I saw some other recipe said we also put some ground pepper, will that ruin the taste? By the way, what is the name of music lol

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