Okay, although you need a recipe for all the gnocchi sauces, you can very easily make beautiful gnocchi dough in 15 minutes or so without any sort of a recipe. That’s the beauty of it. You gotta FEEL the homemade dough.

Recipe: https://www.joshuaweissman.com/post/gnocchi

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  1. Sorry for asking 2 years from this video but how much salt do you use when boiling the potato? Is there a percent salinity or level of saltiness the water should be?

  2. Gotta say, you should bake those potatoes, you should add some nutmeg and some freshly grated parmesan. You should tell 'em they can be frozen on that sheet pan and cooked directly from frozen. C'mon, Josh, I think you are great but you've got time in these vid's to give this info.

  3. Thank you for having a non fried recipe. I want to try this with sweet potatoes and almond flour.

  4. He forgets to mention that 1.5-2 cups of flour really turns out to 7-8 cups. 3 times now I've tried this exact recipe to the T and I waste 30% a bag of flour cause it never comes together. I cook this guy's stuff a bunch but this recipe is far from legit imo.

  5. i just made gnoochi for the first time and its not easy at all. it didnt taste as what I expected, and is very heavy. i had a few bites and was full not in a good way.. im glad I at least tried it and satisfied my curiosity, but its not what I expected at all.

  6. The recipe was great, i just made it and it tastes delcious.

    I just changed the sage with garlic since i had none, pretty good since it added crunch 😀

  7. If you stopped being a moron in your videos, you would have more followers.

    You’re pretend whining is annoying af.

  8. every person saying “josh would make water” and stuff like that with a negative connotation clearly does NOT enjoy cooking. THAT’S THE FUN PART Y’ALL

  9. But whyyyyyyyyyy did it crumble when I tried the sage butter- still taste good but the presentation 😞.

  10. no matter how much flour I add the dough never forms. It stays soft and sticky even after kneading

  11. Pretty much all 3 of these could definitely use a Speck, bacon, prosciutto or some type of protein..

  12. I made this with a faux pesto. But I’m nit sure if I made it correctly. It’s my first gnocchi. It was wet and soft. Comforting and filling but not the best.

  13. I really want to make gnocchi but I’m just wondering why can’t you peel the potato before boiling them can anyone help ?

  14. I'm sure it's obvious, but hiw do I roll the pattern with a fork? It feels like I'd just flatten them, or make them look like peanut butter cookies…

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