How to make Chimichurri sauce. This sauce or salsa is great to eat with meat, chicken or pork. You can make it at home using parsley, olive oil o or you can use sun flower oil. You can add onions if you want, add some spice. There are many ways to make a chimichurri sauce, but you use fresh oregano leaves, this salsa will be amazing. After making the salsa, let it rest for at least three days, After that, it will be ready to eat. Use vinegar too.


  1. Using your recipe right now. Caught my attention the oregano; should see the big plant of fresh oregano in my garden it’s awesome.

  2. I made this recipe, absolutely delicious! Thank you for sharing

  3. Most authentic Chimmey I’ve made. It’s great like this but I prefer fresh oregano, if available nearby.

  4. Don't come with the excuse You don't have time! You sound like my uncle 🤣. Looks quick and easy. Thanks for the video

  5. I could tell by the accent as soon as I started watching the video. This guy knows how to make chimichurri!

  6. The typical recipe is not done with olive oil. They use sunflower oil. The olive oil invades the flavour too much.

  7. Thank you! That was the best video I’ve see with technique and understanding.

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