A&W is iconic not only for the root beer, but the coney dogs were next level. This great sauce copycat can let you relive those great moments sitting at the drive in on a leisurely afternoon with a frosty mug.
Even if you aren’t old enough to share those memories with me, you’ll love the taste and versatility of this sauce. It’s just fabulous on a baked potato or french fries. Makes my mouth water just thinking about putting it on nachos with some melty cheese!
Give it a try, I think you’ll be glad you did and create your own delicious memories of goodness from your own kitchen.

A&W Coney Dog Sauce

• 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
• 1 pound ground beef, uncooked
• 1 large onion, chopped
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 2 cups water
• 1 (12 ounces) can tomato paste
• 1 (8 ounces) small can tomato sauce
• 1 ½ tbsp. chili powder
• 2 tbsp. cumin
• 2 tsp. salt

1. Heat the oil in a heavy duty sauce pan or Dutch oven. Add the ground beef lightly brown, add onion. Cook just till ground beef is no longer pink. Add the garlic and cook for about 30 seconds. Add all remaining ingredients and mix to combine.

2. Over medium heat, bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer until thick, about 1 1/2– 2 hours.

3. Stir every 15 minutes or so to avoid sticking.

4. Use hotdogs, nachos, baked potatoes, etc.

5. This freezes well.

To print the A&W Coney Dog Sauce recipe:


  1. Great sauce. A&W also has a meatless red sauce. Do you have a copycat recipe for it? I'm trying to make it but not having any luck.👍

  2. Ive been makeing something similar for years for church potlucks,! got the recipe from my second cousin who would make it for school fairs, but the recipe starded with 3 pounds of hamburger, 3 onions choped ect….I had to reduce the recipe a lot! Lol!

  3. I was the person who was responsible for making the A&W Coney sauce at the A&W where I worked. I too loved it. I took a copy of the original recipe and it has about 12 ingredients in it. The only thing I need to break it down because it is to make about 4 pounds at a time. If you want the original recipe let me know.

  4. I worked for an A&W for years this is not the authentic recipe I know. I don't share it, it's a company secret.

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