Chicken with lemon, garlic & herbs, what more can you ask for? This is a simple but very tasty dish which you can enjoy with family and friends. If you don’t have a rotisserie you may just roast it in an oven on a baking dish and you may add veggies as well. For the herbs I used Thyme and Rosemary but you may just use either one preferably fresh if available. Hope you like this dish and enjoy it.

1.2 – 1.5 kilograms (2.6 – 3.3 lbs.) whole chicken, washed
salt & pepper (used Himalayan pink salt but may use regular salt)
¼ cup (57 grams) salted butter, softened
1 tablespoon olive oil
½ tablespoon thyme, chopped
½ tablespoon rosemary, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
zest of 1 lemon
1 medium onion, quartered for stuffing
3 slices of lemon for stuffing
fresh juice of half lemon

For more recipes please check out links below:

Lechon Paksiw

Brookies Recipe

Butter Cake Loaf (based on Goldilocks Bakebook)

2 in 1 Sushi Bake

Basque Burnt Cheesecake

Sizzling Squid

Music: Daystar – Apple Cinnamon /


  1. Hi new friend here💁‍♀️, lovely channel.. just joined👍👍🔔🔔 keep it up 👍hope u visit soon💕

  2. Hi – thanks for posting this wonderful and easy recipe. Want to know if, after the lemon marinate, you need to wait a few hours or fridge overnight before put you it in the oven. In the video there is no mention of any waiting time and you go in directly in the oven.

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