Soupelina takes you into her home kitchen and teaches you how to make her famous I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S BUTTERNUT soup! A beautiful balance of rich roasted butternut squash, red lentils and ginger for a deep layered flavor. Immune boosting, anti-inflammatory and packed with beta-carotene, this soup will protect you from colds and is more comforting than chicken soup.

Packed with plant based protein, vitamins (B6, C, Folate, Cartenoids, Lycopene and Iron) this soup is a multivitamin in your bowl AND totally vegan. You won’t believe it!

Soupelina will show you that Butternut and Red Lentils are a match made in health heaven. This soup has only 5 ingredients and is super delicious. Let’s get cooking!

visit to learn more!

Directed by Isabelle Fuhrman
Music by Mathieu Carratier & Madeline Fuhrman
Edited by Madeline Fuhrman


  1. Я из России, и мне очень приятно видеть, что Элина, у которая родом из Молдавии, добилась таких успехов в США. Я надеюсь, что в жизни у Тебя будет только светлая сторона
    (По аватарке я думаю понятно, чей я поклонник😁)
    Если не сложно, ответь и лайкни комментарий) )

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