Enjoy this fresh summer salad for a picnic, lunch or anytime of the day!

Blanched Edamame – 1 cup
Blanched Corn – 1/2 cup
Cooked Quinoa – 1 cup
Red bell peppers, green bell peppers – 1/2 cup
Tomatoes – 1/4 cup
Cilantro – as needed
Almonds – as needed
Cranberry – as needed

For vinaigrette:
Lemon/ Lime – 1 full big sized
Grated ginger – 1tsp
Salt -as needed
Pepper as needed
Mustard paste – 1 tsp
Honey – 1 tsp
Apple cider vinegar – 1 tsp

Detailed steps:
1. Mix all ingredients for vinaigrette and shake well
2. Mix all veggies with vinaigrette, add cilantro and serve
3. For better flavors store in fridge for sometime before serve, enjoy!!!


  1. How come I never came across your channel before? 👍🏼
    Was edamame added in as frozen?

  2. Ready edamame dan olahan edamame:
    .edamame mentah
    .edamame beku (frozen)
    .edamame kering
    .cokelat edamame
    .susu edamame
    .okra beku (frozen)
    .okra mentah
    .kulit edamame

    more info:
    agrapana food
    082 337 608 375
    Open Reseller
    Distributor Edamame Malang dan sekitarnya.
    menerima pesanan Export

  3. I really liked this salad but when I clicked for the detailed recipe, I did not get any response. Could you kindly give the quantities of the ingredients required?

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