Egg Salad. I bet even Carole Baskin likes egg salad! I love it too and I hope you will enjoy this recipe! Here are the ingredients.

– 5 whole eggs
– 1/4 mayonnaise
– 1/2 an apple, minced
– 2 tbsp red onion, minced
– salt and pepper to taste


1. Boil 1 inch or so of water in a small pot
2. Add whole eggs into boiling water and turn heat down to medium.
3. Simmer eggs for 13 minutes.
4. Place eggs in a nice ice bath for 15 minutes.
5. Peel eggs and start mashing!
6. Add mayo, apple, onion, salt and pepper and start mixing them together.
7. Serve on Wonderbread or grainy toast!
8. Epstein also didn’t kill himself.

Thanks for watching!

CAMERA: CANON SL2 with 18-55mm Kit Lens

LIGHTING – Lighting Kit

MICROPHONE – Boya BY-MM1 Shotgun Mic

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  1. Overall the recipe is fine but mashing the eggs makes the egg salad mushy. I prefer chunks of eggs in the egg salad.

  2. You're full of crap on how to boil the eggs…..they go in cold water, bring to boil, then cover/remove from heat 12 minutes…plunge into ice water….this is what causes the membrane to separate.

  3. You can use a rice cooker to cook them too. Use the steamer basket. And you can cook them while you're cooking rice!

  4. It really depends on the eggs how well they peel after cooking. Some eggs will just crack if you put them in boiling water if the shell is not thick enough. Just do it the normal way, guys – cold water, boil for up to 7-10 minutes depending how big your eggs are and hard you want the yolk, then put them under cold water to cool them down for a couple of minutes before peeling. There are no tricks here, really.

  5. Hey Brian, I liked your new method to boil and peel your eggs, however, I'm 73 years young and my Mom taught me at age 10 exactly how to boil eggs without having problems peeling them. I put them into a pan of tap water (with 4 tablespoons of white vinegar) cook them for 5 minutes, put lid on and let them cool down. At that point I leave eggs in pot, move to sink and run cold tap water over them until cool enough to handle them. My eggs have never been hard to peel using her method. I usually look for the round indentation in the shell and start peeling egg from that point. It's never failed me. I have no idea what affect the vinegar has on the eggs, I just know it works. Your egg salad sounds good. I've never added apple to mine but sounds like it would taste great. I'll try it next time I make egg salad. One more thing, I crush half my eggs the way you did, then dice the rest of them and added to the crushed eggs. I like a little bite of egg in mine. Thanks for the video, you never get too old to learn! Linda from Texas.

  6. Eggs peel perfectly if they are about a week old, the recently laid eggs are when the peels don't just slide off the egg.

  7. Thanks for the vid. Never tried adding apple, but will give it a shot. I only add mayo, finely chopped scallions, S and P, and three or four small spritzes of Tabasco. Not enough to taste it, just enough to highlight the other ingredients.

  8. The key to a perfect way to peal your eggs is cool them for 15 minutes than Crack dip back into cold water and rinse agine back and forth than peal. After cracking the egg than rinsing it in the water the membrain comes loose and comes off clean. And you yourself a tbs of mayo and a tbs of mirical whip and a half of teaspoon of prepared mustered . Mince half onion and half stalk of celery. You can't chop it small enough mince both. Mix together put it on bread toast or crackers. No apple or grapes or nuts of any kind unless it's to your tast. Sometimes a half of tsp of minced pickles it's all up to you. That's the best egg salad sandwich. Your best way. Duh..

  9. Good job Brian, just my 2cents on boiling and peeling the eggs,first I never use fresh eggs ,I let them sit in fridge at least a week,has something about the membrane and gasses in the egg,secondput eggs in pot ,cover eggs at least an inch with tap water,bring it to a boil for 5 mlnutes,then turn off the heat an let them sit for 10 minutes,third I simply drain them an run cold water ,ice is an option, let them sit in the cold water for another 15 minutes,fourth ,a slight smack on the counter ,both ends and a light roll now I do mine under running water and lightly press your thumb near the top and the shell will pop off usually in one piece and straight to the trash can,doesn’t get any simpler,oh,and if your making deviled eggs,the day before you make them,use a cake pan and add water at least half way up the eggs and let them sit in the fridge overnight before boiling,this allows the yolk settle itself and makes a very nice presentation.

  10. Seem’s like some people (boil) when passing on info,for many of us there is a normal way,that is truly not rocket science.oh,almost forgot to mention on my tip for eggs when deviling them,letting them set over night on there sides in water centers the yolk and makes a even wall.

  11. I really enjoy your. presentations, Brian, they are not only informative but entertaining. In the past, I, too, have had bad experiences with peeling boiled eggs, so I googled the best way to peel boiled eggs, and watched a video of a chef who imparted the same directions you just shared. Since I have employed this method I have had consistent success in. peeling boiled eggs. I also like to have limited onion and some crunch ( I use celery because it is a favorite of my husband's)….Thanks again, Brian, for your entertaining instructions.

  12. The trick to easy peel eggs is immediate cold water bath after boiling. Salt in water helps also

  13. I love a good egg salad recipe, but the minute I saw apple, I was like….nah! But I'm a person who prefers an herby, bright, egg salad that has plenty of green bits. Would I taste it if someone else made it…yes. Would I make this myself…no.

  14. Also, one thing I usually do before the ice bath is drain the eggs of the hot water, kinda bang em up against each other and get some cracks started, before I drop them into the ice bath.

  15. Please can you make more videos on salads one can have on toast like with ham and chicken etc🙂Thank you for all your great videos. Gonna try this one now!

  16. STEAM cook your eggs. DON'T boil them. 15 minutes for six eggs or 17 minutes for a dozen. Your life will be changed! Trust me. They will peel easy and will be perfectly cooked.

  17. You got it all wrong. Never use mayo with egg salad, always use miracle whip, no onions apples or celery, just a little sweet relish to taste and done. You people over complicate this stuff. No toasted bread just good white bread is all.

  18. Hey Brian….. it's Brian here.
    Have you ever tried this while making hard-boiled eggs?
    Hot water, of course
    6 minutes in covered
    6 minutes un covered
    4 to 5 minutes in ice water
    Works incredible! Easy shell peel and literally comes in two sections.

  19. I recommend putting the salad in the fridge for at least 4 hours or next day is ideal. The flavor is better because in the fridge everything marinates & just tastes better. Before U eat it let it reach room temp & enjoy.

  20. poke a hole in the fat end of the egg before adding to the boiling water. Also you add to boiling water because water that's boiling is a known temperature. 212 degrees F. If you want soft boiled, seven and a half minutes. Hard boiled, ten minutes. The hole in the fat end, (use a thumb tack) let's the air out of the egg so the shell doesn't crack. Drain the boiling water and rinse under cold. Eggs left hot have green yokes.

  21. Looks like a good technique for hard boiling eggs. after watching the video I felt like this video was not targeted to an adult like myself, but was made to show a 6 year old how to hard boil eggs.

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