Caring for a clean vegetable garden, Mustard greens and Harvesting kohlrabi | free life
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What is your daily joy? For me, waking up and doing what I love is my happiness. Some of you will feel that life in the village is very difficult and boring. But if you are suffocating in a crowded, dusty, polluted urban place. Perhaps a peaceful countryside with fresh air is probably the dream, right? Then watch my video, I will give you a relaxing feeling by sharing about daily life in the countryside. Just like today ! I wake up early in the morning to go to my vegetable field, take care of the vegetables and harvest kohlrabi to bring to the market. The market was not too crowded, but I was happy because I sold all my vegetables so quickly. After that, I continued to return to the field to harvest kohlrabi leaves and cabbage leaves to feed the pigs and return to take care of livestock. Peaceful life goes by day by day!!!

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  1. in inverno ho paura della neve perchè anche se ti copri bene ti fà gelare i piedi qui per le labbra vendono una specie di tubetto che sembra rossetto ma è bianco trasparente a base di cera di api protegge le labbra si chiama BURROCACAO qui lo vendono in farmacia, se poi la temperatura scende sotto zero allora ci vuole calzettoni di lana x i piedi, maglia della salute fatta di cotone dentro e lana fuori da mettere sulla pelle + guanti di lana + sciarpa e cappello di lana x la testa e le orecchie e se vai a sciare la salopette e scarponi da montagna ciao tanti auguri

  2. Use hand cream my dear, use hand cream. Every time you washed your hand use hand cream. It will prevent your hands from drying up and cause it to be rough and chapped. Use it as many time as you can. If you have chapped lips use lip balm.

  3. Я зимой пользуюсь детским кремом, а зимы у нас суровые до – 40. Вечером перед сном смазывают лицо и руки, иногда ноги до колен тоже смазываю кремом. Я очень много использую детского крема.

  4. Bom-dia lieu nos aqui no Brasil estamos na primavera já no final muita chuva calor o calor aqui no meu estado e de 25 a30 graus da pra superar o frio este ano não foi tão forte nos dias mais baixo foi de 5 a 8 graus este ano não de geada estamos e novembro hoje 22 jaja chega o Natal eu amo meu pai estamos plantando milho feijão hortaliça está e a nossa época de plantio é vocês o que planta no inverno que bom que você vende tudo rapidinho os vitianamitas come muitos vejetais nao e? Grande abraços e fica com Deus 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  5. ho notato che i maiali sono diventati belli grossi, quando pensi di venderne qualcuno? qui in Italia è la stagione della vendita dei maiali grandi da macello, ci fanno salami, con cosce e spalle i prosciutti crudi e prosciutti cotti, +il capocollo la mortadella (mischiando anche carne di mucca e asino) poi i piedi si fanno bollire e si mangiano con fagioli bianchi bolliti del maiale non si butta via nulla anche le ossa servono per fare le colle naturali

  6. Hi sweetie ❤ I'm having sensitive skin issues I am are same you yeah because of winter season are coming cold so I do use wear shoes and warm clothes so I hope you had great work hardly ❤❤❤❤❤❤ 🤟🤗

  7. di wilayah saya cuacanya masih kemarau belum ada pertanda perubahan cuaca,air bersih juga sedikit kekurangan

  8. Egy más megoldást ajánlok. Hajtsd ki a malacokat a káposzta földre és nem kell többet káposztára gondolni. hihihi. Hungária

  9. Another reason to harvest the old leaves from the cabbage plants is that if you get good rains whilst the plants have lots of old leaves, the old leaves retain water and if you get a hot sunny day shortly after the rains, the sun will heat up the retained water and cook you cabbage plants , so they are not able to be sold. You are a very good farmer and the market place buys your products quickly because they know and can see they are freshly harvested. I enjoy your video's but one day you will have to tell us long standing viewer's, how your cinnamon trees are progressing it must be two years since you planted them, hope they are growing strong and healthy.

  10. Hello lieu ผักคุณงามมาก อากาศทางบ้านคุณจะหนาวกว่าไทยเพราะอยู่ใกล้จีน ไม่รู้ผมจะพูดอะไรกับคุณ ดูคุณมีความสุขกับงานของคุณ ok.bye.(fc.thailand)​

  11. Chào bạn, ở đây cũng mùa đông, 0 độ, bạn lo lắng da nứt nẻ, hãy thử bôi trơn những chỗ này bằng dầu dừa, da trở nên mịn màng, dầu dừa cũng là loại dầu chiên tốt cho sức khỏe nhất.

  12. Selamat malam lieu sehat selalu dan bahagia tetap semangat dan bersyukur waw lg panen lg semoga jualannya laris manis 👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏

  13. Добрий вечір. У вас завжди такі зими? У нас наприклад сьогодні уже мороз -10, сніг лежить. Холодно. А у вас ще овочі ростуть. Ми , починаючи із жовтня місяця і по квітень місяць на огороди не ходимо. Ми відпочиваємо. А у вас, як я подивлюся цілий рік працюєте у полі. Вам навіть ніколи відпочити. А щоб губи не тріскалися, купіть гігієнічну помаду і завжди мажте губи. А шкіру треба мазати дитячим кремом. Я завжди так роблю. Допомогає.

  14. Ola Lieu que lindo está seu campo muitos legumes e vegetais crescendo rápido !! Vai ter bom lucro , Parabéns moça valente use bastante hidratante na pele , nós aqui no Brasil costumamos usar cacau ou protetor labial que dá no mesmo!!! Abraço 🤗🥰❤❤🌺🌺 há antes q me esqueça seus porcos estão lindos lindos 😍

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