Hello and welcome to Old Ways Gardening and Prepping.🍀 Would like to welcome you each in to the kitchen with me on this beautiful hot day. Today we are going to talk about a very old traditional way of preserving lemons.

Yes I know it will sound weird to a lot of people if using this method but they turn out amazing when done right. When they are finished being preserved a little of the lemon goes a long way in any recipe they are used in. They are delicious to put in to chicken, rice, fish and so many more recipes.

Below is the basic ingredients that I used to preserve the lemons. It’s not hard to do just take your time and get as many lemons as you can in to your jar.

Moroccan Preserved Lemons

Kosher salt (do not use any salt that contains iodine or anticaking agents)

Hope this video encourages you to also try your hand at making these delicious preserved lemons. If you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comment section below I will answer them as soon as possible. Everyone take care and have a blessed day. ❤🍀🦉

Teresa 🦉

#moroccanpreservedlemons #persianpreservedlemons #shedwarsglobalgardeninghomesteading #alittlegoesalongway #shedwars #shedwars23A

You can check my merchandise out at the link below. All profit from sales goes back in to helping me buy cattle panels and praying to have a small greenhouse one day.


You can contact me through email at:


Old Ways Gardening and Prepping
Teresa Horn
P.O. Box 1587
Millington, TN 38083

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All videos are made and edited by me Teresa Horn.


  1. Those lemons look beautiful – I made these also this past March when I found a great lemon sale. They are so good

  2. Thanks! Yes, my daddy fermented many things in a huge crock that belonged to my Grandma. The sauerkraut was my favorite.
    And btw, our bodies NEED salt to survive. We've surely lost our way…
    Great video.

  3. It was a way to keep salt too
    You just add salty food to your other non salty food it would even out
    Salt preserves and cleanses
    Much needed
    But we were more active and drank more water as well as fresh nibbles
    Much love xoxox

  4. Careful what store bought lemons you use to pickle with skins on with Gate’s new pesticide/fungicide coatings on the market now! You don’t want to eat that coating. Read labels carefully!!! Should use organic/home grown lemons.

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