Discover how Italians pair and combine long pasta shapes with sauces. With more than 300 pasta shapes in Italy, the key to the ideal dish lies in the harmony between pasta and sauce. We’ll tell you about the 4 types of “pasta lunga,” or long pasta, there are and the general pairing rule for each.

1) Long pasta without a hole like capelli d’angelo, spaghetti, vermicelli, spaghettoni, and more.

2) Long pasta with a hole like bucatini, ziti, and more.

3) Flat long pasta like linguine, pappardelle, tagliatelle, fettuccine, lasagne, and more.

4) Long pasta with a square section like strangozzi and chitarra.

Watch as we unfold the secrets to perfectly paired long pasta dishes, a staple of Italian cooking.

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Thanks for watching the video How to Choose and Combine the Right Sauces for Long Pasta | Italian Homemade Cooking


  1. What Fassbinder film is it? The one-armed man walks into a pasta shop and says: "What pasta expresses days go by, and they just keep going by endlessly, pulling you into the future. Days go by endlessly, endlessly pulling you into the future. And the florist says: Gigli.

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