I saved some pumpkins from this fall. Freshly picked pumpkins are relatively moist, but the caramel flavor is not strong enough. After storing the pumpkins for 1-2 months, you will I found the flavor has been doubled. This leftover pumpkins are especially good for making pumpkin pot rice. I can have two bowls of it for a meal. It can be made in 10 minutes when using leftover rice in the refrigerator. This is a good way to use up some overnight dishes.
每年 8 月南瓜盛产的时候我都会屯几个留到秋天做南瓜饭,刚摘的南瓜水分比较足,焦糖味还不够浓郁,试着把新摘的南瓜放置1-2个月,你会发现风味倍增了不少,特别适合做南瓜箜饭,真的能吃个两大碗,这次依然是下班快手一人食主题,利用冰箱的隔夜饭就能 10 几分钟做出来,而且很好吃,是消耗隔夜饭的好办法。

蜜本南瓜 250g Butter Pumpkin
红萝卜 半根 Half Red Carrot
鲜豌豆 80g Fresh Pea
香菇 2 朵 Two Shiitake Mushrooms
清水 50ml Water

岩盐 1/4 小勺 1/4 Tsp Salt
古法酱油 1 大勺 1 Tbsp Soy Sauce

Do not use too much water, otherwise it won’t have enough flavor.
Pay attention to the heat. When hearing the crack sounds, it means the dish is ready.

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My name is Chu and I am a vegan enthusiast, thanks for visiting my channel, I hope you enjoy it.

My philosophy is vegan dishes can be delicious! And I invite you to join me in making the world a sweeter place!

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  1. 师父告诉大家,一分钟可以做多少事情。你们现在天天受苦受难,你们想要改变自己却又没有时间念经。时间是挤出来的,利用有限的时间来改变人生,创造一个心灵世界!

  2. Thank you very much for all your videos, I love it so much. Makes vegan food so delicious and nutritious

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