1. Люблю ещё побольше соуса и сыра получается сочнее и помидорка👍

  2. In this video I have never seen people put sauerkraut on a burger very different and I would like to know where is this place because in NYC they would never do that and they would think that you are crazy

  3. Why don't they season anything?
    They didn't even season the French fries.
    Hamburgers, pork chops and french fries definitely need at least salt or salt and pepper, minimum.

  4. 做咩呀搵啲腸仔出嚟定驚呀阿新基誠孫梓楊咁多個台都同步呀嘛自己又唔撚記得好撚想過美國呀咁撚得意嘅啲景鴻移民呀點隊冧人話

  5. Это что за отстой ? Они там что, краковскую колбасу жарят. Бедное Чикаго – такие сиротские хот-доги

  6. Hate clickbait so won't be watching any more vids from this channel. Saw exactly ONE actual hot dog. WAY too greasy, and gotta wonder how many ppl broke their teeth biting down on the BONE-IN chops in a bun. Nty pass.

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