Turkish Simit Bread(original recipe.

“Our video takes you on a journey through the history and preparation of Turkish simit bread. This bread is made using simple ingredients such as flour, water, dough mixed with a combination of water and salt, and various other straightforward components. The baking method has been passed down through generations, preserving its significance to this day. Join us as we delve deeper into the vast and meaningful world of Turkish simit bread.”
“This recipe is incredibly simple, making it accessible for everyone to easily bake at home. With precise and complete instructions, you can enjoy freshly baked Turkish simit for all meals and snacks. Its abundant sesame coating adds a delightful crunch, making it a versatile and flavorful choice for any occasion.”

Ingredients :
500 g flour + 2_3 tbsp extra if needed
1 +1/4 cup water
1 tbsp suger
2 tsp salt
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp dry yeast

for the molasses sause:
1/4 cup water
2 tbsp molasses

** tsp(teaspoon)**tbsp( tablespoon)**

Dear friends,
💥be sure to watch the video until the end to see all the tips to make perfect and excellent bread💥

#shabnamz kitchen

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