Very quick and easy delicious cheese fondue. A great course for a small dinner party!

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Music: Chill Day by Lakey Inspired


  1. Great video… Thank you…I add a splash of Kirsch too… and sometimes add some bread that has been crisped up in the oven.

  2. white wine is hard to find in my area, could you recommend any alternative non-alcohol liquid ? Thanks

  3. OMG … transported memories to first high school real restaurant outing… what fun & yum!! 😋

  4. Tips: What Brits call “corn flour” is the same as corn starch here in the states. Another tip: Milliliter is not a weight it is a volume — but you knew that. Measure 200 grams of wine.

  5. Excellent Presentation!😍ThankS deeply for sharinG your Yummylicious Fondue recipe with uS!👍I learnt so muCh from you as your are a marvelous teacher!👍I haven't had a fondue since I divorced years ago…but it's time to brinG my Fondue Pot out of storage and get baCk to make awesome Fondues again!✌🙏😇🌹🔥🌹🥦🍄🥩🌹☕🍵☕

  6. You can actually add all the cheese at once to the wine. As Swiss i can tell you that people will most of the time do that instead of adding it gradually. Also, the most common fondue you can find is la "moitié-moitié" which is a half of Gruyère and a half of Vacherin, but emmental is great too. And for a final piece of advice the best way to eat it is with a loaf of bread that is one day old (but not baguette). Of course you can eat it with baguette, but it'll not be as tasty and as good that way 😉

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