Hey guys! #plantbased #vegan

Thanks so much for watching. In this video I show you all how I prepare my Vegan Fried Portabella Sandwich! This is a delicious Plant Based Fried Chicken Sandwich alternative! I also include a Vegan Chickfila Sauce.

Print Recipe: https://www.prettybrownvegan.com/single-post/fried-portabella-chick-n-sandwich

Purchase my ebook!: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=utmsmLQBQbg&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FIndulgently-Plant-Based-Sweets-Satisfy-ebook%2Fdp%2FB08JXK154V%2Fref%3Dsr_1_1%3Fdchild%3D1%26keywords%3Dshanequa%2Bboyd%26qid%3D1606759826%26sr%3D8-1&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnRzSUwyV0hDTGxYeDU3alRyQWFYWEFIUkE4d3xBQ3Jtc0tuN1VxbjRlX3hPb3JMM00xY0FvOS1oMzlPRm1rLU5RRlJ5ck9kWjlkLU9VZ0IwcWtxcWxUMkpud3NPR0VtemUzWDlWMktQU2FOWFZfdjVrSVB0QjVJQWgzSUI5UjFjV0ZQM0g5WnY5cnpacGZOX2k5Zw%3D%3D

Items used in making this video: www.amazon.com/shop/prettybrownvegan

For more recipes visit: www.prettybrownvegan.com

IG: instagram.com/prettybrownvegan


  1. This looks good but it's way too much. Sodium you put two of soy sauce, then you put Worcestershire. Then you put salt in the marinade. Then you come back with salt and pepper into the batter. That's just a lot of sodium

  2. Just found your channel. I am a vegan in progress. This video is going to go a long way in my journey. I just subscribed. Thank you.

  3. We plant based consuming people need to stop saying animal products names on our dishes. 😮 just call it’s a fried mushroom burger

  4. Looks delicious. A great way to make ur vegan meals healthy is to use spelt flour instead of white flour, gluten free buns, olive oil to fry or an airfryer, honey instead of agave and sea salt instead of iodized salt. tates just as yummy. Gonna try this for sure ❤

  5. Looks sooooo good😭😭😭I’m going to make the mushrooms with some rice and cabbage since I could find VG buns!

  6. Heard this from Steven 'Teban' Tabora. "Mushroom hear, Mushroom dare, Mush; Mush; Mush (Mushroom 'ere Mushroom they're Mushroom dare Mushroom here Mushroom eeer Mushroom hear!!!) 😶

  7. Okra plays as a good binder, with minimal taste from the gel..
    That's if you choose to avoid soy and potato products

  8. Yummmm, Yaaas PretttBrown, afterall we aint African NOR black blank bland bleak bleach blond Blanco blanc blackout bla bla bla Websters Dic we be Indigenous American INDYHN!!!

  9. I made these for dinner tonight. They were really crispy and tasty, though I will use less salt next time. But… as the mushrooms were frying they began to weep and when I turned them over in the oil I had a major eruption because all of the liquid ran out into the oil. Do you think there is a way to pre-weep the mushrooms so they are not so liquid or maybe not add the water to the marinade? Any ideas? I have two more mushrooms and will try again tomorrow night. I should add that I used JUST EGG and Pamela's Gluten Free flour for the egg and flour. Maybe I might try to mix the egg and the flour mixture together to make a batter?? Just thinking out loud. Thanks for the recipe.

  10. What’s the point of vegan seriously? Frying anything is a no go you should just eat the normal processed food

  11. So I was searching for some portobella mushroom recipes and came across your channel! Two words, love it! I'm about to try this chicken recipe out and I will definitely be watching more videos!

  12. I just tried this and it's pretty good. I should've let it dry a little more before I put it in the egg marinade because the middle came out tasting a little too succulent like fat but still delicious. Of course I did my seasonings my way. But it think it'll go great with a po boy. Thanks 👍

  13. She cooks with too much sodium and you're never supposed to marinate mushrooms in liquid. It makes them waterlogged. I'll pass. 🤮🤮🤮🤮

  14. To any new vegans watching this make sure the Worcestershire sauce you use is vegan, most aren't because it includes anchovies. Having said that, I've made this a couple of times and it's very good.

  15. Hello to the one in the background..VEGAN =non dairy and meatless…thats why it's called Vegan Chicken sandwich..stay in thy own lane😊

  16. Nice recipe love to see more people working with mushrooms. Note: Worcestershire sauce is not vegetarian/vegan as it contains anchovies

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