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Used in this video:
Can’t Get Full on Fancy Apron
Salt and pepper holder
Spatula with Holes:
Skillet Handle Cover
Blue Enamel Plate

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Cast Iron Omelette

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Kent Rollins
Cowboy Cooking, Cast Iron, Outdoor Cooking, Grilling, Dutch Oven Cooking

Editing: Andy Mercs

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  1. That skillet handle holder looks nifty, if nothing more than a fancy sock. I never used one, but somehow last night after a couple drinks my nonstick pan managed to superheat its handle!

  2. I loved your video. I like cooking eggs like you do and also on an old iron skillet. I learned on the deer lease. However, you taught me some things that are brand new to make them even better. Like the lid, water, and the way you stirred it. I usually use a lot of bacon grease to splash on top to help ensure the yolk is cooked but still runny. Your way seems much better and also looks like it tastes better as well. Thank you.

  3. Yeah but how do you clean that nasty pen that you just showed us. We're everything stuck to it except for that little part of the egg. That's the problem with cast iron. I can cook everything. Why does everything stick to it

  4. Kent-this is Richard James from San Diego I just want you to know that you and your wife are my kind of people my mom and grandmother is from Little Rock my dad from Michigan but I have that country heart and that country blood and you folks are well-liked brother and sister to me love you both so much keep your eyes the cross.

  5. just finished eating. best fried egg ive personally ever made. delicious. im new to cast iron

  6. Carbon Steel is 100 times better. It's a smooth surface, so it doesn't need butter/fat. Just a few drops of healthier olive oil. Doesn't need water and doesn't need a lid unless you want one.

  7. I tried this today, and my eggs turned out perfectly. I used bacon fat instead of butter, and they were great. Thank you so much, I've been a little intimidated by cooking eggs in my cast iron pans, but not anymore.

  8. Loved this thanks for the tips and tricks!! Been using a cast iron exclusively, because I have parrots and non-stick is a death sentence woooo so learning to use this skillet for everything 🙌

  9. A pair of over easy into a bowl of grits with some bacon and toast and there’s something that will last till lunch time

  10. You actually don't even need to flip it. Just let it cook exactly the way you've done it here but leave the lid on until the top gets a white film. Then they're done and done perfectly over medium😁

  11. I love everything about this video including the chicken dance. Thank you for the tutorial in hope to cook the perfect fried egg in a cast iron skillet.

  12. You must be from Oklahoma, my stepdad was from Oklahoma and he used to chop up his over easy egg before eating it!

  13. Question for anyone who might have an answer, assuming there actually is an answer. My grandad used to crush up a couple of saltines and mix in with his fried eggs. He died before I knew that it wasn't a normal thing, so I never asked why he did it, but I picked up the habit. People look at me funny and comment when I do it, so I wonder if this was just something he did for no reason other than he liked it, or if it had something do do with the Great Depression. Does anyone know anyone else that does this and why?

  14. Do you have a video on how to make a lot of fried eggs quickly? We have a large family and it takes too long with such a small pan.

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