So excited for a family cooking show on Sunday! Bruce Somers Jr. and Caroline Arminio Somers are coming up to Malibu and we are cooking some of our favorite comfort foods! There will be a great sale too, but you probably guessed that! 😘



  1. Awesome, another lovely video
    Suzanne and Caroline both look gorgeous here
    Gotta love when Bruce films, along with Al’s witty banter
    As a fellow Italian, I appreciate this video 🙂

  2. Love Suzanne and her lovely family. Do you know when this video was recorded? I assume this is her Malibu house.

  3. I love parmesan cheese I eat too much and it will give you a headache. So anytime you have a headache ask your self if it could be something you are eating. It's possible

  4. Thank you so much Caroline for posting these, please keep her alive, honestly she has so much wisdom and knowledge, I look up to her so much now that I watched so many videos…she is cool is cool as hell and she knows about health and she knows about keeping our bodies sacred, that woman was sacred………

  5. This is an older video every one looks younger. Omg. Suzanne is playful. She plays lol. All day she does. However nonetheless she is still Suzanne very adorable here

  6. Have tossed out my dish soap, face and body wash, shampoo and all things SLS. thanks to Suzanne. I’ve replaced my face wash with her products. I’m not done yet but it’s a start.

  7. What an absolute blessing Suzanne is! Beautiful, inspirational, knowledgeable, caring, amazing cook… These family dinners are so much fun!! Thanks for sharing!!❤

  8. She’s so real and we so miss that in our world today. I can’t even think of her in past tense. She’ll forever live in our hearts❤

  9. I had 2 root canals last week and let me tell you it was not fun. But it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. That being said, I don’t want to have another one. Isn’t Bruce cute? Suzanne did a beautiful job raising him.

  10. Caroline looks so cute in her jeans, tank and white shirt. But what’s with those ugly block heel shoes? She cooks in those? Oh come on…

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