#카페음료 #복숭아 #복숭아아이스티

::자세한 과정 설명은 자막 설정에서 한국어를 선택해 주세요

:: 설정에서 품질 1080P 60으로 선택하시면 더 나은 화질로 보실 수 있어요

맛있는 복숭아를 이용한 음료를 만들어 봤어요^^
복숭아 콩포트를 만들어 아이스티와 인도에서 즐겨먹는 요거트 음료인 라씨를
복숭아를 이용해 만들었어요.
라씨는 생 복숭아를 넣었는데 복숭아 콩포트를 넣어도 맛있어요^^
콩포트를 넣으실 때에는 당도가 있을 수 있으니 꿀을 레시피에서 빼시면 되요~

:: 재료
[복숭아 아이스티]
복숭아 400g
물 250ml
설탕 170g
얼그레이티 2g
뜨거운물 100ml
차가운물 100ml

[복숭아 라씨]
복숭아 300g
우유 50g
플레인요거트 130g
꿀 1T
레몬주스 1T

::영상이 좋으셨다면 구독과 좋아요 눌러주세요~
여러분의 관심이 제 영상제작에 큰 힘이 됩니다~!!^^

Blog https://blog.naver.com/syno7
Instagram https://instagram.com/cafe_jiny

Let me introduce two recipes for peach drinks. I’ll make a drink using a hard peach. Wash the peaches clean and ready. Peel the peach, please. Cut except for the seeds of the peach. Cut the peach into small pieces. Put water and sugar in the pot. Add the skin of the peach.

Mix with spatula to dissolve sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer for another 3 minutes. Take out the skin of the peach. Bring to a boil until peaches are transparent. It’s done when the peach is clear and there’s not much moisture left. Please put peaches in a sterilized glass bottle.

Cool enough and store in refrigerator with lid closed. Please prepare your favorite Earl Grey tea. Add hot water to tea and simmer for 5 minutes. Five minutes later… Please use it after it gets cold. Please put peaches and ice in the cup. I’ll put in Earl Grey tea.

I’m going to make peach Lassi. Remove the skin of the washed peach. I’ll cut it with a knife and remove the seeds. Cut the peach horizontally and vertically with a knife. If you twist it with both hands, you can remove the seeds. Add peach and milk to blender.

It’s plain yogurt, an essential ingredient in Lassi. Add honey and lemon juice and grind finely. If you run the blender for a long time, you can bubble it up. Lassi needs bubbles to make it taste better. The delicious peach drink is ready. Thanks for watching.^^


  1. These videos are so relaxing. The time and care that goes into everything you make are just ….wonderful!

  2. i think they are way too much sugar because when i tasted it there were too much the presence of sugar even if downed to 160g, i think only 30g would be perfect so we can have the tea and peach flavor and also double the tea (my english is very bad i know)

  3. 안녕하세요 제주입도9년차 유투법니다
    제주도생활궁금하시죠? 보러오세요~^^

  4. 영상 넘 이뻐서 시간이 금방 흘러가요.. 리얼 복숭아 아이스티 정말 맛있겠어요😋👏🤗

  5. Lassi is an traditional Indian drink. We make mango lassi and much more. Hundreds and hundreds of years of making lassi in Indian households ❤️🥰

  6. Настоящие спелые персики не должны хрустеть, как яблоки. Их мякоть мягкая, сочная и нежная. Жаль, что людям приходится употреблять в пищу модифицированные продукты.

  7. 매장에서 도전할려고 하는데 복숭아 껍질과 복숭아 내용물 각각 어느정도 뜨거운 물에 삶나요?

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