Let’s cook!
Hey cousins! we’re doing something a little different this week, I found this Mediterreanean Cod recipe from a creater on Instragram Asili Glam and I thought let’s try this! Lol If yall try this at home let me know you like it.

Here’s the link to Asili Glam’s instragram maybe yall can enjoy some more recipes from her.

Here are the ingredients I used:

4 fresh cod fillets
1/3 cup flour
1 tsp lemon pepper seasoning
1 tsp cajun seasoning ( I used old bay)
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp rosted garlic paste
1 large shallot, finely chopped ( I used red onions couldn’t shallots )
1 cup ripe cherry tomatoes, halved
2 tablespoons capers
2 cups fresh spinach leaves
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
5 ounces of white wine or chicken broth
2 tbsp butter
Lemon wedge for garnish if desired

Here’s the link to her recipe:

Mediterranean Cod

What’s up y’all what’s up this is and perfectly n NE I am back officially it looks like I’m back on YouTube right now because I’m posting old Vlogs but I’m officially back actually vlogging cuz I haven’t vlogged in like two or 3 weeks cuz we’re not going to talk about that

But welcome to today’s V Vlog I am so excited I know in all my Vlogs I’ve been sharing a little cooking like me cooking trying recipes and stuff like that but we’re going to make this Vlog I was just thinking about this and I was just like

You know what well it’s not a vlog we’re going to make this Vlog whatever we’re going to make this Vlog a the beginning to my cooking segments I’m not a I don’t know how to well I don’t say I don’t know how to cook but

Like I’m not a chef yes that’s the way to put it I’m not a chef however I love one of things I love love love love to do is try new recipes so I’m going to take you guys along with me as I try random recipes I don’t know how often

I’m going to do them but I’m going be dedicating videos just to trying recipes um that I find on Instagram that I find on Pinterest or Google like wherever I find recipes I’m going to share it here and sometimes I like to call it like you

Know I nigh nigh it up and that means basically I tend to not follow the recipes that I find like or I just put my own feel to it so I just call so sometimes I basically just say I N it up but anyways so welcome to the

First segment or okay first segment that’s what we’re not calling it segment recipe segment of um me just trying random recipes right so today let me get my phone so I as you guys know I’ve been try I’m trying to um my best to lose um to lose weight and

But in doing so I’m going to try to make it fun this time and not restrict myself and basically just have fun with it I’m going to MEK prep but this week happened to be the week where I didn’t mil prep fully I have two new fish salad prep but

That’s not enough for me to eat so I need something for dinner it’s 6:00 I need to I’m also trying trying not to eat past 8:00 so we need to it’s 6:00 right now so we need to get this food started I need to eat it by at least by

7:30 so that only gives us an hour and a half to cook this this is called Hold on let me grab I should have I had this open and then I lost it hold on hold on so y’all this is called mediterian Cod so I don’t know if you guys know

Mediterranean food happen to be like the most healthiest food for us to eat in general because well it just has a lot of vegetables it’s most of the time less than sodium is what I read my friend knows a nutritionist and he told me that it’s supposed to be the most healthiest

Food for us to eat okay so this is how it looks I don’t know if you guys could see I am going to I’mma pop I’mma pop it right here I’mma pop it right here but this is the mediterian Cod it is I got it on Instagram her name and I’m I’m

Going I’m going to put her link too to her um Instagram um Channel um but her name is I see I see Glam I see Glam so anyhoo this is where this is what we’re going to make so it’s one fresh cot fi o let me get the

Recipes in front of you so let me put you guys okay let me put you guys right here okay so you ready so we’re going to get four fresh Cod felet this is this is about a pound and a half of cod so this is going to be good for me

To eat for me to have tomorrow she also has lemon pepper seasoning let me I thought I had everything out okay rub okay let me I’ll be right back let me find all the seasoning okay so I’m back all right so oh one second I better have this flower up in

Here okay all right okay so so we I don’t know if I mentioned but this is the pound of cod flour allpurpose flour I think this will be enough Cajun seasoning this is old based seasoning it’s Cajun so I’m assume it’s Cajun right okay so we got

That what else is the recipe calling for salt and pepper to taste we have that what in the world sorry so here’s our pepper and our salt is here somewhere I know I said I was going to be back and I was going to have all my recipes that didn’t happen

Anyways salt and pepper to taste lemon pepper seasoning Mrs Dash this is good cuz we already have salt and I’m you know trying to reduce my sugar reduce my salt so Mrs Dash is really it’s pretty good for us ooh we lost the recipe sight yeah this is better okay all right

So so it also asked for lar shallot I couldn’t find I went to Whole Foods I just got back from Whole Foods by the way before I started this Vlog I couldn’t find charotte and I didn’t feel like I’ve been wearing it all day today

So I was just like I’m just going to leave that so I’m going to use red onions so hopefully that’s good I have a pack of fresh spinach I just got and I’ve never used this before but this is called non parley Capers I don’t know if you guys can see

It I don’t know if you guys have tried it but this is my first time trying this so we’ll see how it Blends and how the flavor on flows with the food I have olive oil what else I have lemon juice and then it asks for white wine um or

Chicken broth so I think we’re going to use both I got this Savon blon I don’t even know if you call it cooking wine but we’re going to try it and I also have Shard Chardonnay too can you guys see it let’s see Focus the focusing yeah okay so we’re

Going to do that and it also said lemon and then 2 tablespoon of butter so that’s everything let me put this away all right so that’s everything that I got so we’re going to get started on my oh and I got this broth base a friend of mine gave gave

Me I don’t know where where you get this from but we’re going to try this too it has sea salt in it that’s good okay so okay I need to get my flower I need to get my flower and cod so we got to wash the Cod

First oh sh I already started I already did this but we’re going to start we’re going to do this from start to finish this is my first episode Segment of me cooking so I just tidied up now I’m going to clean the Cod and yeah so so I got this Cod from Kroger’s let’s clean the Cod real [Applause] quick fishy All right so I don’t know if I showed it earlier but fish is like stinky so I’m going to always be washing my hands so that’s that all right so let me grab this here and okay I think I don’t even I think I’m going to be eating past 8:00

Honestly it’s already 6:31 okay so she says season and flour the cod filet then s it in olive oil for 2 minutes per side and remove it remove and set it aside okay let’s get the flour why am I doing this on a Tuesday night I don’t know I feel like I

Treat I feel like I treat my week dayss as if it’s a school day but I find it I think it’s funny that I do that but let me move you guys over here cuz we’re going to put the flower on here we’re going to put the flow on

Here I need more room man I can’t I wish I could show this better like I’m not showing it yall can’t even see me all right like now you guys look crooked hold on okay all right so I guess the best way to do it is I can’t like

Talk and show cuz I need my phone my phone could have been the other thing like filming okay anyways this is my first time doing this maybe another time we’ll have another a better way to do it but so we’re going to put the flower on here

And then we’re going to season It season it but she didn’t put she didn’t say says then olive oil press side blah blah blah blah when do you add the seasoned lemon juice seasoning garlic paste and capers blah blah blah blah gentle Skillet blah blah blah blah blah blah

Blah season this black pepper recording blah blah blah blah hello I mean I know how to cook so I’m just going to assume like we’re going to put the seasoning in the flour and then cook the Cod and I have this weird Haitian urge to put a

Piece in this cuz I’m just like there’s no a piece and my aunt my cousin sent me my aunt’s apiece like I didn’t have to make try to make the apiece recipe and it’s so good if you if you guys are not Haitian apiece is um a Haitian seasoning that

All haian use when they’re cooking is literally the staple to our um food and I have this Asian urge to put it in to marinate my cod with it we’re going to follow the recipe for one in our lives na ne for one time in our lives we’re going to try to follow

The recipe if it ain’t good just know it’s because it doesn’t have a piece in it okay I’m just going to put the what I’m going to do is she doesn’t say what seasoning you put in the flour so I’m just going to assume that you put the

Cajun seasoning in the flour and you put the lemon pepper seasoning in the Flour W So we just got done all let me just take it like this so we just got done breading the Cod so now I have the oil in the pan here heating up I don’t know if you guys could see that well so I have that heating up for

Right now as we as I wait for it to heat up I’m going to cut The okay let me see if you guys can see me better so let to see okay so oo sorry all right so I’m going to cut the tomatoes for right now these are some old tomatoes that I had o one fell whatever so these are some old tomatoes

That I had I don’t like you guys here like this let me okay this is better so I’m going to cut these Tomatoes up just so I can have and put them in this bowl here I got these this can you see o it’s

So light you guys can’t see it but I got this bowl from Walmart I feel like Walmart has been coming up with stuff lately all right I’m going cut them like this I’m going to cut them like this so you guys can see it so we’re going to cut the

Tomatoes I’m going to wash them first in halves she said to cut them in Hales so we’re going to do that since that I only have one cutting board so I have to cut it in the air like this so that’s what we’re doing while

This this is going to get hot real well soon and I think this this is a lot of cod for me for the rest of the week so which is good so what so with this sauce or this yeah I’m going to eat it with I didn’t even mention I’m going to

Eat it with this mediteran meditar Mediterranean um Tomatoes I mean potatoes dish that I got from where did I get this from Whole Foods I think I got this from Whole Foods can you guys see it is it too bright focus focus focus okay there we go yes okay

So I got this from Whole Foods and this what it looks like it has Peppers it has this butter in there oh and it has cheese I didn’t know that I feel like this got bad I’ve had it for a week so oh it smells good

Okay oh I think this might be ready let me get some water see it’s ready okay so I’m going to place it we’re going to place it you guys are going to see me place it okay you guys are on the stove right now so okay all righty

Oo o I don’t know if you guys can see the steam but it’s almost ready it’s like basically ready want place it this big one right here it’s is cett a seere for 2 minutes and then I’m going to place I’m place this small one right here I’m

Going to make it like this cuz I don’t think you guys can see it well okay So all right I know I said I’m on a diet and I’m over here cooking it with I’m over here cooking it with flour that’s because that’s the only thing I had if I had like a better flour type like a corn or like not a corn but

Like coconut or some some type of like plant-based flour I would have gotten that all right so we just placed that this one is so big this like this is so huge I feel like I shouldn’t have wasted that I should have cook made something else with that okay Girl all I think that was just 2 minutes ooh that’s how it looked in the video that’s how it looked in her video oh that side is not that okay got that golden brown to it so I’m going to I’m going to recook this side it doesn’t look like this the

Breading that’s was that fried so Woo Okay so that was the first batch it looks it looks good what do you guys think it’s nice and golden brown it’s not burnt I usually like my stuff more like more golden than this but I think this is pretty good that’s how she had

It and I saw her in her video oh this thing is going so I need I’m just putting this second one here in here I was F it it’s not sizzling that’s because I put it on a lower level so all right okay I can’t wait to see how this come

Out I hope it’s good I hope I like it it’s 6:49 I don’t think I am not y’all I don’t think oh sorry I don’t think I’m going to be done I don’t think I’m going to be done by I didn’t put the pepper in the seasoning we’re going to just we’re

Going to put this in there I don’t think I’m going to be done by why am I pouring it in this now I don’t think I’m going to be done by 6 7:30 it’s already 6:49 should I cook more potatoes I mean Tomatoes let’s do that while this is frying let’s cut more

Tomatoes Jesus and maybe cut oh I got to throw this flour away I don’t need it anymore crap I like to clean as I who likes to clean as they cook I love to clean as I cook so I’m like oh my gosh I need to clean this

Now cuz I hate I hate having a dirty kitchen it’s like my that’s one of my biggest pet peeve is having a dirty kitchen or coming home to a dirty kitchen that’s just like the worst feeling ever okay I’m going to flip I don’t know if it’s already been 2 minutes but I’m

Going to flip this I think this is what do you guys think is this is enough tomato for one girl I think I’m allergic to tomatoes anyways cuz it’s not good with my skin so got to relax on that okay we’re going to flip this

I’ve I feel like I haven’t eaten cot in a while nor have I cooked it I’ve never cooked it but I feel like I haven’t eaten it in a while so I just I feel like I don’t know how the texture is so I’m a little bit is this are you guys

Crooked are you guys crooked okay you guys were were crooked okay sorry sorry all Right I really wish I had a better kitchen that way it can like be easier cuz like the way my island is set up it’s very tricky so it’s like you have this and then you have this part here so it’s just like very it’s very very tricky

So it’s best to put you guys on the top part so you guys can see everything but then when I’m doing something down here there’s like no room to put you guys so you guys could see as I’m doing it like like see a whole view yeah it’s

Hard but one a day hopefully I’m not sure if I’m going to continue this lease but next year so but if I don’t hopefully we get like an apartment with a better a better Island I think I just burnt this one nope okay so I’m going to cook this one

A little bit longer cuz I don’t know if you guys could tell this one is a little bit more it has a lot more water and it’s a little bit more chunkier than the others so I’m like okay sorry y’all going to be moving around so many different ways doing this

I wish I had someone like showing but yeah I’m going to let this cook for a little bit longer because it’s a lot more chunkier than the other pairs of cod I don’t want to eat it if it’s not like fully cooked I like my food well

Well done I don’t care if it’s seafood or whatever it is it needs to be thoroughly thoroughly cooked and that’s what you guys are going to get with these Vlogs like you guys are going to have a very good warm well cooked meals fully cooked meat like

I’m I’m never going to try red meat it’s just it’s not going to happen but I can’t wait to see how this turn I can’t wait to see how this turned out cuz I know I I know I did a cooking Vlog before and like but I didn’t show

It in depth as as this or did I any did I I probably Did okay so that’s done oh we got to do the onions got to do the onions dude I feel like I was so tired like I got to say before I started this Vlog I I was feeling so tired and like like I was ready for bed

But okay sorry guys the video just automatically stopped I think I was recording way too long but yeah as I was saying yeah I was so tired earlier and now like I feel like I’m talking to people people I mean I am talking to people but it’s just I just feel a lot

More a weird random energy today like I worked oo hold on okay got to flip that again okay so I worked from I not work from home but I worked from the I worked in the office today but I had to leave early because I had a doctor’s

Appointment and I don’t know if you noticed but I had to draw some blood but yeah and then one thing about being in Texas it’s it’s not even just Texas just me in general as I hate to drive um well hate is a strong word I detest

Driving and driving for a long time and I was even I was even stuck in traffic for that long for that long but driving for like 30 minutes to 40 minutes wors me out and right after that I went to Hope food to get a little bit more ingredients for this

Recipe and I originally wasn’t going to film okay let okay so I origin I originally wasn’t going to film and then something just got on me to like just film it and and then all of a sudden I was just like you know what I’mma make this my first cooking

Series my first cooking series all right so that’s done we just cooked the Cod the next thing is okay so two minutes per side blah blah blah sauté shallots and tomatoes in the same skillet add oh I don’t want to use that Skillet we’re not using that Skillet I

Don’t want to use that Skillet okay let’s try this we’re going to use this pan I’m not using the skillet or or the that pan we’re going to use this pan it’s fresh and I think she I think she probably wanted us to use that because of the seasoning

From the the Cod but I scraped all of that off anyway so I’m just going to focus okay I’m just going to put it put the stuff that I scraped off of that pan and put it in there so the first thing I’m going to we’re going to do

Is she wants us to to sauté the shallots and the tomatoes I do not have shallot but I have the red onions that I didn’t peel it would have been nice if I peeled it and I’m going to make it fast so I’m just going to cut it right

Here I’m just going to cut it to the side right here just to make our lives quick and easy and pretty much like would you guys say the red onions The Red Onion are basically part of like the shallot family yeah Yeah Oh Okay it’s it’s all done all righty I can’t wait to eat this so what I’m going to say is I did put a little bit too much lemon juice so if you guys try this recipe be careful on the lemon juice cuz I wasn’t sure how much to put

And it doesn’t say in the recipe but just be careful how much lemon juice you put but other than that this is not the flavor I’m used to I’m more used to like you know more a little bit more and a little bit more it’s just it’s just different I I

Would you have to say it’s a very lemony very very citrusy I haven’t eaten cod in a long time I’ve only and I’m only telling you guys this is my first time taking a bite I’m only saying what I I tasted the sauce while I was

Cooking so let’s try it and eat it with some potatoes mhm mhm definitely definitely the flavors blend really well um the potato flavor and tomatoes yeah it’s good it’s good mhm Mhm so what was going to say is if you’re someone that like like a citrusy lemony taste this is definitely the recipe for you granted I used old based seasoning and her recipe called for um Cajun seasoning I’m pretty sure they’re the same thing but if they’re not make

Sure you find the seasoning that says Cajun seasoning other than that I feel like this was really good the only thing and this is my fault I put a little bit too much lemon in it but overall it is good I cooked this I’m pretty sure I cooked

The Cod for a pretty long time mhm so if you’re someone that likes fish try Cod it was it’s really good I like it I’m pairing um this dinner tonight with this poppy probiotic soda so it is pretty good it has literally 5 g of sugar 7 G of carbs overall 25

Calories which is good so okay all righty well I’m going to finish eating this thank you all for watching watching please you guys suggest any recipes that you guys find so I can try it I’m going to keep looking I love to eat I’m a big foodie

And I love to cook so definitely throw your suggestions out there and I will love to try um these recipes B Appetit Bye


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