Watch our full tutorial on making Neapolitan-style pizza at home:

Martin here in the studio today making our Neapolitan style pizza crust we’re using double zero flour it’s tender but it Puffs well in the oven it gives us that classic Neapolitan Edge crust let’s make some pizzas the Hallmark of this Neapolitan style is a puffy open Edge

Crust right because of the way we handled it and because of the good flour because of the hot oven um we’ve achieved that the beauty of pizza is that it’s a good bread dough topped with delicious toppings you can do anything from this mushroom pie with a hot pepper sauce to a classic

Margarita with a little bit of basil tomato sauce everything is delicious I love this pizza flour I love the way the edge crust Puffs y’all get out there and make some pizza this is our Neapolitan style pizza crust happy baking

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